Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1795: AI doctrine

Two years later, in the hyperspace of an unknown location...

This is a blue aurora world, a passage, a passage that can accommodate a huge fleet.

In the blue aurora world, a huge fleet is sailing...

"Are we there yet?"

Sitting boringly in the captain's seat, Raymond asked the same question 213th times.

"I won't answer questions that are of no value. Commander Raymond, according to the officer's implementation guidelines, the time for the inspection is up. The route has been planned. It is estimated to take 1 hour and 6 minutes. Please leave as soon as possible."

While looking at the information on the crystal panel, Raymond said: "Can't you let the chief of staff go for me? Sailor, you have to be considerate of me. As the captain, as the commander of the fleet, as the commander of the army, I have There are many things that require attention, such as inspections, will I leave it to you soon?"

"No, according to AI Article 287, Identity ID, Number: 00146, Name: Raymond Wien, Position: Commander of the First Army Corps, negligent, on record, time..."

"Wait, wait... I know, I know, I'm going now."

With a helpless smile, Raymond had to get up and walked outside the bridge.

As he walked and connected to the AI ​​through the bracelet, Raymond complained very much: "Sailor, you and I have been working together for almost ten years, can this little thing not be accommodating?"



"Sailors will not lie, just like AI will not violate the rules."

"Uh...when I didn't say."

The big walk walked in the ship, receiving salutes from the crew. According to the route, Raymond went all the way.

As he walked, Raymond said, "How is the material consumption of the ships? I heard that there was a commotion on a frigate. What is going on?"

"A frigate can sail alone in the space for 20 years without supplies, Commander Raymond, please don’t know the advisor. This is a problem that can be ignored. The problem on the frigate Card has been resolved. A male crew member There is a problem on the Internet, there are signs of corruption and corrosion, and it has been controlled."

Corruption, corruption?

With a thoughtful look on his face, Raymond continued: "What if he is corrupted by the Cthulhu consciousness?"

"According to the second order of AI, the Card will be quarantined and reviewed. If the pollution cannot be controlled, the target will be purged, and its target ship AI will self-destruct according to the third order."

Perhaps this is the best way.

Since mankind left the earth and entered the starry sky, the threat from demons has never disappeared.

Where there are humans, there will be traces of them.

Discovery, annihilation, discovery, annihilation, this is an endless cycle, unless one day the demon no longer exists, this cycle will be broken.

"Captain Raymond, there is information from the Explorer Colony Ship No. 1, please end the patrol, the route has been changed, please return to the bridge as soon as possible."

Explorer One Colonial Ship?

As if aware of something, Raymond's face changed slightly, and he quickly turned and walked towards the bridge.

Fortunately, his position at the moment was not far from the bridge. After a while, Raymond returned to the bridge.

Sitting in the captain's position, Raymond said: "Connect it."

The blue light beam flickered, and in front of Raymond, a person appeared, a half-length holographic projection.

He was wearing a black military uniform and a captain's cap, and his face was delighted.

"It turned out to be true. Nice to meet you, Captain Raymond. I am the captain of the Explorer Colony Ship "Wicks"."


Raymond was very confused and said: "How do you know the Legion's communication key? You have been out of contact for a long time. It stands to reason that you don't have the ability to actively contact us."

With a slight smile, Wicks said: "We are protected by the **** of death and the emperor after all. Although we are far away from the empire, the **** of death can always listen to our voices. He is always watching us and helping us."

Although I don't know what's going on, since the sailor has connected to their communication, it means that they have passed the review of the sailor. The identity of the opponent should be undoubtedly. The fleet is still in hyperspace, which can effectively increase the communication distance of quantum signals.

Righteously, Raymond said: "We are on the way to the Trisolaran galaxy and will arrive soon. Please be patient. If I remember correctly, the Chiyan Stars have already arrived? Did they do something? what?"

With a wry smile on his face, Wicks said: "They haven't been idle in the past two years. Two years ago, when they arrived, they bombed the Trisolaris intensively. Now the surface of the Trisolaris has become a piece of land. Barren, the planet’s ecology has been completely destroyed, and the Trisolaran people have been completely eliminated."

To this answer, Raymond’s face was very calm. He said calmly: “It seems that the Chiyan Stars are extremely xenophobic, and it’s impossible to have peaceful contact, Captain Wicks, I need a copy of the Trisolaran galaxy. Please transfer to me as soon as possible."

"Yes, I will sort out the information and send it to you as soon as possible."

The blue beam dissipated, and Wicks holding the military salute disappeared.

Soon, the mechanical voice of the sailor rang.

"Legion commander, has received information about the Trisolaris galaxy."

The blue beam appeared again, forming a holographic image in front of Raymond.

This is a star map, a star map of the star system.

Looking at the three-body star system in the holographic image before him, Raymond asked: "Where are we now?"

"At 76 hours, 25 minutes, and 32 seconds later, the fleet will reach the Trisolaris star system."

Three days later...



This is a young star system, the star is upright and mature, and its radiance is the most beautiful and dazzling.

In billions of years, in the desolate galaxy, it gave birth to life and possessed a planet with many lives.

However, with the arrival of outsiders, the achievements of billions of years will be destroyed overnight, but it will not start again.

The weak and the strong eat, this is the truth that has not changed for millions of years in the vast universe.

This desolate star system will soon be flooded with life, outposts, mining bases, colonies, and space stations. In a hundred years, this desolate star system will become thriving, but its owner has become an outsider.

Since the Chiyan Stars came here two years ago, everything has changed, but this is not the end...

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