Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1761: Trisolaris

"By the way, how is the ship repair work going on?"

These days, the technician team has not reported the repair work of the ship, which makes Wicks a little concerned.

Hearing the question by Wicks, Stawan smiled and said: "I was about to report to you, but I forgot, the meteorite hit a hole about two meters wide on the left side of the colonial ship. It penetrated three decks and passed through two freezer compartments. Fortunately, the power supply of the freezer compartment was connected. Although the freezer compartment was in a vacuum environment, the personnel in the freezer compartment were safe and sound. Only three hapless guys were destroyed by the meteorite. The death is very miserable. The external gap has been blocked, and the deepest transition engine compartment is considered finished. It seems that an explosion occurred not long ago. The entire transition engine was exploded. We want to repair it. We don’t have this technology. Without this ability, after all, the Jump Engine is a metaphysical technology in our eyes."

The answer to this was also expected by Wicks.

Number One had told him long ago that as for the explosion that jumped up the engine, it should have been caused when Number One stopped the jump engine.

Time passed bit by bit, and the exploration of the colony ship No. 1 was getting closer and closer to the target planet.

The universe is vast and beautiful, with dim stars, dazzling nebulae, and darkness and light coexist.

On March 21, 76 of the Imperial Calendar, the Explorer 1 colony ship entered an unknown star system.

This star system is very peculiar. It has a relatively young star. Many stars are close to the star. Only three planets are the farthest away from the star. The distances between these three planets are very close. They are like satellites of each other. They are surprisingly consistent in size, but in different colors.

One is azure blue, the other is earthy yellow, and the other is exhausted...

After several days of deceleration, the Explorer 1 that emerged from the depths of the universe slowly reached the orbit of the blue planet.

The darkness outside is no longer there, and the three distinctly colored planets are close at hand, and there is a white halo around the exhausted planet, which is very beautiful.

"It's so beautiful. Looking at it reminds me of the earth. I remember when we left the earth, looking at the earth from the universe, it was the same color, the same blue, the breath of life..."

"Maybe we will stop here and build a new home..."

The pace of advancement has stopped, looking at the beautiful planet outside the viewing window, all discussions sounded in Qiangwei's ears.

It is indeed beautiful. Just below them is the surface of the planet. Under the light of the stars, a halo can be seen, and the colors from the surface are also delightful, at least the planet does not look so barren.

"Miss Qiangwei, please go to the combat meeting room as soon as possible. There is an emergency meeting to be held, please go as soon as possible..."

The sound from the bracelet made Qiangwei withdraw her eyes from the window, then turned and strode away.

The target planet has arrived, and the time for action will follow.

In the combat meeting room, due to Wicks' call, a group of scientific researchers, Qiangwei, and defense officers gathered together.

"We have reached an unknown star system. In order to call it a better name, let's call this galaxy a trisolaris. The planet next to us is called a trisolaris. The three celestial bodies surround each other, and the primary and secondary are not visible. The name is also appropriate."

As the captain, Wicks is naturally qualified to name an unknown star system, and everyone has no objection.

Standing on the high platform, Wicks continued: "We have reached Trisolaris, and many of you should see it..."

As soon as Wicks' words fell, the screen behind him appeared, and a azure planet entered everyone's eyes.

Wicks continued: "We are still very unfamiliar with this planet. The first step is to conduct a preliminary exploration of it, analyze the planet's environment, gravity, oxygen content, and whether it can breathe directly. We must investigate clearly. Only after the investigation is clear can we proceed to the second and third steps until we have a firm foothold on this planet."

Speaking of this, Wicks looked slightly upright and said: "This surface exploration is led by Miss Rose, with Captain Drey as the deputy, and Dr. Karen. You are a geologist and a biologist. This exploration needs yours. help."

A middle-aged man in a white robe nodded and said: "It is just what I want. This is an earth-like planet, bigger than the earth. I am very interested in it."

Nodded, Wicks said in a deep voice: "This is our first exploration of Trisolaris. We don’t know what is on this planet. Once you leave the colony ship, you must be prepared to sacrifice I won't say much. Three hours to prepare, and three hours later, I will gather at No.1 Harbor."

The combat meeting ended in this way, and everyone dispersed to prepare before departure.

Qiangwei also returned to the area where the capable person was, preparing to select some personnel to land on the planet.

At the summoning of Qiangwei, more than twenty capable people gathered together.

"In the near future, we will make the first landing on Trisolaris. This time it is not a large-scale landing, but an exploration. It does not require too many people, only three people..."

As soon as Qiangwei's words fell, many capable people were eager to try. This was the first time landing on a strange planet, and they were naturally interested.

As capable people, the spirit of adventurousness is deeply rooted, and they won't be afraid at this time.

"Let me go, I am a psionicist, and I have the ability to release psionic lightning. Even wearing protective clothing will not affect my abilities."

The first person who volunteered was a young man who seemed very interested in landing on the planet.

"Count me, I am a martial artist, and now I have blue energy, which should be a boost to the exploration team."

The second person who volunteered was a middle-aged man with a rough look.

The last...

"Don't fight with me. I'm a mind-powered person, and I should be more helpful to explorers. This last one is my responsibility."

The last person was a girl, younger, with long black hair, very supple.

Seeing that the staff has been confirmed, Qiang Wei said: "Just the three of you, let's go, and follow me to the No. 1 Harbor to meet others."

Psionic du Lai, martial artist Li Chengwen, mindful Chen Xin, and Qiang Wei, these four are the entourage of the exploration team.

When Qiangwei came to No. 1 Harbor with a group of capable people, all the people on the trip were already there.

Some technicians and soldiers from the defense team are moving supplies to a Hercules transport boat.

Soon, the materials were ready and the personnel began to board the ship...

The fifty-meter-long transport boat is still very large, and the internal space is wide enough. Because it is an exploratory type, multiple cabins have been modified, and the cabins are isolated and sealed, which can eliminate some risks.

Twenty heavily armed soldiers, four capable people, and one scientific researcher are members of this exploratory team.

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