Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 185: future

"Slow down! No one will grab you!"

Seeing her gobbling, Li Meng said with a smile.

Although she couldn't see it, she was very adaptable. She just touched the plate with her hand and she remembered where the food was.

Meals are natural, but the rhythm of the food in the mouth is a bit faster.

She is still young and growing. Considering this, there is a lot of meat on her dinner plate.

She gobbled her mouth full of greasy.

She was a little embarrassed and slowed down the meal.

Li Meng smiled and picked up the napkin on the table to wipe the grease on Li Muling's face.

Feeling Li Meng's actions, her face was reddened, and she lowered her head to eat the food.

This scene made Sakuya a bit savory.

Obviously just a little girl who has just arrived, how could Your Highness treat her so well.

Does she have anything to do with His Royal Highness?

After looking at His Royal Highness, and then at Li Muling, Sakiya denied the thoughts in her heart.

If it really matters, how could she not know?

What a lucky little girl.

Suddenly, Li Meng looked slightly stunned, and then returned to normal.

The expression became relaxed, it seemed that what happened just now made Li Meng very happy.


Of course happy.

Just now, the voice of the main brain sounded in his mind.

Prompt to obtain more than 30 million energy points.

There is no doubt that Jevric is back.

Keeping an eye on Li Meng's Sakuya, she noticed the changes in His Highness's expression, and she smiled and said, "Your Highness! What makes you so happy?"

Li Meng said: "Jeffridge is back!"

Sakuya knew it.

It turned out that Jevric was back.

Seeing that His Highness is in a good mood, he must be very satisfied with the things Jevrich brought back.

Sure enough, when the meal was over, Sakiya packed up the tableware and left shortly after leaving, Jevrich came.

He walked quickly out of the elevator and came towards the garden.

When entering the pavilion, he held up the military salute and said to Li Meng on the recliner: "Commander! The ruins have come to an end!"


Li Meng responded softly.

"No accident happened!"

Li Meng asked casually.

Javrich replied: "Everything went well, I returned to the "Emperor" when I got the "things"! Nothing happened on the way back!"

Li Meng nodded.

He also just asked casually. Now, in the ruins, I am afraid that no force would dare to trouble the "First Legion". It is unnecessary to think too much.

"Go get ready! We will leave early tomorrow morning and leave here!"

Li Meng said.

go away?

Yevrich is not surprised to leave here and leave the ruins, but what Yevrich does not understand is why he left the ruins in such a hurry?

And what is their goal for the next trip?

Some puzzled Jevric couldn't help asking: "Commander! Where are we going?"

The answer is not in Li Meng's mind.

Li Meng just said casually: "Go east! Let's go to sea first!"

Li Meng thought of Dirty Valley. If the "Emperor" walked eastward along the river, it would pass the stream leading to Dirty Valley.

Should I go back to "Dirty Valley"?

This idea was immediately rejected by Li Meng.

Dirty Valley has no value to go back.

The House of Xu Yu was evacuated, and the fat man returned to Kyoto. Now Dirty Valley has no one to care about Li Meng.

And Dirty Valley has no value to Li Meng.

Although it is safe there, it is an extremely harsh and remote place.

An environment that is too comfortable will make life decay, and the biggest reason for the withdrawal of the House of Whispers is probably because of the current situation of Dirty Valley.

Dirty Valley has lost its qualifications and was abandoned by the Kyoto Martial Artist Academy.

Out to sea?

Speaking of going to sea, Jevrich thought of a person.

After so many days, the guy's injuries have almost recovered, and his consciousness is finally clear, and Jevrich has obtained a lot of information from his mouth.

However, the past few days have been busy and have not reported to the commander.

Jevric said: "Commander! Do you remember the man who was rescued from the river by the mobilized soldiers?"

"Remember! What? What useful news did you get from him?"

Li Meng is interested, but this is what he has always wanted to know.

Yevrich nodded, and said: "He has a clear consciousness. After some conversation, things have become clear!"

"He comes from a city called "Qingcheng". That city is located on an island. The island is called Nanlin Island. It is a near island, only 30 nautical miles away from the mainland! Nanlin Island is located in the South China Sea. It's not far here, about a day's journey!"

"In the sea area to the southeast of Nanlin Island, there is a country "Bentley" composed of hundreds of islands. Because it is an island country, each island is small in area, and there is no too powerful polluting beast on the island. Bentley is rich in raw crystals. Almost every island has a raw crystal ore, but the storage volume is very small. The largest raw crystal ore is only a thousand tons!"

"It is precisely because of the existence of the original crystal mine that Bentley is spied by the surrounding forces. Qingcheng on Nanlin Island is also one of the peepers. The civilians living in Qingcheng are occasionally forced by life. Take the risk to cross the sea to Bentley by sea boat to steal the original crystal from the island!"

"And he, Chen Qi, was also one of the civilians who took the sea boat to Bentley to steal the original crystal ore, but when they returned with a full load, they encountered a storm and were attacked by the sea beasts in the storm. They were unable to resist and the ship sank! He was also pushed into this river by the waves!"

After a slight pause, Jevric said: "That's the specific situation!"

Nodding lightly, Li Meng fell into contemplation.

Li Meng is not aware of Bentley Country.

However, since it can be called a country, it means that there are no complicated forces in the sea area where the islands are located. There is only one force and a government that exercises power.

The original crystal mine is indeed coveted, even Li Meng has a slight move.

Although Li Meng has the idea of ​​seizing the "territory", the opponent is a country. Given the strength of the "First Army" today, it is best not to provoke the power of a country.

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