Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 186: Chance of birth

Li Meng asked: "How strong is Qingcheng? Which force does it belong to?"

Yevrich replied: "According to him, Qingcheng is only a small city with about 100,000 civilians living in it. The city lord "Sun Haiwang" is a person who is neither good nor bad in his eyes. The number of soldiers in the city is about five thousand. Nominally, there is no major force behind it. However, according to him, Qingcheng City Lord Sun Haiwang seems to have something to do with a deacon in ASEAN!

Regarding ASEAN, Li Meng knows very little, but Li Meng still knows the location of ASEAN. The location of Nanlin Island can be said to be very close to the border of ASEAN.

Although there is no owner outside the border, it still belongs to Kyoto in name.

There can be no waves without wind. Since there is this saying, Nanlin Island is more or less related to ASEAN.

However, Li Meng didn't care about this.

"Nanlin Island is a good place!"

Li Meng said meaningfully.

This made Yevrich a stunned, contemplative expression on his face.

Indeed, in terms of geographical location, Nanlin Island is a very good place for development, with ASEAN in the west, Kyoto in the north, and Bentley in the south.

Through the sea, the four directions can be said to be unimpeded.

Nanlin Island is not small, it is an ellipse, the narrowest two points are more than 100 kilometers, the area is completely enough as the "initial place".

Jevric was still not sure, he said puzzledly: "Commander! You mean..."

Li Meng couldn’t comment, and said indifferently: “It’s too early to make a decision! Before making a decision, we need to see with our own eyes...”

Jevrich suddenly felt that the commander's caution was necessary.

Qingcheng's intelligence is still too little, and it is impossible for the "First Army" to make major decisions based on his own words.

Everything has to wait until seeing is believing before we reach the final conclusion.

Before the topic ended, Li Meng pointed to Li Muling, who was sitting on a small chair by the side, and said to Jevrich, "She is my sister "Li Muling"! You should know her!"

How could Jevric not know?

When the commander brought her back, he was by his side.


Looking at the person sitting on the seat, a pure white dress, a delicate face and a faint expression, the peaceful temperament gives a feeling of "quiet", the whole person makes Jevrich almost all Can't recognize it.

Is this still the little girl with the tattered and dirty face a few hours ago?

The difference is too big.

younger sister?

Of course Jevric knew what was going on.

"Miss! Hello!"

Since she is the commander’s younger sister, of course, she must also be respected. Javrich called to Li Muling.

This "Miss" made Li Muling's face slightly ruddy, and she lowered her head and responded softly, "Hello!"

Seeing Li Muling's shy look, Li Meng couldn't help but smile.

He waved to Yevrich: "Okay! Go! It's going to go tomorrow, you can't be lazy if you want this big guy to move!"

Yevrich moved, stood up straight, held the military salute and said, "Don't worry! Commander!"

After putting down his hand holding the military salute, before leaving, Javrich thought of another thing. He said: "Commander! What should I do with the captured "Yu Lei"? He was the leader of the slave city. After being captured by us, he has stayed in our team, and now he is locked in the confinement room of the "Emperor"!"

Is that short kid?

If Yvrich didn't say anything, Li Meng almost forgot him.

Staying in the "Emperor" is also a hassle.

To the rebels?

It's also a hassle to come and go.

Forget it, don't think about this trouble.

Li Meng waved his hand and said without difficulty: "This kind of person who is full of sin should have slammed him and liberated the evil spirits surrounding him. Throw him into the water and live fortune. Death is a kind of retribution!"

Hearing this, Jevric didn't think anything. He supported any decision of the commander. In his opinion, the commander is still kind. Such people shouldn't give them a chance to live. Bullets are the safest way.

But Li Muling was different. She was just a little girl with her neck slightly shrunk, obviously shocked by Li Meng's slightly **** words.

Perceiving Li Muling's strangeness, Li Meng waved his hand at Jevrich.

Yevrich turned around and left.

"Why? Scared?"

Looking at Li Muling, Li Meng said.

She shook her head, but betrayed her with her head down.

Leaning back, Li Meng lay lazily on the seat, looking at Li Muling, Li Mengqing said: "You are still young, and people who don’t understand have sinister hearts. Although evil and good are in one thought, people’s desires are People's hearts will change with the environment. It is easy for a good person to become a bad person, but once it becomes bad, it is impossible to become a good person again!

"To deal with such people, reformation is only an excuse for them to continue to be evil. Only death can end everything and usher in a new beginning!"

Will she understand?

Maybe, maybe not.

However, when Li Meng finished speaking, she raised her head, her face seemed to be lost in thought.

Seeing this scene, Li Meng smiled and closed his eyes and slumbered.

He has said enough, how she should understand it is her own business.

When the last gleam of golden light on the distant horizon dissipated, the entire sky quickly dimmed.

Night is coming.

This is the first night ushered in the ruins after the war.

The ruins shrouded in darkness were silent, and even the light that should have existed disappeared.

Compared to the dark, silent ruins, the waters on the east bank are brightly lit.

The light from the "Emperor" illuminates a large area of ​​water.

However, at this moment, someone on the "Emperor" has ushered in the most important destiny in his life.

Yu Lei, the leader of the former Slave City, did many evils and was a real villain.

He should have died, but everyone should have a chance to live, so Li Meng gave him this opportunity.

Yu Lei, mobilized in the confinement room, was escorted onto the deck.

On the ship's gunwale on the deck, the mobilizers unfastened his handcuffs.

At this time, he still didn't know what happened, and what happened next would happen to him.

He is very short, the height of the ship's side from the deck is about one meter three, but it is such a not high height, at the side of the ship, he is only half a head higher than the ship's side.

His hands were finally free, he was a little confused, a little puzzled, and looked around.

At this time, Yevrich, who had been following him, said: "You are very lucky. You should be dead now and be executed by us!"

Yvrich's words caused Yu Lei, who was looking around, to shrink his neck, and his face was horrified.

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