Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1790: Come early

Speaking of this, Li Meng continued: "From now on, all factories begin to serve the military, and all resources are tilted toward the military. All shipyards, no matter how big or small, can build big ships, and can build small boats. To send more power to the Trisolaran galaxy in the shortest time, we must win this war regardless of the cost."

This is the emperor's decision, this is a decision, they can only follow.

Everyone's expressions became serious, and they said in unison: "Yes..."

A piece of order, under the emperor's consciousness, the huge war machine of the Black Flag Empire began to accelerate.

Dozens of colonies, countless mining companies, and all factories with shipbuilding capabilities have ushered in a brand new spring.

War will bring consumption and promote the development of a series of enterprises. For many enterprises, war is an opportunity for great development.

In just one month, thousands of orders were sent to various shipyards, mining companies began to increase productivity, and shipyards began to recruit more people and send out more orders.

An interstellar war has added a propellant to the gradual development of the Black Flag Empire, and the speed of advancement is faster.


Trisolaris, Trisolaris...

After more than a month of evacuation, after hundreds of round trips by three transport boats, all the people and materials in the settlement were finally evacuated.

Colonial Ship One also ushered in a new journey.

It's just that no one is happy about this new journey. This is not a journey, but a wandering, hidden in a corner like a mouse.

"Captain Wicks, all the things that should be taken in the settlement have been brought up. The personnel and materials have been counted. After several tests, the nuclear fusion reactor has been able to stably output energy. We can start..."

On the bridge, Drey gave a final report to Wicks. Although he was not responsible for these things, at this time, he had nothing to do, so he could only do more things in his idleness.

Do you want to start again?

Sitting on the captain's seat and looking at the azure planet outside the window, Wicks had nothing but disappointment in his eyes.

Finally found a suitable planet for survival, but they did not expect that after so many years, they would still leave.

For some reason, Wicks thought of the tall natives on Trisolaris.

They should be very happy, the outsiders who invaded their homes are gone.

"Warning, warning, unknown hyperspace fluctuation detected, heat response detected, bearing 247.987."

The warning lights on the bridge flashed suddenly, so dazzling.

The warning from AI No. 1 made Wicks, Drei slightly stunned...

In the distant unknown universe, it is dark here, on the edge of the Trisolaran galaxy.

Suddenly, in the dark universe, a few blue flashes suddenly appeared, as if coming from a distant universe, three red warships suddenly appeared.

After leaving the hyperspace, the three warships remained silent. Although the tail engines were spraying blue flames and the warships were also sailing forward, their speed was very slow.

They seem to be looking at this unknown galaxy...

Explorer One Colonial Ship, bridge...

"Impossible, how could they arrive so quickly, Number One, is the radar wrong?"

Wicks looked very ugly, he couldn't believe the news.

But the three red dots on the radar were so dazzling that he had to believe it.

"Warning, an unknown wavelength of radiation has been detected, and the Explorer Colony Ship No. 1 has been exposed. Please evacuate immediately..."

Frowning, Wicks' expression became very ugly.

After being discovered, the radar of Explorer Colony Ship No. 1 can see the opponent, and the other party can naturally see Explorer Colony Ship No. 1.

Drey said in a deep voice: "It's too late. Once they find us, they will lock us. We don't have a jump engine. It is impossible to get rid of them, and it is even impossible to enter the asteroid belt quietly."

Yeah, it's too late...

How to do?

At this moment, even Wicks could not help but panic.

If he didn't do something, the colonial ship would have the final consequence.

But what can he do?

He can't do anything, can't run or fight, what can he do?

At this moment, Wicks had never felt so weak.

at this time……

As if thinking of something, Wicks hurriedly said: "Cancel the plan to enter the asteroid belt to hide, No. One, immediately find a new hiding place, which allows us to escape the enemy's eyes."

In a moment of silence, the holographic image above the main console changed into a route map.

"this is……"

Looking at the route map on the holographic image, Wicks was slightly taken aback.

AI No. 1 actually suggested to drive the colonial ship into the sea of ​​Trisolaris...

Wicks hurriedly said: "What is the success rate?"

"Sixty percent. If the freezer compartments 32, 33, 45, 46 are isolated, the probability can be increased to 80%."


Why should these compartments be isolated?

Wicks didn't know, but he thought he had to ask why.

"In order to avoid the enemy’s eyes and ears and not be explored by the enemy, we need to dive deeper into the ocean floor. The Explorer Colony Ship No. 1 was smashed by a meteorite. The hull was damaged. The damaged area could not withstand the strength of water pressure. Must be discarded."

Wicks hesitated and abandoned these cabins. What about the civilians in the freezer?

There is no time to hesitate, with a grim face, Wicks said: "Isolate the damaged cabin immediately and notify all personnel that the Explorer Colony Ship No. 1 is about to land on the planet, and prepare for shock and collision avoidance."

"The repaired hull needs to be depressurized, and it is recommended to destroy it, otherwise the isolation of the cabin is meaningless."

Hearing this, Wicks hurriedly said to Dreyer on the side: "Go help Stawan, I will inform him, remember, you only have time in ten minutes..."

Without saying much, Drey quickly turned around and ran out of the bridge.

Landing on the planet?

When they heard the announcement from AI No. 1 on the radio, the people on the ship suddenly panicked.

They could not understand why the Vickers made this decision.

Although the Explorer Colony Ship No. 1 has a lift engine, it is only used to adjust its attitude. The gravity of the Trisolaran star is twice that of the Earth. Even with the booster flame, the Explorer Colony Ship No. 1 cannot leave the trimaran again. star.

In other words, once they land on the Trisolaris, they will always be trapped on this planet.

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