Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 184: Li Muling

After a war, Qicheng was in chaos. For the rebels, their main task in the coming months is to rebuild their homeland.

Of course, the most important thing is the farmland harvested in the forest.

Although it has rained for more than ten days, some crops can be harvested from the farmland, which is the top priority for Qicheng.

This is about the fact that tens of thousands of people in Qicheng will not go hungry in the next year.

Returning to the "Emperor" with the little girl who couldn't see anything, Sakiya was a little surprised at the new member.

His Highness left, and when he came back, there was an extra woman beside him.

Although she was a little girl, she was still blind and invisible. When she saw her, Sakiya couldn't help but roll her eyes at His Royal Highness.

Of course Li Meng chose to ignore it.

He just said to the greeted Sakuya: "Take her to freshen up, change into a good dress, and then come to see me!"

Sakuya took her from Li Meng naturally and dragged her away.

She was very calm, not afraid of the big sister who suddenly appeared, and followed Sakiya very obediently.

It's warm here, not as cold as outside. She doesn't know where it is, but as long as he is there, that's enough.

Seeing Sakuya pulling her away, Li Meng then entered the garden and lay on the deck chair to rest.

After a war, now the "First Army" has no need to stay here.

Where are you going next?

Li Meng hasn't thought about it yet.

However, Li Meng thought of him, the lucky man who was rescued from the river by a mobilized soldier.

I don't know what happened to his injury. Did Jevric get more news from him?

Of course, Li Meng hadn’t forgotten the reward in the Four Cities, but Li Meng handed it over to Jevric. When he returned, Jevric did not board the speedboat, but went back with two mobilization teams Qicheng.

As soon as the artillery rang, the golden price was two thousand two. In the shelling support, Li Meng paid a lot of price.

Every shell is money, and how can those losses be recovered from Sicheng?

Lying quietly on the seat, Li Meng thought a lot.

Thinking about the future of the First Army, it is also considering the next move.

Now the strength of the "First Army" is neither strong nor weak, and it can be considered for the "territory."

However, this can't be anxious, you have to take your time!

After all, this "initial place" must choose a good place.

In Li Meng's thinking, Sakuya took her into the pavilion not long after.

Hearing the movement, Li Meng opened his eyes to look for his reputation.

Li Meng's eyes lit up when he saw two big and one small figures.

Of course, it was not Sakuya that made Li Meng's eyes shine, but the little girl beside Sakuya.

After freshening up, the dirty face and messy black hair have disappeared.

Instead, she had a delicate and small face, with waist-length black hair, and the pure white dress made her look like an elf in the light.

She was very quiet, and her empty eyes gave her a "quiet" breath. From her, the first feeling she gave was peace.

"Your Highness! Your vision is really good!"

Sakuya's eyes were a little strange, I wonder if there is something in the words.

Li Meng didn't care about Sakiya's little movement, but took her hand from Sakiya's hand and pulled her to his side.

He whispered to her, "Er Nizi is not a "first name". From now on, you can give me your surname. You will see your black hair and fluttering aura, and you will be called Li Muling from now on, my sister "Li Muling" of Li Meng!"

Li Muling?

She muttered to herself, repeating the name repeatedly.

She raised her head, looked at Li Meng with empty eyes, smiled eloquently, and two words and a sentence came from her mouth gently.


Li Meng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, raised his hand and rubbed the little head.

"Here! It's your brother and my home, what's the matter, you can tell the big sister beside you, or tell me!"



Li Muling nodded gently.

Li Meng turned his head to Sakiya and said, "Sakiya! Let's prepare some food. It's getting dark, so I just ate dinner together!"

"Okay! Your Highness!"

After speaking, Sakuya was ready to leave.

"Right! Don't forget to prepare an extra seat!"

Li Meng reminded.

Sakiya smiled and said, "Don't worry! Your Highness! I see!"

When Sakuya left, Li Meng and Li Muling were left in the pavilion.

Li Meng didn't ask much about Li Muling's life experience, nor did he want to ask more.

The reason why I brought her back, gave her a name and became a nominal sister.

For her, she may be lucky, but for Li Meng, the reason he would do this is just what he thought.

Maybe just saw someone's shadow from her.

"I will treat this as my home in the future. I am your family, and so is the big sister. You can't see it. It's not easy to do things. Don't embarrass yourself so as not to trouble others!"

Holding Li Muling's hand, let her stand beside him, Li Meng told.


She responded gently.

"Muling! Are your eyes blind congenital, or are you blinded by an accident?"

Li Meng asked.

This is very important. If it is not a congenital blindness, but an acquired blindness due to an accident, there is a high chance that the blind can be cured.

But if it is congenital blindness, there is no cure for medicine, and even if the eyeballs are replaced, the light cannot be restored.

Li Muling shook his head.

She said softly: "I don't know! From the moment I can remember, my world is dark!"

Li Meng is silent, so it seems that Li Muling's blindness is probably congenital.

After a while, Sakiya returned.

When he left, his hands were empty, and when he returned, he was holding two overlapping dinner plates.

As for food, Li Meng doesn't have too many counts, and his small body can't eat too much.

On the contrary, Li Muling, regardless of her age, was about twelve or thirteen years old, petite, and far more appetite than Li Meng.

Perhaps it was hungry, or perhaps it was unsatisfactory after living in Qicheng.

However, thinking about it carefully, her previous life could not have been very good.

Before the rebels occupied Slave City, she and her grandfather should not be free people, but civilians in Slave City.

Her grandfather's body didn't look like a soldier in its physique.

The big thing is that after occupying the slave city, the resistance army recruited some people who could fight from the civilians in order to be able to resist the attack of the polluting beast.

Unfortunately, his grandfather was selected, which led to the subsequent cause and effect.

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