Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1812: Red continent

Li Meng had also guessed about what happened to the Ye Cry, and even thought that the Ye Cry had entered a black hole.

But if it is a black hole, this dark universe will not be so peaceful, and with the mass of a black hole, it is impossible not to be discovered.

"Master, stay with me more..."

In Li Meng's arms, Sakuya muttered to herself, and while speaking, she still rubbed in Li Meng's arms.

With a slight smile, Li Meng lowered his head and said in Sakuya's ear: "Why, lonely?"

Speaking slightly, Sakiya whispered softly: "Well, the master is not here, Sakiya is very lonely and will miss the master."

In response, Li Meng just caressed the beautiful face indulgingly, and said softly: "Go to sleep when I'm away, leave the rest to "Ye", it's really not possible, "Ye Cry" No more, I will take you back."

Sakiya shook his head lightly, and said in a low voice, "That's not possible. The Yazaya is a gift from the master to Sakiya. Sakuya can't lose it. Don't worry, master, Sakuya will carry the "Yazaya". Out of this dark universe."

With a faint smile, Li Meng lifted Sakuya's chin, facing the beautiful face and looking lightly, Li Meng lowered his head and kissed Sakuya's red lips.

A burst of speech intersect, quietly feeling each other's existence.

After a while, Li Meng let go of Sakuya, and hugged Sakuya's back again, letting her beautiful body stick to his arms.

"Ye, what have you found recently?"

The red light flickered, and the sound of "night" rang in the console.

"No special anomaly has been discovered yet. The sensor occasionally captures tiny gravitational fluctuations, which should be small matter floating in the universe..."

Gravity fluctuations?

Holding Sakuya lightly, Li Meng thoughtfully...

This universe is very peculiar, even his mental power can't be explored. No, to be precise, the speed of mental power radiating outward is very slow, very slow, as if something hindered the extension of mental power.

This made Li Meng ignorant of the environment in which the "Night Cry" was located, only that it was dark outside and there was nothing.

If it is trapped somewhere, this is not right, because the Night Scream can jump into the subspace, and even if it is trapped somewhere, it can escape through the subspace.

But the situation right now is very unusual, even if the "Ye Cry" jumped into the subspace, when it came out, it was still shrouded in darkness.

The outside environment, scanned by the sensor, is normal, and there is nothing abnormal in a vacuum environment.

"Master, did you find any problems?"

Seeing the master's pensive face, Sakiya asked softly.


With a thoughtful face on his face, Li Meng groaned: "In the subspace, the night cry encountered a subspace storm and was involved in the turbulence of time. During this period of time, the night cry stayed in the subspace for nearly seven days. In a hundred years, although only a few decades have passed in the material world, the time experienced by the YC is real. Let’s make an assumption. If YC has been in the subspace and never left the subspace, And what we see now is just an illusion..."


With a slightly stunned expression, Sakuya shook his head and said, "Impossible, who has the ability to do this in subspace, Yasao..."

The words stopped abruptly, Sakiya's face sank, and she said coldly, "Is it them?"

With a gloomy expression, Sakuya said coldly, "Yeah, activate the Cracking Cannon and output with maximum power."

"Please choose a target..."

"Directly ahead, arbitrary position..."

Li Meng did not stop Sakuya's behavior, he was just guessing, he needed to try and experiment.

Following Sakuya's orders, outside of the Yasao, the two huge decks of the bow slowly opened.

Under the deck, there is a muzzle with a diameter of one kilometer. The huge muzzle is lined with circles of crystals, layer after layer of force field restraint devices.

Soon, for about ten seconds, the blue brilliance condensed in the muzzle, and with the output of energy, it became more and more dazzling.

Outside the muzzle, circles of gas were disturbing, forming circles of halo.

At that moment, there was no sound, no change, only the dazzling blue light flashing...

In the flash of light at that moment, a huge blue beam of light shot out, surpassing hundreds of millions of miles in an instant, and the darkness was driven away.

In the far depths of the universe, the huge beam of light seemed to be hindered by something and stopped moving forward, as if it had been absorbed by something.

At the end of the beam of light, circles of blue ripples spread around. Under the impact of the powerful energy, something seemed to be broken, and the space was broken.

The entire dark universe is cracking and breaking like cracked glass.


There is no sound, only the momentary collapse.

The darkness disappeared immediately, and the red aurora world once again enveloped the night cry.

The blue beam of light that broke through the obstacle kept moving forward until it disappeared into the distant subspace.

When the muzzle stopped outputting energy, the huge beam of light stopped abruptly and disappeared.

In the bridge, looking at the red aurora world outside, Li Meng and Sakuya glanced at each other, only solemn eyes.

Unexpectedly, the guess is correct, they have been in the subspace.

"Master, please look at the eleven o'clock direction..."

At eleven o'clock?

The hint from "Ye" made Li Meng and Sakuya look to the direction of eleven o'clock.

At this look, both faces were taken aback.

In the distance, in the subspace where red energy surges, a crimson continent is floating.

It is very huge, in terms of area, it is dozens of times the size of the earth.

what is this?

Without hesitation, Li Meng said quickly: "Ye, prepare to leave the subspace immediately, and wait for my order..."

With a movement of his mind, Li Meng's spirit went out.

This time it went smoothly, very smoothly, without any hindrance to mental power.

Almost in an instant, Li Meng came to the Red Continent.

Volcanoes, lava, red land, this is the main terrain of this continent.

"this is……"

As he went further inland, Li Meng saw something different.

Demons, endless demons, they roared on the earth and roared and killed each other. They had different forms, but they all wore heavy armor, with abominable faces and scarlet pupils.

Deeper, Li Meng also saw a piece of red factories, they were huge, with billowing red smoke.


In the center of the continent, a huge red castle appeared in Li Meng's eyes.

At this moment, Li Meng was only terrified of this place, and he also had a bad feeling in his heart.

Suddenly, Li Meng, who was standing still in the void, only felt a huge suction force appearing. Before he could react, his mental body had already arrived in a red space.

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