Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1771: Response

"Miss Vena, get out of here, it's dangerous..."

Seeing Vina leaving from the sentry tower and coming to the right line of defense, the guard manipulating in a sentry gun hurriedly said loudly, trying to stop Vina's reckless behavior.

Vina was unmoved, her footsteps did not stop.

Arrows in the sky roared, turning into black lights and attacking, passing from the top of Vina's head and from her side.

Although the arrows were dense, but none of them hit Vina. She moved forward step by step and came to the line of defense on the right.

Seeing the tall figure approaching at the bottom of the mountain, the expression on Vina's face was calm. She knelt on her knees, put her hands on her chest, and muttered in prayer.

The power of the "Death Whisperer" is very peculiar. The power does not come from the prayer, but from the faith.

Sincerity is spirit, the devout will be sheltered by the "Reaper" and given the power to protect themselves and kill the enemy.

"heads up……"

In the sky, a black glow came suddenly, piercing the air with a piercing scream, and its path would pierce Vina’s body.

At this moment, Vina's luck seemed to have been exhausted.

A guard behind the bunker saw the arrow attacking Vina and quickly yelled, trying to remind Vina to avoid.

But Vina was unmoved, completely ignoring the oncoming arrow, she just bowed her head and prayed intently.

"It's over..."

Seeing Vina didn't evade, the guard felt tight.

Seeing that Vina was about to be pierced by a sharp arrow to eliminate the fragrant jade damage, just at this moment, a cloud of black mist suddenly emerged and enveloped Vina, forming an eggshell-shaped shield.

The black mist shield blocked the sharp arrows that hit. There was no impact or any other sound. The sharp arrows turned into ashes, and only the arrows made of Sikkim fell to the ground weakly.

In the black fog, Vina opened her eyes with joy.

After two years, Lord Grim Reaper finally responded to her. This time, it was so strong and so clear, she could feel a strong will watching her.

The solar system, the earth, Nanlin Island, the upper crystal palace...

"What's wrong, master?"

There was a grape between her white fingers. When Monica wanted to feed her master again, she found that the master was in a daze.

Seventy years have passed, and Monica has already gone through her life and returned to Li Meng.

She wears a long white dress, white pupils, white eyelashes, and long white hair, which makes her look like an elf in the snow, beautiful beyond words.

With a mouth, Li Meng grabbed Monica's slender fingers and snatched grapes from it.

Monica just smiled at the childlike behavior of the master, only soft in her eyes.

Holding Monica's soft waist with his right hand, Li Meng comfortably lay on the soft sofa and chuckled: "It's nothing, I didn't expect that seventy-one years have passed, and I found the colonial ship Explorer 1 ."

"found it?"

Monica was puzzled and asked in a puzzled way: "Master, I haven't received any relevant news."

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "I'm still alive, but I don't know the location. It seems to be far away from the earth."

It seems that the owner has found the colonial ship Explorer 1 in some way.

Holding Monica lightly, Li Meng showed a thoughtful look on his face.

The source of the power of faith is his soul. For the prayers of some believers, Li Meng can hear their hearts, and they can also find the position of the prayer through prayer. Through the line of the power of faith, Li Meng can tell the prayer. Empowerment can also appear to the prayer through spiritual projection.

The more devout believers, the clearer their voices, and the easier it is to be watched by Li Meng.

Although in ordinary times, Li Meng chose to ignore those prayers, but he was still generous to the pious.

Regarding the miracle matters, Li Meng completely left it to the mastermind.

The main brain is a very peculiar existence, like an electronic program, which can handle very complicated things at the same time.

Li Meng is a little bit difficult to use one mind and two things, but her main mind is different.

As early as a few decades ago, the main brain did not want to use the spiritual body for some reason. It took ten years to create a death angel body to use as her own body. She has two tasks now, one is to study biology. The other is to deal with the problem of Li Meng’s faith. After all, those who pray must be concerned about it, and the believers who should respond must respond.

Only by working hard enough can we get more believers.

It has been 81 years since the founding of the Black Flag Empire. During these 81 years, humans have expanded like locusts in the starry sky and established colonies. In recent decades, the population has exploded, and the population growth has exceeded 500 million each year.

Believers in the **** of death account for four-tenths of the total population. You can imagine what kind of concept this is.

In addition to the believers of the **** of death, another sect has also grown vigorously in the last thirty years.

In the Black Flag Empire, there are now two sects, one of the death sect, which believes in the "Death God", and the other is the "Emperor" sect, which believes in the "Emperor", that is, the Li Meng of the human body, which represents bright.

The banshee wingmen made good use of the power of "light" and became the apologists of the imperial sect. Because of their beauty and their holy power, they brought out the mysterious image of Li Meng invisibly.

Like believers who believe in the **** of death, the pious person will be favored by the **** of death, thus gaining all kinds of incredible abilities. Believing in the "emperor" can also gain power, more holy power.

The power of death is death, and the power of "light" is healing.

Faith gains power, and the manifestation of miracles has gradually deified Li Meng among human beings. Kindness and justice always touch the emotional human beings. They yearn for this, and it is precisely because of this that, in less than eighty years, the emperor believes Has gradually become equal to the dead believers.

Now in the entire Black Flag Empire, four out of ten believers in the "God of Death", four out of ten believe in the emperor, and two out of ten are unbelievers and materialists.

In terms of faith, the Black Flag Empire is enlightened and free, and will not be treated differently because of who does not believe in the emperor or the "death of death".

Belief is only a spiritual comfort, it can eliminate the weakness of the human heart and guide human beings to be good.

In this regard, Li Meng is also enlightened. This universe, this world, is full of weird powers and gods. Humans need gods, they also need spiritual comfort, and they also need a central belief. Only under belief can humans be right. The future is full of hope.

Stretching for a while, Li Meng said calmly: "Although it is not wise to use too powerful power in the material world, they are in the distant universe. If I don't protect them, who can they rely on?"

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