Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1767: Jinshan

This is also...

The construction of the residential area will definitely cause some disturbance. If there are really trisomy in the forest, they will definitely be found here.

However, it's okay. They didn't intend to act secretly. If the Trisolarans came with "maliciousness", they would fight back.

Qiangwei originally thought that they would be discovered by the Trisolaran soon, but the facts were beyond everyone's expectations.

For several months, the outside forest was calm, only some native creatures of this planet appeared, and there was no trace of the Trisolaran.

Since the large-scale landing, as time passed, one metal building after another appeared in the canyon.

The uneven ground was laid flat and covered with a metal plate.

The small-scale living area is located in the middle of the canyon. It took half a year and has been built to accommodate 1,000 people.

In the rear is the industrial area, where small furnaces and foundries are located.

Further behind, there is a mine, and three large mining vehicles work day and night to provide enough tin and gold for the residential area.

Yes, that’s right. Except for a small part of the metal, the rest of the canyon is made of Sikkim.

In the Black Flag Empire, the residential area is simply a golden mountain, but here, the precious Sikkim is used as ordinary metal.

The industrial area is expanding bit by bit, the efficiency of production is improved, and the living area is also expanded.

In terms of energy, in order to solve the electricity needs of the residential area, Wicks dismantled a fusion reactor from the Explorer 1 colonial ship to provide electricity to the residential area.

With the expansion of the residential area, more people were awakened and sent to live in the residential area.

In less than two years, the available places in the canyon were exhausted. In order to obtain sufficient development space, outward expansion became the only way.

The Explorer 1 colonial ship, the bridge, the main control room...

"Although we have initially established a settlement on Trisolaris, we must contact the Empire. Since we came to Trisolaris, the distress signal has been sent out, but we have not received any response and we cannot wait. We can't wait for hundreds of years, Stawan, you are one of the best technicians, what can you do?"

Although the development on the Trisolaran is very smooth, the awakened population has reached five thousand, but Wicks always has a sense of crisis in his heart, which makes him a little uneasy. This uneasiness makes him want to need the protection of the empire. .

Sitting in the captain's seat, Wicks rubbed his forehead. He was rather sad about this.

Regarding the question of Wicks, Stawan thought about it and said: "Now we have enough Sikkim to make some modifications to the quantum signal transmitter. If the core part is replaced with components made of Sikkim, this should be able to Greatly increase the power of the signal transmitting device. However, this requires the transmission of quantum signals at the limit power, which will cause damage to the signal transmitting device. There are five spare quantum signal transmitting devices, which means that we only have four opportunities."

With his eyes shimmering, Wicks hurriedly asked: "What is the chance of success?"

Shook his head, Stawan said: "We are too far away from the empire, and there is no success rate. We can only have luck. I hope that a spaceship belonging to the empire is close enough to us. If it is a colonial ship, then That's great."

There is no choice left, they can only try their luck...

With a decision in his heart, Wicks looked very firm and said: "Go ahead and make good use of these four opportunities. If you can't contact the Empire, then we can only let the descendants return to the embrace of the Empire."

Nodding lightly, Stawan said: "Give me a year to prepare, and may death protect me and wait."

Grim Reaper...

Wicks did not expect that Stawan was still a believer in the **** of death.

I dare not, if there is a god, then they really need the protection of "God".

Trisolaris, residential area...

The sunshine time of the Trisolaris is a bit peculiar. There are about 36 empires in one day. During the day, there will be two nights that last for two hours. The reason is that they come from the two sister planets around the Trisolaris. Block the light of the star for a certain period of time, and let the trisolaris fall into a short dark night.

Due to the existence of sister stars, the night of Trisolaris is only dim, and everything is visible.

In more than two years, the canyon has changed a lot. Not to mention the ground, even the walls on both sides of the mountain are straightened by metal plates.

The industrial area, living area, and the metal city wall at the mouth of the canyon took only two years, and the three-square-kilometer canyon became a metal world.

Nearly five thousand people live here, everyone has their own responsibilities, there is no idler.

Under the high-efficiency operation, it brings rapid development.

Today, as usual, Qiangwei boarded the city wall at the mouth of the gorge for a tour.

The city wall at the mouth of the canyon is not high, only about seven meters. There are a number of sentry cannons with a caliber of 60mm. They are modified with the coil guns of the transport boat. The automation is not high, and there is no ability to automatically find the enemy and attack by itself. , No connection with AI, manual control is used.

There is a guard standing in front of each sentry gun. If there is an incoming enemy, they will enter the control cabin of the sentry gun to attack the enemy as soon as possible.

"Miss Qiangwei..."

Seeing Qiangwei coming, a guard hurriedly held up the military salute.

Although the guards are hired soldiers, here, they are soldiers, real soldiers, guardians of residential areas, and all behaviors are in line with soldiers.

After a little pause, Qiangwei asked, "How is the situation today?"

The guard said: "Everything is fine. Only a few strange creatures appeared on the edge of the forest. However, they quickly dispersed. They looked a little stupid and should be harmless creatures."

Although the Trisolarans did not appear, in the past two years, the settlements have collected a lot of information about species on this planet.

The creatures on this planet are very strange. Most of the creatures have no hair and are bald. Their skin is blue. Some creatures are very protective, and their skin looks very thick, as if they have some armor.

These creatures have a characteristic, that is, the smallest creature is more than two meters in height, the largest, even more than 10 meters, flying creatures seem to be very few, two years, the settlement has not seen a single flying creature. .

"what is she doing?"

The peripheral light of his sight passed over the cliff on the left, and a figure on the top of the mountain caught Qiangwei's attention.

She knelt down on her knees, folded her fists on her chest, and seemed to be praying.

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