Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1796: fighting

On the edge of the Trisolaris star system, it is dark here, and only the stars of the Trisolaris star system can see a trace of light.

Suddenly, a blue flash suddenly appeared, breaking the dark and silent universe.

In the next instant, a black warship jumped out of hyperspace and appeared in the dark universe.

The appearance of the unknown fleet made the crimson fleet on the orbit of the Trisolaran star on the other side of the universe panicked.

The tail engine spewed out long red flames, and the large and small battleships gathered in panic. In the farther deep sky, blue flashes appeared from time to time. The battleships exploring the nearby space made emergency jumps and returned to strengthen the fleet. .

For two years, the Chiyan Stars were not idle, they built two orbital defensive platforms in orbit.

They did not take the initiative to meet the enemy, but stood in front of the orbital defense platform.

At this time, on the edge of the Trisolaran star system, the huge black fleet was slowly moving forward.

The First Army Fleet, in the bridge of the flagship battleship Black Gold.

"Many subspace fluctuations have been detected. The enemy warships are continuously increasing. The radar has detected 64 targets, 66, 68, 71, 76, and the targets are continuously increasing."

"The increase has stopped. There are currently 86 targets with coordinates 5123.879 located in the outer space of Trisolaris. Commander Raymond, please give the clearest instructions. I will deploy the fleet more."

Sitting in the captain's seat, Raymond looked solemnly, staring at the red dots on the star map.

"Turn on the fleet broadcast..."

"Yes, it's opened."

Raymond knew that every ship in the fleet could hear what he said here.

At this moment, as the commander of the army and the commander of the fleet, he must be confident before the war.

"I am the commander of the legion "Raymond". After nearly two years of sailing, we finally arrived at the destination. The Chiyan Stars have arrived. They are in the orbit of the Trisolaris. They slaughtered the Trisolaris and destroyed them. On the surface of the planet, an originally beautiful planet was shrouded in dust and the land was barren. We are not messengers of justice, we are not fighting for the Trisolaran, we are not fighting for justice, but for the emperor, and for the empire, Today, we will dedicate our lives to fight for the future of the empire and the future of mankind, stick to your post, fight, fight, march..."

At this moment, listening to the words from the flagship Raymond, there was no cheering from the ships, only silence and solemnity.

In each battleship bridge, only the voice of AI reverberated.

"The fleet transition has started, the countdown is"

In the dark universe, I saw a blue flash, and the sailing black fleet disappeared into the distant universe into a stream of blue light.

In the next instant, outside the gravity well of Trisolaris, a blue flash suddenly appeared, and a huge black fleet suddenly appeared.

"The plasma shield is online, the weapon is online, the fire control system is online, and it has entered the effective range."

Raymond saw it, saw the Trisolaris on the electronic screen, and saw the crimson hull in the orbit.

Raising his hand, Raymond said loudly: "Free fire..."

With an order, the two fleets fired at almost the same time in the universe.

The black fleet is the blue ion beam, and the crimson fleet is the fiery red particle beam.

In space, blue ion beams and fiery red particle beams attack each other densely.

Although there was no sound, the dark universe was suddenly shrouded in two colors.

The flaming red light beam pounced on the face and instantly hit several warships, but they were all blocked by the plasma shield.

On the surface of the ship hull, whenever the hull is hit by a particle beam, a blue barrier will always flash to offset the energy of the particle beam.

The opposite is the same for the Red Flame Stars' fleet. Although the ion beam is very powerful, the high temperature of up to one million degrees can vaporize any substance, but the enemy has a shield that can effectively counteract the power of the ion beam.

Go ahead, go ahead...

The Red Flame Stars' fleet was defending, while the Black Fleet was attacking, and kept approaching Trisolaris.

In the dense beam of light, the two sides finally began to suffer casualties.

The energy supply is not available, the shield is broken, and the hull alone cannot withstand shelling.

Many warships in the fleets of both sides were hit by the enemy's artillery fire, the flames flickered, and the warships were disintegrating and exploding.

"Is the magnetic acceleration gun not ready yet?"

Watching the battle damage messages on the electronic screen, a few drops of cold sweat appeared on Raymond's forehead.

Although all the frigates rushing to the forefront were damaged in the battle, there was one less ship that was lost. It was too far away from the empire and could not be refilled in time.

The flames flickered, and a cruiser beside the flagship of the Black Gold was hit. The shield was broken and the hull took a blow. Under the attack of the particle beam, the entire left deck was melted and the heavy armor was almost hit. wear.

"The charge is complete, and I am looking for a suitable attack range..."

"Enough, enough, aim at the largest battleship, let the magnetic acceleration of all battleships fire a salvo of guns."

The warships of the Black Flag Empire have their firepower concentrated in the front. The upper deck has three quadruple main guns, and the left and right decks each have two quadruple main guns. The battleships are quadruple guns and the cruiser’s main guns are triple guns. The destroyer and the frigate are followed by two main guns, but no matter it is a frigate or a battle line, all the warships of the Black Flag Empire have several magnetic acceleration guns that penetrate the entire hull in the bow.

The characteristic of the magnetic acceleration gun is that the longer the acceleration orbit, the stronger the power. The empire’s frigate is more than 300 meters, and the magnetic acceleration gun has an orbit of at least 200 meters. Not to mention the battleship, the length of the ship is 1,200 meters. The orbit of the magnetic acceleration gun is at least kilometers.

This allows the warships of the Black Flag Empire to have extremely powerful kinetic energy weapons, which are most suitable for breaking shields.

A salvo command, under the control of the battleship AI, outside, I saw that the bow decks of each battleship were opened, exposing two black hole muzzles, the caliber was amazing, at least ten meters.

There was no sound, only blue light arcs flickered, and blue streamers flashed past.

In the distance, in the crimson fleet, after a few breaths, I saw the largest warship. The fire-red shield on the surface of the hull flashed, the fire flickered, and the shield was still there, but the hull was directly penetrated. , There was a huge hole.

This was not over yet, it was another flicker, the shield was penetrated again, one side of the battleship's deck was directly torn apart, and a huge hole appeared.

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