Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1764: Sikkim

Tyron was ordered, the coil gun stopped firing and retracted under the deck. The abdominal lift engine ejected a long blue flame, and the transport boat took off quickly, plundering from the small lake, and heading away.

When the transport boat passed over the forest, arrows from the blazing forest continued to hit the abdomen of the transport boat.

For a time, everyone in the boat could only hear a clanging crash.

When the transport boat soared to a certain height, the clanging sound disappeared.

The sudden attack surprised everyone, and casualties occurred during the first exploration, and the three were killed by unknown enemies.

"Damn, what are those guys?"

"Those arrows are very strong and can easily pierce our protective clothing..."

"They just appeared so suddenly, we didn't even notice it."

"How could I notice that the forest is so dense that it covers their whereabouts well."

"I really want to see something. They are huge, at least much taller than us."

In the landing compartment inside the boat, the surviving soldiers talked a lot, and the three corpses lying on the ground made them fearful.

The situation just now was too dangerous. Fortunately, they weren't gathered together. Fortunately, Chen Xin was a man of power, otherwise their casualties would be even greater.

The sudden arrival of the attack made them completely unresponsive, and the Gauss rifle in their hands was too late to fire a shot.

From the ground, Karen picked up the huge arrow drawn from the corpse, very heavy...

At the end of the arrow is a black arrow, the material seems to be metal...

Turning around, Karen said to the soldier beside him: "Bring the mineral analyzer."

The soldier obeyed the order and quickly handed over the mineral analyzer.

Holding the mineral analyzer and sweeping towards the arrow, Karen got the results of the analysis.

When she got up, Karen said to the rose beside her: "It's Sikkim, it's pure..."

These words made Qiangwei thoughtful. In this way, the Sikkim reserves of this planet are very rich. In the eyes of the aboriginal creatures, it is as common as the metal in the eyes of humans, and they are used to create arrows.

At this time, in Qiangwei's helmet, there was a question from Tyron in the cockpit.

"Miss Qiangwei, where are we going now? Return to the colonial ship?"

Over the sea of ​​clouds, the transport boat flies slowly, in the vast sea of ​​clouds, like a black spot.

All the samples that need to be sampled have been sampled, and the life that exists in this planet has also been encountered. Rose has no reason to stay.

Turning around, Qiangwei left the landing cabin and came to the cockpit.

"Return to the colonial ship immediately. We are not alone on this planet. We must tell Captain Wicks the news..."


Over the sea of ​​clouds, the originally slow-flying transport boat suddenly accelerated, rose into the sky, and disappeared into the sky as a black shadow.

Celestial stars, the first contact with alien races, came from a colonial ship that lost contact with the empire.

The future has become complicated and confusing, but in the same way, the colonial ship Explorer 1 has also opened a big era.

The sky disappeared, and the transport boat broke through the shackles of gravity and came to the dark universe.

On the orbit, the huge hull of the colonial ship moved from far to near, and under the guidance beacon, the transport boat slowly entered the No. 1 Harbor.

The time when the transport boat departed is missing. It was only in the four empires that the technicians and soldiers on duty in Harbor One were very curious and puzzled when the transport boat returned so quickly.

After entering No. 1 Harbor, his body was still light and fluttering, which surprised Qiangwei.

Obviously, the colonial ship is in a state of weightlessness, which means that the gravity system is no longer in operation.

The cabin door of the transport boat opened, and from the boat, Qiangwei and his party floated out...

"What's the matter? The gravity system fails?"

Qiang Wei asked a technician.

Faced with Qiangwei’s question, the technician said: “It’s AI No. 1 that restarted the colony ship’s master control program. Now, in addition to the life support system, other systems on the colony ship are restarting. It is said to be for troubleshooting. The impact of this meteorite caused considerable damage to the colonial ship, and many systems were in an unstable state."

It turned out to be like this, after nodding to the technician to express gratitude, Qiangwei floated away.

The miniature engine of the protective suit sprayed a little blue flame, which made the floating rose appear very light.

In fact, most of the time, the harbor is in a state of weightlessness, because it is convenient to transport goods in a state of weightlessness.

Although the state of weightlessness is not conducive to movement, people in the boat will wear magnetic shoes, but being in a state of weightlessness for a long time is not good for human health and will cause various diseases over time.

Came to the bridge main control room, in the main control room, Qiang Wei found Wicks.

"What do you think? I received your message. It seems that this planet is not barren. Good use of bows and arrows indicates that the civilization of this race has at least entered the tribal age. It is difficult for us to contact them when the language is not clear. ."

Wicks was right, but what to do next, Qiangwei was also quite troubled.

Taking off the helmet and sitting lightly in the deputy, Qiangwei muttered: "Although they attacked us, we can't define them because of this. In their eyes, we are invaders, maybe some weird people, monsters. , It’s us. We will also attack when facing unknown things. Let’s observe first. Dr. Karen is studying the air of Trisolaris. Soon we will know whether the environment of this planet is suitable for us. ."

Speaking of this, Qiangwei's expression was slight and calmly said: "However, in any case, the value of this planet is beyond doubt. The imperial decree is not practical on this planet. If my prediction is correct, it is on this planet. Si-gold is as common as iron ore in the eyes of humans, and the value contained in it is unimaginable."

The precious Wicks in Sikkim is naturally obvious, but it is a very scarce but indispensable mineral in the empire.

The main material of the plasma generator, the fusion reactor, and the jump engine used by the spacecraft is Sikkim. It can be said that as long as the planet has this planet, the empire will not need to worry about this precious mineral for hundreds of years or even thousands of years.

Wicks thoughtfully said: "The Trisolaran star must be surveyed. If it can be determined that the tin and gold mines on this planet are very rich, we must take some more radical actions. The conflict with the indigenous people is also We are considering it."

Speaking of this, Wicks waved his hand and shot a blue light from the main console in front of him, and a holographic image appeared.

The picture was captured when the transport boat bombed the forest. From the flames, one could see the figures running along.

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