Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1782: Energy weapon

On the ice sheet, the huge transport boat flew close to the ground, passed over the ice sheet, and galloped away.

Outside the window, the ice fields on both sides swept back quickly, making the ice fields in front of them blurred.

With a look of excitement, Tylen laughed and said: "If the No. 3 boat is really shot down, it is safest to fly at low altitude. Although I don't think that the indigenous people have this ability, this ice sheet is really a low altitude. A good place to fly, almost without borders, and the terrain is very flat, just..."

"Warning, warning, an unknown source of energy was found, it has been locked..."

The red warning light suddenly lit up, which caused Tylen to stop abruptly and his face changed slightly.

"Where? Where did the attack come from?"

In the roar, Tyron quickly controlled the transport boat to roll over.

This was just a blind evasion by Tyron subconsciously, purely by chance.

Outside, over the soldiers, the fast-flying transport boat suddenly rolled over and changed its flight path.

In the distance, a fiery red streamer roared and brushed against the armor on the side of the transport boat.

The scorching temperature directly made the touch armor become fiery red, and the transport boat shook suddenly.

what is that?

The two in the cockpit saw the fiery red streamer coming from afar.

"Azimuth 24, 12, 75, warning, warning, abnormal energy fluctuation detected..."

Qiangwei saw it, and Tyron saw it too...

On the ice sheet ahead, there are three spherical turrets in various places.

I saw a fiery red light flashing, and a fiery red light beam struck head-on, almost instantly crossing a distance of several kilometers.


With a roar, Tyronn drastically changed the flying angle of the transport boat.

On the slightly side of the flying transport boat, the fiery red light beam rubbed the abdomen of the transport boat and hit the distance.

"Lock itself, attack by itself, find the angle of attack by itself, destroy the enemy turret..."

Tyronn was pale, very nervous, gritted his teeth and focused on driving the transport boat.

With the engine running at full power, the transport boat in flight suddenly went straight into the sky at a large angle, and two flaming red light beams rose from the ground again, and instantly passed by both sides of the transport boat.

At an altitude of 2,000 meters, the transport boat turned sharply again and plunged straight to the ground.

"Tyron, damn, what are you doing?"

The transport boat rolled violently, and the violent flying attitude made the guards in the rear cabin a little unbearable, and roared loudly.

Haha smiled, and Tyron said angrily: "Of course it is to save your lives, shut up if you want to survive."

The wind was howling, and the transport boat that struck directly on the ground turned into a black shadow and fell rapidly from the sky. Multiple light beams rising from the ground fell into the sky, passing by the transport boat on both sides, and flew into the sky.

When the distance from the ground was less than 500 meters, the auxiliary AI on the transport boat controlled the coil gun to fire.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Four 60mm coil guns fired five rapid-fire, the shells dragged the tail flames to the three turrets on the ice sheet.


Several fireballs suddenly appeared on the ice sheet, and a dense explosion sounded into one piece.


Qiangwei saw that when the shell hit the turret and exploded, a layer of flaming red shield flickered on the turret.

Fortunately, the shield only fought three rounds, the fourth round destroyed the shield, and the fifth round destroyed the turret.

Qiangwei saw that the turret was destroyed, and Tairen naturally saw it too.

The transport boat that leaped perpendicular to the ice sheet returned to its parallel posture at a 90-degree turn at an altitude of two meters.


Lying back, Tyronn's cheeks were sweating coldly, and he let out a burst of laughter, only tension and fear in his eyes.

After a while, Tyron stopped laughing and took a deep breath with lingering fears.

Turning his head to look at the peaceful rose beside him, Tyron was a little surprised.

They have gone through the life and death mark just now, Miss Qiangwei is so calm, is she not afraid?

Without thinking too much, Tyron said: "This is an energy weapon, it should be a certain kind of particle. The Trisolarans don't have this kind of technology. Is this planet hiding an alien race with advanced civilization?"

Tyron’s guess is not without reason. The Trisolaran civilization is in its primitive stage and it is impossible to possess such technology.

"Distress signal detected, bearing 035, code: 01487, name: Drey, occupation: Captain of the Explorer One Guard."

The detection information from AI made Tyron's eyes dim, and he quickly controlled the direction of the transport boat to move towards the locked target.

In less than a minute, Tyron was driving the transport boat to find the signal source.

"Here, here..."

On the ice field, watching the approaching transport boat in the distant sky, Dre and the guards shouted loudly.

Not far from them, the Hercules transport boat has been destroyed and broken into two pieces. The hull has several large melting holes, almost turned into a pile of metal wreckage.

There were twenty guards who came out with Drey, but now there were only six who could stand beside him.

The rest of the people either died from the impact when the transport boat was shot down, or the protective clothing broke and died of suffocation. In short, there was only one end, and that was death.

In the excited gaze of Delai and his group, the huge transport boat slowly landed, and the hatch was opened.

With a group of surviving guards, Dre hurriedly boarded the transport boat.

"Hey, Captain Drey, you are such a lucky group..."

"Haha, waiting for death is uncomfortable. We just experienced it personally."

"Captain Drey, I'm glad you are still alive."

Yes, they are very lucky, very lucky...

Sitting in a free position, the guards who boarded the boat breathed a sigh of relief. It was a feeling of aftermath.

Drey did not stop, but came to the cockpit.

Looking at the transport boat No. 3 on the ice sheet outside that had turned into a pile of metal wreckage, Qiang Wei asked Drey: "You were attacked by those turrets?"

Sitting in the vice seat, De Lai said with a heavy expression: "Yes, we were attacked by those turrets as soon as we arrived near the signal source. Because the incident happened suddenly, the driver did not react, and the transport boat was caught by those beams. The artillery shot down, I was lucky and survived, but many guards were not so lucky."

Speaking of this, Drei looked at Tyron and said: "You have a good pilot who not only escaped the artillery fire, but also destroyed the turrets. You have a lot of courage and have very good technology. The boat is like a fighter plane in your hands."

In response to this, Tai Lun smiled helplessly, shook his head and said: "I was also surprised that I was able to escape those artillery fires. At that time, I could only fight for it. I was lucky."

De Lai said without a doubt: "Good luck is also part of strength."

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