Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1794: Trisolaran disaster

Half a month ago, Vina said some very strange things. The source of the news about the Empire's expeditionary fleet, the Chiyan Stars, has yet to be verified, but for her, even Wicks chose to believe it.

He must believe, believe more than anyone else, as long as he believes, the people in the colonial ship can believe more, and the civilians can enter the freezer with peace of mind and wait to be awakened again, without worrying about not being awake.

Qiangwei just wanted to do something. She had a feeling that the current calm was just the calm before the storm.

What kind of civilized race the Chiyan Stars are, and whether their society is pro-foreignism, racial supremacy, or xenophobia is all unknown.

If it is the former, the Trisolaran has a high chance of survival, but if it is the latter, the Trisolaran will usher in a disaster after all.

In this weird silence, time went by little by little, and in a blink of an eye, half a year passed.

On this day, at the edge of the Trisolaran star system, in the dark universe, a blue flash suddenly appeared, and nearly a hundred huge battleships suddenly appeared, and they jumped out of hyperspace.

The warships are big and small, the small ones are only 500 meters long, and the big ones are more than a few kilometers.

Propelled by the huge engine at the tail, the huge fleet sailed into the Trisolaran star system and headed for a certain one.

A few minutes later, I saw blue flashes one after another, and nearly a hundred warships entered the hyperspace again, turning into a blue streamer and disappearing into the depths.

The next moment, in the outer space of Trisolaris, a blue flash appeared, and a crimson warship jumped out of hyperspace and appeared in the universe not far from Trisolaris.

In the orbit of Trisolaris, the huge fleet stopped.

For a moment, like a honeycomb from the nest, a large number of fighters poured in from the battleship and rushed towards the Trisolaris.

They are densely packed, flying in formation, rushing into the atmosphere...

On this day, countless fireballs appeared above the Trisolaris, and the sky was suddenly shrouded in flames.

For the Trisolarans on the ground, their disaster has come. The enemy from the sky ignited the forest, causing the entire Trisolaris to burn.

The sky was no longer calm, and there were "buzzing" warplanes everywhere. They shot fiery red light beams into the forest and dropped billowing bombs one after another.

With the sound of the explosion, one forest after another burned. Today, there is no night on Trisolaris.

To the east of Trisolaris, there is a continent. This continent is shrouded by forests. In the center of the continent there is a huge towering tree. Its height exceeds one thousand meters, and its branches and leaves cover the sky.

Under this big tree, thousands of trisomy people live.

They built wooden houses between the branches, and built plank roads around thick tree poles. This big tree is like a city of Trisolaris.

But today, the only city of the Trisolaran is facing disaster.

The raging flames are spreading from a distance. The fighters in the sky seem to be attracted by this huge towering tree. Hundreds of fighters pounced from the sky, circled around the towering tree, and shot beams of light at it. .

Countless billowing bombs fell to the ground, and the forest under the towering trees was baptized by explosions and flames.

The sudden attack caused the trisolaran in the forest to run around, shouting in horror.

Facing the fighters in the sky, they counterattacked with their bows and arrows, but they were of no use.

In the burning flame, everything is extinguished...

The trisolaran people living on the big tree stared blankly at the burning forest below. They shouted, wept, and even jumped off the tree, turning into a black shadow and immersed in the burning flame.

The towering trees were beyond the expectations of the fighters. They attacked the tree poles frantically, but they were of no use.

They gave up, rose into the sky, scattered and flew farther away.

In the sky, a huge fireball appeared. When the fireball extinguished, the clouds suddenly disturbed, and a black light falling from the sky instantly penetrated the clouds and hit the ground...


I saw a dazzling light flashing, and amidst the earth-shaking roar, a huge and hot light instantly swallowed the towering tree, swelling, swelling, swelling, and finally, it formed a height of nearly several kilometers. Mushroom cloud.

The flames were surging, sweeping for dozens of miles, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye swept all around. Wherever it passed, the burning forest was uprooted and turned into ashes in the air...

What a beautiful and cruel scene, between heaven and earth, this flower of flame illuminates heaven and earth.

"The Trisolaran Starman is over..."

On the bridge of the colonial ship, watching the picture captured by the detector in the holographic image, everyone was silent.

Today, Stawan, Dre, and Qiangwei are all in the bridge, and the Chiyan Stars are here. Wicks notified them of the news.

Looking at the burning forest and the three-winged red fighter in the sky in the holographic image, Delai said in a deep voice: "No contact, no communication, clean and neat. This is the price of weakness. Perhaps for those Red Flame Stars, Trisolaran Any life on the stars is a worm and has no existential value."

Yes, when facing a foreign race, being weak is the biggest mistake, and there is no right to survive.

This is not safe. The confrontation between life and death only takes a moment. The destruction of intelligent races that have evolved after hundreds of thousands of years often only takes a moment. This cruelty can only be personally felt in the era of the universe.

If it were them, what would the empire do when it came to dealing with the Trisolarans?

The empire will not show mercy to the enemy, but will also give the intelligent race the right to survive.

Although human beings have just stepped out of their home planet for less than a hundred years, there are aliens on Earth, and the emperor can accept them, and naturally they can also accept other alien races.

On Trisolaris, the fire burned for ten days.

Ten days later, the surface of the week has become a piece of ashes, the forest is gone, only pieces of scorched ground, only the mountains still standing on the ground.

One day, a crimson transport boat landed in the settlement.

They found this place, found this base that shouldn't exist.

They searched the entire base, but found nothing. The owner of the base had already left, leaving only an empty shell.

They seem to realize something, but they choose to ignore...

The trisolaris belongs to them, and they have become the masters of the trisolaris.

Half a year after they descended on the Trisolaris, the Chiyan Stars began to set up outposts on the surface of the planet, and the fleet also began to separate and dispersed, taking the Trisolaris as the center to explore the surrounding universe.

This seems to be their instinct, with an instinctive thirst for knowledge of the unknown universe.

But they didn't know that an unknown enemy was approaching them, and was gradually approaching.

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