Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1763: Attacked

Before leaving, Qiangwei told Tyronn: "Tailun, be ready to take off at any time. If we are facing threats, you will not have much time to take off."

Nodding lightly, Tyron said: "Don't worry, Miss Qiang Wei, I will keep the engine in a hot start state, and then I can take off."

Without saying anything, Qiangwei turned and left.

To be able to participate in this exploration mission, the first condition is to have a cautious character.

In an unfamiliar environment, due to lack of understanding, sufficient caution is necessary. Only sufficient caution can one avoid some risks.

As soon as Qiangwei left the transport boat, a soldier ran over happily, holding a mineral analyzer in his hand.

"Miss Qiangwei, guess what we found? It's Sikkim. The small rocks on this island contain some traces of Sikkim. This is the most precious mineral."


Hearing the report from the soldiers, Qiangwei was slightly startled, which was incredible.

Qiangwei naturally knows what Sikkim is. On the earth, this is an extremely precious thing, and its value is very expensive. Under the same weight, nothing can exceed its value.

The color of the island reminds Qiangwei of the mountains and ridges that the transport boat passes. If the rocks also contain Sikkim, then the value of this planet...

This is impossible. How can Sikkim be so precious that it can be seen everywhere.

Qiangwei quickly confirmed: "Are there any careful tests?"

The soldier said affirmatively: "I analyzed a lot of stones, they all contain trace amounts of Si gold, and the content of Si gold in the gravel is higher..."

That being said, I have no doubt.

At this time, Drei came over and said regretfully: "Sikkim is a good thing. The only pity is that we are too far away from the empire. Even if the empire expands outwards, it will take hundreds of years to contact us. Right."

Qiangwei groaned, and Qiang Wei shook his head and said: "It doesn't tell me anything just found Sikkim here. Maybe it's just that we happened to meet a tin gold mine. Let's talk about it. Take samples as soon as possible and leave here. Isolation, but also prevented us from exploring outside, we must find another suitable landing."

This is exactly what Delai wants to say. The island is surrounded by a lake. If you want to leave and explore the forest, you must fly over.

Although the protective clothing they wear has a micro thrust engine, it is not for flying. The island can be some distance away from the forest. Flying over such a long distance, there may be little energy left.

If the protective clothing does not have energy, oxygen cannot be produced in circulation, which is undoubtedly suicide.

De Lai said: "I also have this intention..."

With that, Delai used the communicator to contact Karen on the other side of the island: "Dr. Karen, the water and rocks have been sampled. How is your work going? We must land here as soon as possible and choose another landing. , Conduct a certain search of this forest..."

From the communicator, Drei got a response from Karen.

"The air data has been obtained, I will return now, see you on the transport boat..."

After finishing the call with Dr. Karen, Karen opened the team channel and said to all the soldiers of the defense team: "Return to the transport boat immediately, we are leaving..."

Because of Karen's words, the soldiers scattered around the island rushed to the transport boat. They didn't want to be left at this time.

The small island is still very large, with black rocky mountains, and the widest part is about two hundred meters.

"Be careful……"

Just when Qiangwei turned around and planned to return to the transport boat, Chen Xin, who was not far away, issued a warning.

As a mind-powered person, she noticed the abnormal movement in the forest, and also noticed the "malicious" gaze, many, many...

As soon as her words fell, when everyone hadn't recovered, from the forest by the lake, black awns burst out, accompanied by howling.

That is an arrow, a sharp arrow, a rain of arrows...

Seeing the arrow rain hit, Chen Xin moved his mind and opened his AT position.

Arrow rain hit, blocked by AT's position, and fell to the ground one after another.

It was an arrow about 1.5 meters long, very thick.

Soldiers in the AT position are lucky, but soldiers outside the AT position are not so lucky.


After several times of participation, the three soldiers returning to the transport boat were hit by the incoming arrows.

The huge arrow pierced their protective clothing and stared at them on the ground. The armor was pierced and the leak of oxygen "whoops".

I couldn't see the enemy, only arrows shot out from the forest endlessly, the number was astonishing, and only black light flashed across the sky.

Seeing this scene, Qiangwei immediately reacted, and hurriedly said: "Evacuate, evacuate immediately..."

"Miss Qiangwei, did you shoot at the forest?"

Tyrann in the cockpit of the transport boat naturally heard the movement outside, and he asked quickly.

The Hercules transport boat has self-defense weapons, and its firepower is not weak...

Karen also heard the request from Tyron. He hurriedly said: "Miss Rose, the forest must be a sapient race. According to the rules of the empire, if the enemy is malicious and attacked first, you can Fight back."

No longer hesitating, Qiangwei quickly said: "Open fire to cover, everyone immediately evacuate, hurry..."

With the order, Tyron in the cockpit excitedly activated the weapon system.

Although he is a pilot, he has never used the weapon system used by the transport boat once.

"Weapon system activation, mode, fire suppression, no manual command, self-selection of the coverage area, enemy threat level: medium..."

Outside, the side deck on the top of the transport boat opened, and two coil guns came out of it and ran towards the forest by the lake.

"Bang, bang..."

I saw a series of flame jets, driven by the electromagnet, the cannon popped out of its chamber and attacked the forest by the lake.


At that moment, the forest by the lake suddenly burst into flames, and the explosion sounded.

Although it was only sixty millimeters in diameter, it was also extremely powerful. In the forest, fireballs soared, air waves swept all around, a large number of trees collapsed, sawdust flew horizontally, and the flames skyrocketed for a time.

In the continuous design, the forest shot by the sharp arrow was suddenly shrouded in fire, and the sharp arrow shot from the forest also disappeared.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a group of people on the island quickly evacuated into the transport boat and also took away a few corpses shot by sharp arrows.

Under the impact of the transport boat's coil gun, the forest burned, and from the forest, some huge figures running around could be seen.

Scattered arrows shot from the flames and hit the island...

"Go, let's leave here..."

When the last person rushed into the transport boat, Qiangwei quickly gave the order to take off.

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