Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1789: Weakness of strength

Speaking of this, looking at Li Meng on the throne, Moneta continued: "Master, Trisolaris is a key point. If the Trisolaran star is obtained by the Chiyan Star, the gap between us and the Chiyan Star will only increase. The bigger we come, we have no choice but to try our best."

Moneta is right. Sikkim is an extremely precious metal for any civilized race. It can promote the great leap forward of civilization. At the moment, even if there is a certain gap between the Black Flag Empire and the Chiyan Stars, they must fight for their rights. If the space for survival is given to the Crimson Flame Stars, the Black Flag Empire will face annihilation, and the gap with the Crimson Flame Stars will grow wider.

Moneta’s words left Chen Qi speechless. He only saw the current gap. He didn’t expect the gap between the Chiyan Star and the Black Flag Empire in the future after he got the Trisolaran star. He didn’t expect this, but He prefers to focus on the present, rather than thinking about the future.

At this time, Xiao Nan on the side said in a voice: "If we have no choice, then we have to fight with all our strength, fight, and gather all the power of the empire."

Since the Black Flag Empire unified the earth, Xiao Nan, the ambassador, has also put down, and has been active in the political arena for the next few decades, and has now become the highest law enforcement officer in the ruling system.

Fight, or not, at this moment, everyone in the hall already has a result in their hearts.

The answer is unquestionable, of course it is "fight".

Seeing that everyone in the hall was silent, Ai Moore, who had been silent, said: "Master, if we want to fight this interstellar war, my people can send a million to win this war for the master."

After nearly 90 years of recovery, the population of the Gold Wings in the underground space is as high as several million, and they have a life span of hundreds of years. Therefore, the Gold Wings are now very young and have a huge army.

After thinking about it, Li Meng refused to Ai Moore's volunteering.

"The construction of the Golden Fleet did not even take the first step. You do not have your own fleet, nor your own army. The interstellar war depends on the benefits of ships. You don't need to participate in this war."

Although a little disappointed, Ai Moore did not say much. She knew that the master was right. There was no place for them in the army of the Black Flag Empire. Although they were in charge of the heretical court, the power they could call was still in various regions. The defense team does not have its own strength.

Looking away from Ai Moore, Li Meng looked at Chen Qi and said, "Chen Qi, how much power can we use?"

Without even thinking about it, Chen Qi replied: "Although we have increased military expenditures in recent years, the development of the various legions is still slightly slow. The first, second, third, and fourth legions are stationed at the four borders of the empire and are the most powerful. Each regiment has more than 30 warships. The fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth regiments are in the initial stage of development. There are only a dozen warships used for training. The ninth, tenth, eleventh, and fourth Twelfth, the 13th Army has not yet formed an army..."

Sitting on the throne, Li Meng was lost in thought.

Undoubtedly, the military strength of the empire is still somewhat weak, and all warships add up to no more than a hundred.

Although a hundred warships are enough to control a territory with a radius of more than 60 light years, it is still too difficult to deal with an interstellar war.

Moreover, these more than one hundred warships cannot all be sent out, only a small part of them can be sent out.

Seeing that the master on the throne was silent, Chen Qi said again: "Master, the border of the First Legion is located in the direction of Trisolaris. For this expedition, Trisolaris can send the First Legion to strengthen the first legion. Strength, we can let some nearby regiments mobilize warships to the First Corps and merge them into the First Corps. In this way, we should be able to gather more than fifty warships."

More than fifty battleships...

With a slight sigh in his heart, Li Meng asked Qin Qian beside him: "Is there any news about Sakiya?"

Speaking slightly, Qin Qian said softly: "No, as early as thirty years ago, we lost the news of General Sakiya, and now the Yasao should be far away from the border of the empire."

What is interrupted is communication, and the connection will naturally not be interrupted.

Sakuya has the mark of death blessed by Li Meng on her body, which allows Li Meng to find her no matter where she is.

Over the years, Li Meng has been paying attention to Sakuya, she is now wandering in the starry sky, completing her mission.

It's just an accident...

23 years ago, during a voyage in subspace, the Night Scream encountered a subspace storm and was torn into a temporal turbulence. After the subspace storm calmed down, the Night Scream had been in subspace for 342 years. After breaking away from the subspace, the Night Scream arrived in an unknown universe.

Since it did not jump out of the subspace within the predetermined distance of the system, the star maps recorded in the past were completely useless, which caused the YC to lose its direction.

The 342-year voyage, if calculated according to the power of the Ye Cry subspace engine, could span a distance of more than 4,000 light-years in the physical world. If this is the case, the Ye Cry may have left the Lost Star Territory.

Where there, Li Meng doesn’t know, Li Meng only knows that it’s a very dark universe, with no stars, no light, and darkness. In these 23 years, the Ye Cry has been sailing in subspace, thinking To reach the universe with stars.

If Sakiya were there, this war would undoubtedly be much easier. One "Godkiller" class starship is enough to be worth hundreds of "Star Region" battleships, which makes the Black Flag Empire a battle against any enemy. .

It seems that the night cry is no longer expected...

Thinking of this, Li Meng looked at Chen Qi again, and said straightly: "This is an expedition. We must gather as much force as possible. In addition to mobilizing warships to various corps, we will send orders to all colonies, all regional defense forces, and all extras. Legion, any Demon-class frigate that can reach the first legion garrison zone within two months immediately assembles to the first legion defensive area and accepts the first legion’s order without error. Violators must be severely punished."

As far as the type of warships in the empire are the most, of course they are the Demon-class frigates.

Although the Empire’s Black Flag Army was not equipped with frigate-class warships, the colony’s regional defense forces were heavily equipped. Small-scale star area patrols, merchant ship escorts, and hunter-class frigates were all available.

In the non-staff corps of the company, they are basically the hunter-class frigates, but they are equipped with different weapons.

If a large number of Demon-class frigates can be requisitioned, this will undoubtedly greatly increase the strength of the First Army.

Although the firepower of the Hunter-class frigate is somewhat weak, the Hunter-class frigate has its place in the fleet.

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