Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1791: Hiding under the sea

"Captain Wicks, the isolation compartment has been depressurized, here is ready..."

The report from Dre let Wicks know it was time to go.

Sitting on the captain's seat, Wicks sighed slightly. He raised his hand and said helplessly: "Go ahead."

"The engine starts, the power is 30%, the attitude is turned, and it is about to enter the scheduled route. Please be prepared for collision avoidance."

Outside, the engine of the colony Explorer No. 1 that was originally moored on the track suddenly burst into blue flames, and the huge colony Explorer No. 1 slowly turned its posture, and gradually sailed forward.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the distance to the planet is getting closer and closer, until the belly of the Explorer Colony Ship No. 1 is enveloped in flames.

The huge Explorer No. 1 colonial ship rushed straight into the atmosphere... it turned into a huge flame.

On the ground of the Trisolaris, looking towards the sky, a huge fireball is falling, emitting a dazzling light in the sky, just like the second sun.

The strong vibration made people nervous. Looking outside, the window was enveloped by fire...

At this moment, the vibration suddenly disappeared, and the colonial ship returned to stability.

Outside the window is no longer the dark starry sky, but the sky on the planet...

"Attitude adjustment, lift engine runs at full power, 3, 2, 1 start..."

Outside, in the sky, the fireball disappeared, and a huge spaceship suddenly appeared in the sky.

The huge tail engine sprayed blue flames, allowing it to sail forward, but its altitude was descending, landing quickly.

The entire hull plunged into the clouds, and in an instant, the clouds disturbed...

After a few breaths, the huge spacecraft rushed out of the clouds and crashed to the ground.

I saw multiple blue flames ejected from the abdomen of the spacecraft, and the landing speed of the spacecraft with its head slightly raised suddenly slowed down, but it was still fast.

Ten seconds later, the huge spaceship plunged into the sea.

Hearing only a dull impact, a huge wave rose into the sky, and a circle of waves tens of meters high suddenly swept all around...

When everything subsided, the sea returned to calm, the spacecraft was no longer visible, and was swallowed by the sea.

In the sea, in the blue, white water, the huge Explorer One colonial ship is sinking...

The tail engine has been shut down, only the lift engine in the abdomen is still breathing flames, which is very dazzling in the water.

"The dive depth is 1,200 meters, 1,300 meters, 1,400 meters..."

Every time we give a deep report, Wicks's heart will become tight in vain.

The hull seemed to be groaning, "creaking", giving people a very bad feeling.

Looking out of the window, the sky outside is no longer visible, it is dim, and occasionally traces of water can be seen.

When the depth reached 6400 meters, the colonial ship suddenly shook, and the shallow and deep values ​​stopped changing.

Finally reached the bottom of the sea...

A drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and Wicks exhaled.

Fortunately, today is their lucky day. The Explorer Colony Ship No. 1 successfully reached the bottom of the sea, hiding its existence.

Outside, in the universe not far from the Trisolaris, a blue flash suddenly appeared, and three crimson warships suddenly appeared.

This time, they had a clear goal. The tail engine ejected fiery red flames, approaching three nearby planets orbiting each other, fast...

When approaching the azure planet among the three planets, the three crimson warships about 500 meters long did not stop, but directly penetrated into the atmosphere and turned into three fireballs.

In the sky on the surface of the planet, above the clouds, three warships flew one after another, and they seemed to be looking for something.

Finally, they left the land and came to the sky above the sea.

After searching, the three warships left in different directions.

One of the warships landed on nearby land, which was a bare mountain top.

The hatch on the side of the battleship slowly opened, and a small spaceship about thirty meters long flew out of the hatch.

After leaving the warship hangar, the small spacecraft circled the warship and finally landed on another hill.

From the small spacecraft, five figures wearing scarlet protective suits walked out and analyzed some substances on the top of the mountain.

On the dark bottom of the sea, in the Explorer Colony Ship One...

"Captain Wicks, what's the matter?"

The deck outside the viewing platform was lowered. I couldn't see what was outside, and I didn't know where they came.

The doubts in his heart made Qiang Wei find Wesker.

His expression dimmed, Wicks sighed helplessly, and said, "We are on the bottom of the Trisolaran star. Not long ago, three alien spacecraft suddenly appeared in the Trisolaran galaxy and were scanned by radar. They found For us, in order to escape the eyes and ears of aliens, we can only hide under the sea under the advice of Number One."

It turned out to be like this...

Qiang Wei said in a puzzled way: "How can it be so fast? According to the information in that spacecraft, it will take at least half a year for the alien fleet, and only one month has passed."

Shaking his head, Wicks said: "I am also very confused, but..."

Speaking of this, Wicks spoke slightly, and said thoughtfully: "It should be the advance fleet, which came to investigate."

It can only be explained like this...

The situation is really getting more and more complicated. Not to mention the failure of the evacuation, he is still trapped on the bottom of the sea.

If it is on the bottom of the Trisolaran star, that means that the ship has been abandoned and there is no possibility of flying again.

Qiangwei asked, "What should I do now? There are more than 30,000 people on the ship. No amount of materials are enough to consume. Can I only re-enter the freezer?"

In this regard, Wicks said in a deep voice: "This is the only way. I hope that the empire has caught our distress signal. Otherwise, we can only find living space on this planet like mice."

Today's situation is really unacceptable, but I have to accept it.

"We can't stay underwater forever. We also need to know the outside situation. The Trisolaris is very large. Even if aliens will completely occupy this planet, there is still space for us to live. We must always pay attention to the outside situation."

Even if Qiangwei didn't say it, Wicks would do the same. They wouldn't be blind, and Wicks was very curious about what those aliens would do when facing the Trisolaran.

Wicks said: "This is not a problem. Just put some detectors on the surface of the water. The captured images are enough to let us know the situation outside."

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