Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1760: Harbor

Have they slept for 69 years?

Moreover, they have deviated from the course, the spacecraft has malfunctioned, and the jump engine cannot be used?

Amidst the "noisy" discussion, everyone's faces showed fear.

"Quiet, quiet..."

Wicks saw the changes in the expressions on everyone's faces, and he knew that he had to appease these people.

Under the loud voice of Wicks, everyone was quiet.

Wicks continued: "Although we cannot go home, we can still move forward. This is a good ship and our shelter. It can take us to our new home, and this home is not far away. In the star system, No. 1 has discovered a habitable planet. Two months later, we will be able to reach our destination. On this planet, we will take the first step."

Speaking of this, Wicks spoke slightly and ordered: "Now, we must act. The technician team immediately went to the warehouse to collect the corresponding equipment. A meteorite hit the spacecraft, and multiple cabins were damaged. You must repair it. Spaceships, repairing damaged places, and maintaining the equipment of various units. Before using them, you must debug them. Stawan, the mechanic team will be led by you."

One person stood up and waved: "Brothers in the mechanics team follow me, hurry up, get into action..."

Out of the five hundred people, about two hundred moved and left the restaurant under the leadership of Stawan.

After the technician team left, Wicks said again: "The research team, please return to your assigned work area. You must adjust your body and mind and prepare to disembark."

About a dozen people responded, turned and left the crowd, and walked out.

At this time, everyone was dressed in tight-fitting white dormant clothes, and the women looked slimmer and alluring.

But at this time, no one cares about gender, and no one cares about the beauty of women. In the face of life, there is nothing that cannot be ignored.

After the research team and the technical team left, only the defense team and capable people remained in the restaurant.

Looking at the rest of the people, Wicks said loudly: "Everyone, we don’t know what is welcoming us ahead, but it must be full of risks. We must work together to tide over the difficulties together. The members of the defense team will immediately wear yours. Equipment, patrol the colonial ship, find faults, and immediately report to me where there are abnormalities."

As soon as Wicks' words fell, about a hundred figures moved and walked out in groups.

There are only twenty-four people left, all of whom are capable, among which martial arts are the most.

Moving his gaze to a slim figure, Wicks said: "Miss Rose, I am very glad that you can board the Explorer 1 colonial ship. Here, you are the oldest. I hope you can serve as the captain of the capable. We need your strength."

Nodding lightly, Qiangwei took a step forward, turned and said to the abilities behind him: "You have no opinion, right?"

Of course they have no opinion. Among those with abilities, the strong are respected. At least in this person, no one will be Qiangwei's opponent.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Qiangwei smiled faintly and said, "Let's go..."

With that, Qiangwei nodded to Wicks, turned around and walked out. Behind her, a group of capable people followed behind her silently.

69 years?

Bringing a group of capable people to the area allocated by the "No. 1" AI, in her room, while wearing a white uniform, Qiangwei's expression was a little dazed.

These 69 years are really fleeting, and the memory of the reason for boarding seems to be blurred.

But at this moment, Qiang Wei remembered again.

It's an escape, it's not. She just wants to go to a new place and start again, forgetting everything in the past.

But can it really be forgotten?

At this moment, Qiangwei suddenly realized that she was too naive.

Upon learning that he had spent 69 years in the freezer, Qiangwei's first thought was him...

Laughing at herself, Qiangwei lost her troubles in her mind. Now, at this moment, she must concentrate and dedicate her strength to the 100,000 people in the colonial ship. This is her reason for boarding and her responsibility as a capable person.

Time flies quickly. In the universe, there is no day or night, only the passing of time.

In the dark universe, the huge Explorer 1 colonial ship is moving little by little, seemingly slow, but in fact it is very fast. Because of the vastness of the universe, the huge spacecraft looks very slow.

In front of the colonization ship, the star system is already close at hand, and the destination will arrive soon.

"How? How are these big guys?"

Getting closer to the destination, after a long wait, Wicks took Drey to the ship's No. 1 Harbor.

The so-called harbor is a hangar, but it has a direct exit, so it is called a harbor.

In the harbor, a group of technicians are busy, maintaining various equipment, vehicles...

The space of the harbor is very large, very vast, and there are huge guys docked on the smooth, mirror-like ground.

There are large-scale excavation equipment, engineering guards, various small vehicles, and the largest Hercules transport boat, totaling six.

Drilling from the belly of the Hercules transport boat, Stawan, with a black face, tapped the wall of the transport boat with a wrench in his hand, and said grinningly: "It has been 69 years. Although it is vacuum sealed, it has many places. They are all aging, but we can't toss them like we did when we were young. We only have six. Although there are many replacement parts, we must cherish and use them. Once these six transport boats are scrapped, we will not even have the ability to land on the planet. "

Nodding lightly, Wicks said solemnly: "This is indeed a problem, but we must check them carefully and try our best to be foolproof. We can't lose any transport boat."

With a grin, Stawan said heartily: "Don't worry, it's a military-type Hercules transport boat after all. It won't be so fragile. These guys are strong. As long as they don't hit the mountain, they don't have any flying in normal times. These six transport boats are all made of B-grade titanium alloy. How did you get these big guys?"

As a mechanic, Stawan naturally knows the preciousness of B-grade titanium alloys. Generally speaking, transport boats like these are only made of C-grade titanium alloys, which can save costs.

Regarding this question, Wicks just smiled and said: "Stavan, don't forget, this colonial ship belongs to the Soul Language Enterprise. What can't you get?"

"This is also..."

Stawan knew that, after all, Soul Language Enterprise had an official background, and it was natural to have some contraband.

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