Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1772: death

The longer you live, the clearer your strength will become.

In these eighty-one years, Li Meng did not stand still. In these eighty-one years, he has already sufficiently understood the material world and subspace.

I am afraid that no one knows what the laws of the universe are. The laws are unchanged and changing at any time.

But one thing is beyond doubt, why the evil gods, dark gods, and light gods are all in the subspace, this is not without reason.

Subspace is the energy source of the material world. All kinds of unnatural energies come from subspace. Only in subspace can the gods maintain their own existence. Once they appear in the material world, they will not only be rejected by the laws of the material world. , Its own form will collapse and return to the original mental state.

As his strength increased, Li Meng also felt the rejection of him from the material world.

Whenever he uses too much power, he will feel the pull from the subspace.

Subspace is unconscious, and what causes this phenomenon is Li Meng's spiritual projection in subspace.

With the belief of tens of billions of human beings, Li Meng’s spiritual projection in the subspace is already very powerful. If Li Meng’s existence in the material world is erased, Li Meng will truly become a "true god".

Under this circumstance, Li Meng's spiritual projection in the subspace will instinctively eliminate the obstacles of the material world and become a true god.


"No. 6, Sentry Gun No. 7, what's the matter? Why didn't you open fire?"

With sharp arrows roaring in the sky and the rumble of guns in the canyon, Drey, who was in a difficult battle, suddenly discovered that the sentry cannon on the right defense line had stopped firing.

No one answered him, because on the right line of defense, the guards saw a picture they would never forget in this life.

Vina was praying, she was wrapped in black energy, and she could not be seen.

The arrow couldn't hurt her at all, and the black energy was surging, slowly rising upward, seemingly slow, it was just an illusion.

Above Vina, the black energy was condensing, forming a huge thing.

At first it had only an outline, but as the energy condensed, it became clearer and clearer, and it was a huge black robe figure.

Its shape has just become clear, the sky is changing, and the sky that was shining with the sun is instantly shrouded in dark clouds, the whole world is dim, and the dark clouds are surging, as if they will fall to the earth at any time.

The change in the sky brought the war in the canyon to an abrupt end. The guards, the capable, and the Trisolaran all stopped fighting with each other, staring blankly at the huge black robe in the sky on the right side of the canyon.

A fearful coercion did not know when it would appear, making everyone's souls on the battlefield tremble, that is death, that is the breath of death.

The power of death surrounding him dissipated, and Vina suddenly appeared, kneeling on the ground in prayer.

She never felt so close to "Reaper Lord", staring blankly at the huge black robe in the sky, tears appeared in Vina's eyes, flowing down her cheeks, it was joy, the joy of a lifetime without regrets .

Looking at the huge black robe in the sky, the Trisolarans had only fear in their eyes. They were timid, and their steps stepped back little by little.

They don't know what it is, but the instincts in their bodies are telling them to run and get out of here, or they will die.

"Oh la la..."

"Oh la la..."

They were scared, and as a panic roar sounded, the Trisolaran who was besieging the canyon turned around in a panic and ran towards the forest, staggering, scrambling to get ahead.

In the canyon, the line of defense on the left also rang out with a panic roar. The Trisolarans fleeed in an all-round way, and the Trisolarans in the living quarters even crawled and fled, with a frightened expression on their faces.

The guard, the capable person did not stop the trisolaris from evacuation, but looked at the huge black robe floating in the sky incredible.

grim Reaper……

Unexpectedly, the **** of death came, and they were protected by the **** of death far away from the empire.

Looking at the huge black robe in the sky, the guards knelt on one knee, with only fanaticism and awe in their eyes.

Even some capable people covered their chests with one hand and kneeled on the ground, only respect in their eyes.

This is their god, the **** of mankind, the **** who protects them, and they must be respected.

At this moment, outside, the evacuated Trisolaran fled into the forest in a panic, without the courage to turn his head and look back.

it's over……

Although it does nothing, its existence is the best deterrent to the enemy.

The black energy surged, and the huge black robe in the sky dissipated with the wind, and gradually disappeared from everyone's eyes.

With the disappearance of the huge black robe, the tumbling dark clouds in the sky quickly dissipated, disappearing without a trace, and soon the sun appeared again, covering the canyon.

At this moment, there was a roar of "engines" in the sky, and four transport boats appeared from the sky. The blue tail flames were so dazzling and beautiful. The support of the Explorer 1 colonial ship arrived, but the battle was already it's over.

Staring blankly at the place where the huge black robe disappeared, it took a long time before Vina retracted her gaze and took a deep breath.

Although I don't know why, I don't know why the Lord of Death took such care of her this time, and the incarnation of Death appeared.

But Vina knew in her heart that they were lucky, at least this place had been watched by Lord Grim Reaper.

"Sister Qiangwei, are you all right..."

Looking at the succulent Qiangwei in front of him, Chen Xin's face was worried.

Although the huge red figure looked a little scary, Chen Xin knew that the soul in this demon's body was Qiangwei, and she would not be afraid of it.

The state of Qiangwei at this time was very bad, the huge body was filled with spears and arrows, and golden blood rolled out.

When she is big, she is naturally easy to be a target of fire. Although the succubus of Rose is strong, she is not invincible. Faced with the attack of the Trisolaran, she will still be injured and even die.

Taking a huge step, Qiangwei supported the building and staggered towards the infirmary. Seeing this, Chen Xin followed closely.

The battle lasted for more than three hours, and it was tragic for both the enemy and us. A corpse on the metal ground in the canyon was the best proof. There were guards and trisolarans.

More than a hundred guards died in this battle, and the casualties of the Trisolaran are countless.

Not to mention the mountains on both sides of the canyon, there are probably no fewer than a thousand corpses in the settlements and outside the canyon.

In the open space behind the city wall, four transport boats landed slowly, and three hundred guards armed with Gauss rifles walked out of the transport, looking solemnly at the battlefield after the battle.

They are late, there is no doubt...

"Are you late?"

Stepping out of the transport boat and looking at the base of the gunpowder and war, Wicks secretly thought.

After receiving the request for support, he could rush to the settlement with all the transport boats, but he did not expect to arrive late.

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