Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1781: Unknown pulse signal

Six years have passed, which means that there are still four years left...

Dele has no reason to oppose Wicks’s decision. He said indifferently: “You are the captain, and the final decision can only be made by you. I hope we will not hesitate in four years.”

Drey understands why Captain Wicks made this decision, it was not his decision alone, but the result of everyone's deliberations.

Some people like war, and some people like to use peaceful means to obtain living space, at least for now, the latter occupies the majority.

If there is war, there will be death, and no one wants to lose their brothers and sisters. How can Drey not understand most of the ideas.

"Captain Wicks, detected an electromagnetic response on the planet, an unknown pulse signal, the source of the signal has disappeared, and the location of the signal emission has been detected."

The sudden report from AI No. 1 made Wix's face slightly startled.

Unknown pulse signal?

The Trisolarans on this planet are still in primitive tribes, how can they have electromagnetic pulse signals?

Wicks immediately said: "Have you ever discovered impulse signals in the past?"

"This is the first detection. The pulse signal is very strong and lasts for 3.23 seconds."

"Where is the location?"

The expression on his face was a bit solemn, and Wicks had a bad premonition in his heart that the stable situation at the moment might be over.

"Antarctic ice sheet, coordinates 232.145..."

It seems that there is a new task...

Drey said to Wicks: "Leave it to me, I'll take the team to see."

Without rejecting Drey’s volunteering, Wicks said: “Also, there are no Trisolarans in the Antarctic ice sheet. There should be no threat. Take a team of guards on the No. 3 transport boat to see and return as soon as possible.”


Offering a military salute, Drey turned and left.

Soon after, a transport boat sailed out of Harbor One of the colonial ship, and followed its orbit towards a white ice sheet to the south of the planet.

Six hours later...

A Hercules transport boat emerged from the sky, broke through the clouds, and approached the settlement.

The engine roared, the blue flame sprayed, and the transport boat slowly landed on the tarmac.

The hatch opened, and Wicks, wearing a silver protective suit with a team of guards, left the cabin with a solemn expression.

"Immediately notify Miss Qiang Wei, saying that I am waiting for her in the main control room lobby..."

Seeing Captain Wicks in a hurry, this attracted the attention of the surrounding civilians. What happened?

Brisk footsteps rushed to the main control room hall, Qiangwei's face was puzzled.

Speaking of calling a meeting, Captain Wicks will not just call him alone. The settlement is safe and nothing happened. Is there something wrong with the colonial ship?

Without thinking about it, Qiangwei quickened her pace. During these six years, she had been in the settlement, leading to the main control room hall in a familiar way, but within half an hour, Qiangwei arrived in the main control room hall.

On the conference table in the hall, Qiangwei saw Wicks.

"Captain Wicks, but what happened?"

From Wix's ugly face, Qiangwei noticed this.

It seems that something has happened, and at this moment, Qiangwei has confirmed this.

With a dark face, Wicks nodded and said: "Six hours ago, AI No. 1 detected an unknown pulse signal on the planet. I asked Captain Drey to lead the team to the location of the signal source to check, just after they left the colonial ship. Half an hour later, transport boat No. 3 lost its track, radar and signal tracking could not find boat No. 3. Not long ago, there was a snowstorm in the Antarctic ice sheet. I thought it was the presence of snowstorm that blocked the transmission of information. But I was wrong. Now the blizzard is gone, but there is still no news of boat three, I am worried..."

Qiangwei knew what Wicks was worried about, and she denied: "It is impossible to be a Trisolaran. Although the weapons used by the Trisolaran are strong, they cannot pose a threat to the transport boat unless they attack the lift engine of the transport boat. It is possible to shoot down the transport boat No. 3. Besides, the place where the boat No. 3 goes is the Antarctic ice sheet. The temperature there is extremely low and it is impossible for the Trisolaran to survive here."

Speaking of this, Qiang Wei said: "Guess is useless, let me find it, let me lead the team to take the No. 4 transport boat to find the No. 3 boat. Now it is only six hours past, and the standby time of the protective clothing is ten. Six hours, there is still time."

This is the purpose of Wicks and Qiang Wei's talks. At this time, he needs the power of a capable person.

Wicks immediately said: "Miss Qiangwei, please be sure to find boat No. 3. I have brought boat No. 4. Let's pick some people and set off immediately."

Without wasting time, Qiangwei turned and walked away quickly.

Soon after, a transport boat ascended from the canyon of the settlement. The blue flame sprayed and the speed of the transport boat suddenly became faster, rushing to the sky and heading south.

The sea of ​​clouds is boundless, magnificent and vast...

In the clouds, the No. 4 transport boat is not small, like a small black dot flying above the clouds.

Although the speed is fast, the sea of ​​clouds seems to be boundless.

"There is no such possibility. The four transport boats are made of B-grade titanium alloy. Even if one head hits the mountain, the transport boat will not disintegrate. At most, the armor will hit a pit. Although the possibility of an accident is possible, the probability is extremely low. of."

In the cockpit, Qiang Wei asked the pilot Tyron some questions and guessed what might happen to the third boat.

"Ms. Qiangwei, the transport boat is just a kind of machinery, a tool, and even a durable tool will fail. Although the probability is small, this possibility cannot be ruled out. In my opinion, the transport boat No. 3 was either shot down. , Or it was forced to land due to a malfunction. If it is the former, we can only look for the wreckage, while the possibility of the latter is low. Even if the third boat is forced to land due to a malfunction, communication with the colonial ship should not be interrupted. The communication device of the transport boat is installed inside the armor and will not be easily destroyed, Miss Qiangwei, we are coming..."

The settlement was originally not far from the southern ice, and isolated a piece of ocean, which can be reached within an hour at the speed of a transport boat in the atmosphere.

Looking out, there is still a cloud, and nothing else can be seen.

Qiang Wei said: "Go to the location of the signal source first. If you don't find the No. 3 boat around, you can only search by sight."

After receiving the naming and having a destination, Tyron drove the transport boat headlong into the clouds.

After a few breaths, the line of sight suddenly became wide, and below, a white ice sheet was reflected in Qiangwei's eyes.

The ice field is endless, and there is no end in sight even at high altitude.

"This place is so beautiful..."

Although admired in his mouth, Tyron boldly drove the transport boat down almost vertically, pulling up abruptly and flying parallel in the air less than 100 meters from the ice sheet.

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