Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1762: Sign in

"Everyone, sit down, here is the No. 1 boat driver "Taylon", ready to set off..."

Outside, the bay door of Port One has been opened, and the transport boat will enter the passageway, and then leave the bay door and leave the colonial ship.

On the orbit, the huge Explorer 1 colonial ship was suspended quietly, and a transport boat sailed out of the harbour on the side and flew rapidly toward the surface of the planet, driven by the plasma engine at the tail.

"It's about to enter the atmosphere, please fix your body, there will be some shaking, this is normal, please don't worry..."

As soon as Tyronn's words fell, the transport boat shook violently and shook violently.

Outside, the transport boat has been shrouded in flames and turned into a fireball...

Fortunately, it only lasted more than ten seconds, the firelight disappeared, the jitter disappeared, and everything returned to stability.

Outside, the clouds are approaching, and the earth is looming...

Unfastening the seat belt, Qiang Wei left the seat and came to the cockpit.

Behind her, there was also with Drey, the captain of the defense team.

At this time Drey, and Qiangwei, had already put on a silver protective suit.

The protective clothing is not bloated, the inner layer is made of special fibers, but the outer layer is metal armor, which makes the two of them look like robots, full of metal texture.

The mask is transparent, and you can see the face inside, which can tell who is in the protective suit.

Looking at the endless sea of ​​clouds outside, Qiangwei asked, "How do you feel?"

While driving the transport boat, Tyron said: "The gravity should be higher than the earth. According to the indicator, it is about 1.5 times. The wind outside is very strong, the wind has reached 7.5, and the temperature is continuing as the altitude drops. rise."

Outside, as the transport boat lowered its height, the clouds pounced on its face, and the transport boat entered a white world.

"Don't worry, the radar is online and the terrain has been scanned. We are now at an altitude of three kilometers. Soon..."

Before he finished speaking, the scenery outside suddenly changed, the white world disappeared, and the line of sight became vast.

What caught the eyes of the three of them were the black mountains, steep walls, and high mountains straight into the sky. The rocks were bare and black.

In the valley, the transport boat flew slowly and flew farther.

Seeing this scene, the alien scene, everyone was silent.

Soon, when the transport boat flew over a high mountain, a more magnificent scenery caught everyone's eyes.

Forest, endless forest, green, and other colors...

A small lake can be seen in the distance of the forest, and there is a bare black island in the lake.

Looking at the small island in the lake, Qiangwei immediately realized that it was a good landing place.

It is isolated in the water and can eliminate many dangers hidden in the forest. It is a good stopping point.

Qiang Wei said: "Taylon, have you seen that small lake? Landed on the island in the lake."

Tyrann naturally saw it, the small lake was not far ahead, and the islands in the lake were very conspicuous.

"Okay, Miss Qiangwei, sit down...

Hearing Tyronn's words, Qiang Wei and Drey immediately sat down in the deputy seat of the cockpit and fastened their seat belts.

Over the forest, the transport boat "roared" and flew past, and the arrival of the transport boat also broke the silence of the forest.

Over the small lake, the transport boat reduced its speed, and under the impetus of the abdominal lift engine, it steadily landed on the black island.

It was quiet around the small lake, silent, only the surface of the water was rippling.


Amidst the sound of metal turning, the door at the tail of the transport boat slowly opened.

With a group of defense soldiers and capable people, Qiangwei left the transport boat.

When they stepped on the ground, everyone looked around, only surprise in their eyes.

It's so beautiful, so peculiar...

The water seems to be silver, a bit sticky, not like the "water" in the images of people.

The forest outside the small lake, although green, is darker in color. The trees are very tall, not straight, and twisted like vines. This makes the space in the forest seem very small.

"Dr. Karen, how?"

When her eyes were retracted from the outside, Qiangwei asked Karen who was busy on the side.

At this moment, Karen was walking slowly with a metal instrument in his hand, while walking and detecting.

On the screen of the instrument is the analysis of various data.

As he walked, Karen said: "The oxygen content is 2.4 times that of the earth, and the air contains a variety of trace unknown elements. What kind of effects these gases will have on humans must be sampled and then tested to get the answer. "

"Captain Drey, please help me fetch some water from the lake and the rocks on the ground. We must stay here for some time and wait for the results of the experiment to proceed to the next step..."

Karen said: "Leave it to me."

Everyone took action and began to sample and analyze any matter on this planet.

This is a necessary and indispensable step.

For human beings to survive, they must meet two conditions. One is to be able to breathe and the other is to drink water. These two conditions are indispensable. If the environment of this planet is not suitable for humans, it must be treated. Transformation.

After observing the island for a while, Qiangwei returned to the transport boat and connected the colonial ship on the track.

"It's going well. The oxygen is being sampled and analyzed. Although gravity is stronger than that of the earth, this does not hinder movement. If the oxygen on this planet can be breathed directly by humans, then Trisolaris is undoubtedly a perfect home."

On the silver screen in front of Qiangwei, there was Wicks' head, and both of them could see each other.

Wicks' voice rang from the speakers.

"Our side is also very smooth. After observation, no trace of civilization has been found. Miss Qiangwei, life is very important on any planet. This planet has the basis for the birth of life. If some unknown species can be discovered That would be great. If there is no life on this planet, then we must consider the reasons."

This is also true. Outside is a forest, a piece of vegetation. With vegetation, there must be life.

If not, it means that the planet's ecosystem is incomplete, and the ecosystem is incomplete. There must be some reason in it, and this reason will only make people think badly.

Qiang Wei said: "I will send someone to explore a distance to find the trace of life."

Wicks: "Please proceed with caution. On a strange planet, we don't know what threats we face..."

Qiangwei: "I will..."

The silver screen flickered and changed to various data of the transport boat.

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