Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1811: Night Cry

In the Governor's Mansion, Wicks met with Curina.

"sit down……"

Seeing Curina who was brought in by the guards, Wicks smiled slightly and pointed to the wide seat beside her.

This is specially prepared for Kurina, after all, the physique of the Trisolaran is much larger than that of humans.

It was not polite. In the seat, Kurina sat down.

As soon as I sat down, Curina went straight to the topic and said: "Governor Wicks called me. I must have seen the message I sent. I hope Governor Wicks can agree that we need more authority instead of a lifetime. Just be a farmer."

When she said this, Curina's face was very calm, and she looked straight at Wicks.

She wanted to know how Governor Wicks viewed this matter, but what disappointed her was that Wicks' face was calm and still had a faint smile on what she said.

He smiled slightly, looked at Curina, and Wicks said: "Curina, you are now the queen of the Trisolaran. You can represent the entire Trisolaran. Don’t talk about other things, just rely on the friendship between you and me. I can help you with some things, but I can't agree to this."


Kurina couldn't understand, she said solemnly: "The Trisolaran is our home, it belongs to our planet, and we should take back our own rights."

For Kurina’s words, Wicks sighed helplessly and shook his head: "Kuraina, you don’t understand us, you don’t understand humans, and you don’t understand the empire. I am just the governor of the planet, just hundreds of colonies in the empire. One of them, Trisolaris is indeed your home. I don’t want to deny this. But, Curina, you must know that in some cases, we are no different from the Chiyan Stars. The reason why we help you , Because of a little pity in our hearts, there is a huge fleet on our heads. It was this fleet that drove away the Chiyan Stars. It can protect you and destroy you. If the Empire issues an order to eliminate you, Thunder Captain Mond will not be merciful, and there is nothing I can do."

Yes, at this moment, Wicks will not be hypocritical, human beings are not teachers of justice, Wicks felt that Curina must be made aware of this.

Wicks was right, his words had a great impact on Curina, and her expression was pale.

Kurina said in disbelief: "You can't do this, you got this planet, do you want to completely destroy us?"

To Curina’s words, Wicks just said indifferently: "Curina, if we want to destroy you, you will not stand here now. I don’t know how the Imperial Court thinks, but here, I and Lei Commander Mond’s opinion is the same, he will not easily deprive you of your right to survive, but..."

Speaking of this, Wicks paused and said with a serious expression: "In order for the empire to accommodate you, you must go to the earth, surrender to our emperor, and swear allegiance. If the emperor accepts you, accept the three Astral people, everything you want can be achieved. If you can't, and you are not recognized by the emperor, then this trip to the earth will be the end of your life."

As Wicks said, Curina didn't understand humans.

She always thought that Wicks, like her identity, was the leader of mankind, and the fleet in the sky was just a human army.

Today, she knew that Wicks was just a planetary governor in the human empire.

In the distant universe, there are still many human colonies like Terrala.



Is the king of mankind?

With a wave of silence, Kurina seemed to have made a decision. She raised her head to look at Wicks, and said in a deep voice: "I will go, I will go to the earth, to meet your emperor, Wicks, you must help me ..."

In response, Wicks nodded and smiled: "Very well, I believe that for the Trisolaran, this step of yours will be the most important choice in the history of the Trisolaran. I will help you. , To help you go to the earth, I will inform the Imperial Court of your heart of surrender. Go back and wait with peace of mind. As soon as there is news, you will embark on the journey to the earth."

As Wicks said, this step is of great significance to the entire Trisolaran.

One day six months later, a cruiser turned into a blue flash and disappeared into the distant starry sky, and embarked on a journey back to Earth. On board, it was an alien envoy.

She is the queen and the messenger of the Trisolaris...


There is darkness here, there are no stars, there are no stars, only endless darkness.

Suddenly, in this dark universe, a little red light appeared, and a huge vortex was quickly formed. From the vortex, as a red light flashed by, a huge spaceship suddenly appeared.

It is fifty kilometers long, like a wide metal box.

The black painting is perfectly integrated with the dark universe, and only the blood-colored lines are so conspicuous.

The super starship "Night Cry", this is its name.

In the smooth mirror-like bridge, Sakuya in a black skirt stood silently, watching the dark universe outside.

In the console behind her, the red light flickered, as if some kind of machine was running, and a sound appeared from it.

"The fusion material has consumed 80%, Sakiya General, we still have twenty years to go."

As a reminder of "Ye", Sakuya's voice rang in the hood.

"No, we have enough time, I am not alone..."

As soon as the words fell, a white beam of light suddenly emerged from the void beside Sakuya, and a figure appeared from the beam.

It's Li Meng, Li Meng in a black long coat.

As if hearing the words of "Ye" just now, Li Meng smiled faintly and said, "I am not here empty-handed..."

"...The fusion material has been replenished and it is expected to continue sailing for 120 years."

"the host……"

Looking at the master, Sakuya whispered.

With a slight smile, Li Meng came to Sakuya's body and took the delicate body into his arms.

The black death force surged, and the skirt armor on Sakiya disappeared and turned into a black short skirt.

With silver waist-length hair, that beautiful face was suddenly revealed.

After holding him for a long time, Li Meng let go of Saya, and took Saya to sit on the large captain's seat.

Sitting sideways in Li Meng's arms, Sakuya looked very cute.

Holding Sakuya lightly, feeling the warm body, Li Meng looked at the endless darkness outside the dome.

Calculating the time, the Ye Cry has been sailing in this endless darkness for more than sixty years. Every time it leaves the subspace, it will usher in darkness. The Ye Cry seems to be trapped by this dark space.

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