Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1766: The third mass landing

But more than ten seconds, the thick clouds were broken by the transport boat, and the black mountains suddenly entered Qiangwei's eyes.

In the canyon, the transport boat flew slowly, looking for a place to land.

"Miss Qiangwei, what do you think over there?"

Just in front of the transport boat, there is a small canyon, the terrain in the canyon is relatively flat.

Qiangwei also saw the place Tailun said, and said, "Just stop over there."

In the gorge, the transport boat whizzed past, quickly and slowly, and slowly landed on a flat ground.

The dust raised up has not yet subsided, and only a "click" of the metal turning sound, the hatch at the tail of the transport boat slowly opened.

From the hatch, a group of soldiers wearing silver protective clothing and holding guns walked out. Some soldiers also held some strange instruments in their hands.

The soldiers who left the transport boat wandered around, picked up some small rocks, grabbed a handful of sand, and quickly returned to the transport boat after walking around.

Amidst the roar of the engines, the transport boat took off again and flew away.

Fly and stop all the way, landing in the canyon, occasionally landing on the bare mountain top.

A lot of tests have been conducted on the earth and rocks on the planet, and the final answer is gratifying.

"Some Sikkim can be found in rocks, soil, and even in the water and vegetation, but the purity is different. The purity in the rocks is the highest, followed by the soil. As for the water and vegetation, it can be ignored..."

About seven hours later, Qiangwei took the first to return to the colonial ship with Transport Boat One, bringing this good news to Wicks.

With an incredible expression on his face, Wicks sighed: "It seems that we have found a treasure without knowing it. The main substance of this planet is probably Sikkim, and the wealth contained in it is unimaginable..."

Speaking of this, Wicks' face showed joy.

Although the air of this planet contains traces of toxins for humans and cannot be breathed directly, this is not a problem, because this planet has the basis for transforming the environment, and it is not difficult to transform it into an environment suitable for humans.

When it is confirmed that Trisolaris is rich in tin and gold, the next thing to do is much simpler.

No. 3 cabin, combat command room...

"This planet is very big, with sea and land. After many days of inspection, we have found a suitable place to live and build..."

Behind Wicks, the screen on the silver screen changed into a map and a canyon.

"This is a spoon-shaped canyon with steep cantilevers on all sides, only one side is the exit, and the outside of the exit is the forest. As long as a steel city wall is built at the exit and several defensive towers are arranged, the safety of the residence will be guaranteed. ."

Speaking of this, looking around the crowd, Wicks said solemnly: "This is a large-scale operation. Everyone must fulfill their responsibilities. Everyone can sacrifice, but don't be afraid of death. Don’t forget, we are protected by the **** of death and the emperor..."

Although there is a plan, whether the process will go smoothly, this is not Wicks can know.

For Wicks, he couldn't let the colonial ship stand still, he had to act.

After the general mobilization, the entire colonial ship suddenly became busy.

The mechanics intensively inspected the mining equipment and the various equipment that will be put on the ground.

On the third day, after some preparations, the first large-scale landing operation began.

Following the command of Wicks to start, the hatch of Port One slowly opened, and the four transport boats drove out one after the other and hurried towards the surface of the planet.

Before long, only four flaming streamers could be seen falling to the ground. After a while, the trail of the transport boat disappeared.

Four transport boats descended from the sky and flew smoothly over the sea of ​​clouds, heading towards their destination.

The wind was "whooping", the roar of the engine broke the quiet sky around it, and the transport boat flew past the sea of ​​clouds.

"A height of 4,212 meters, the destination is about to arrive, lower the altitude, and prepare to land..."

Under the guidance of the pilot transport boat, the four transport boats plunged into the sea of ​​clouds, disappearing without a trace, only the roar of the engine reverberated in the sky and the earth.

The white world only lasted more than ten seconds. From the clouds, four transport boats broke through.

The line of sight has become vast, and there are mountains and ridges outside, and forests after another, so spectacular...

When climbing over a huge mountain, behind, a huge gorge suddenly came into view, this is the landing point.

"Destination has arrived, ready to land, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, please choose a stop at the back."

Above the canyon, four transport boats split into two, three flew into the canyon, and the other flew towards the entrance of the canyon.

The canyon is still very large, with an area of ​​three ordinary kilometers, and the entrance of the canyon is more than 300 meters wide.

At the entrance, the transport boat No. 1 slowly landed, a burst of dust...

The raised dust has not yet fallen, and the rear deck of the transport boat has fallen, and guards wearing silver protective suits and holding Gauss rifles walked out amidst a shout.

"The fourth, fifth, and sixth teams go to the top of the mountain on the left, the seventh, eighth, and ninth teams to the top of the mountain on the right, and the rest will stay at the mouth of the canyon. Remember, you must keep your eyes on the forest outside. This This planet is not just us."

About a hundred guards walked out of the transport boat and dispersed under Drei's orders.

The team was divided into three, one team ran to the top of the mountain on the left, the other team ran to the top of the mountain on the right, and Drey took the remaining guards to stay in the canyon.

In the rear, boats No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 have landed, and technicians driving multiple five-meter-high engineering guards are unloading equipment from the transport boat.

After unloading the soldiers, boat No. 1 took off and left.

The colonial ship still had a lot of equipment to transport, and the four transport ships had to go back and forth several times.

The line of sight outside the canyon is quite wide. The canyon is located at a high place with a **** of 20 degrees outside. It is a forest 300 meters away. The forest is huge and it is boundless.

The gorge seems to stand on the edge of the mountain, and outside is an endless woodland.

Stepping on the gravel, Qiangwei came to the mouth of the canyon and looked at the forest outside...

Not far behind her, there were many capable people, just like Qiangwei, they stood still, enjoying the beautiful scenery outside.

As the footsteps approached, Drei came to Qiangwei's side and looked at the forest outside with him.

"Miss Qiangwei, do you think they will come?"

While appreciating the beautiful scenery outside, what Delai thinks more of is the "Trisolaran", the indigenous people of this planet.

Without taking his gaze back from the distant forest, Qiangwei said indifferently: "This place is far away from the first landing site. It is more than two thousand kilometers apart. If the Trisolarans are the masters of this planet, they are in the biological chain of this planet At the top, they will come, and sooner or later they will find this place, sooner or later..."

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