Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 187: Limit

In Yu Lei's horrified gaze, Jevrich continued: "Our commander is willing to give you a way to survive!"

Javrich pointed to the river outside the ship's gunwale and said: "Now you have two choices, either, you jump down yourself, if you are lucky enough, you can still live. Or...we throw you down!"

"No, no, you can't do this!"

Yu Lei yelled in fear.

At such a height, jumping down is very likely to make people dizzy.

Even if there is no dizziness, here is a mile away from the river bank. How can he swim back to the bank, who is not good at water?

"we can!"

Yevrich said coldly.

Yu Lei was desperate, he now has no choice.

When despair turned to madness, he looked hideous.

The ferocious gaze was like a wild beast, staring at the mobilized soldiers beside him.

"I will retaliate, as long as I am alive, I will not let all of you go!"

Jevric was unmoved. In the dark, the blue-ray sensor was so dazzling.

Yu Lei looked fiercely hateful, looked at the mobilizers for the last time, and he stood up on the ship's side and rolled down.

A black shadow flashed past in the darkness, and with a "pouch", a column of water splashed on the river.

The white waves rolled for a long time.

Javrich on the deck did not look at the water, but said to several mobilizers: "Go! Continue your mission!"


Several mobilizers responded, then turned around and continued their mission of patrolling the deck.

The commander said that death or life depends entirely on his good fortune. From the moment he jumps off the deck, his fate is in his own hands.

This kind of extremely evil person would be in the way if he looked at Jevrich once more, as for his threat, Jevrich had forgotten.

Time is passing, and the night is late.

On the top deck of the "Emperor", on the third floor of the suite, in Li Meng's exclusive room.

On the large bed, two figures hugged each other, and the warm atmosphere floated in the room.

But the hearts of both of them are quiet.

Holding Sakiya quietly, feeling her softness, and enjoying her warmth.

The silver hair was so soft that Li Meng couldn't help but fiddle.

Sakiya blushed slightly, feeling the hands of His Royal Highness making chaos behind his head.

But it's just that. For so long, she has been used to being with His Royal Highness every night.

Also let go.

She would not refuse some intimate actions of her Highness, she would only enjoy it shyly.

"How is she?"

Li Meng asked softly while playing with Sakuya's hair.

Arched in Li Meng's arms to make herself more comfortable, Sakuya let out a long sigh of relief, and whispered, "I have fallen asleep, and I slept very well!"

She should have been tired after experiencing a sad parting.

"His Royal Highness! Is there anything special about her? Why did she bring her back?"

Sakiya has been puzzled about this, she wants to know the reason.

Li Meng smiled and tapped Saya's forehead lightly.

"You! Even eat the jealousy of a child!"

How could Li Meng not understand Sakuya's thoughts.

Careful thinking was seen through, Sakuya's face was ruddy, and she buried her head deeply in Li Meng's arms.

The hand holding Sakiya's waist tightened, letting the soft body into his arms completely.

With his chin resting on Sakuya's forehead, Li Meng said softly, "There are pity and memories, and there are other factors!"

"What is it? Your Highness!"

Sakuya in her arms said dullly.

Holding Sakuya tightly, Li Meng said: "The environment in this world is harsh, and the air is full of harmful substances. Your physique cannot adapt to this world. Once you leave the "Emperor", you must wear a closed power combat uniform. In order to avoid being released from the outside air, so as to avoid infection of "radiation spots"!"

After a slight pause, Li Meng continued: "The First Army is growing all the time. One day we will have contact and exchanges with humans in this world!"

"And she, my sister Li Muling, can very well become the spokesperson of the "First Army" and have political contacts with the outside world. This is something you cannot do!"

One thing Sakiya didn't understand.

She said softly: "Your Highness! Isn't there you still?"

Outside, they can't take off their power combat uniforms, but your Highness can. Your Highness is a person from this world, who can adapt to the environment of this world, and his status is more suitable for taking on the responsibility of contact with the outside world.

Li Meng sighed lightly and said, "This body's limit is approaching. You should be able to feel this too!"

Sakuya's heart tightened and her face panicked.

Your Highness's health is not good, but is it that serious?

The end is approaching, which is not a good word.

Perceiving a change in Sakuya's expression, Li Meng patted Sakuya's head for comfort.

Said: "Don't worry, I won't die, just exist in another way?"

Another way?

Sakiya didn't quite understand.

"Our Rising Sun Empire’s medicine is very advanced, Your Highness! Good treatment should heal your body!"

Li Meng smiled slightly and said: "This is not a problem of medical technology. This body has had its root cause since childhood. With the influence of external forces, this is no longer a problem that advanced medical technology can solve!"

This mastermind had already informed Li Meng.

This external force is of course the "mind", the power of the mind is endless, and the majestic spiritual power also brings pressure to the body.

This kind of pressure is powerful and extremely destructive, and will completely collapse Li Meng's originally fragile body.

In order to prevent the body from collapsing, before the end of the body, the main brain had a plan, but the plan is not yet ready to be implemented.

However, even if the plan is implemented, it will be a few years from now. Although this body is fragile, it can persist for several years.

It is not necessary to think more now, it will only increase your troubles.

Combing Sakuya's silky silky hair, Li Meng said softly, "Okay! Don't think too much! Go to sleep! Time is running out!"


Sakuya in her arms hummed softly.

Although she didn't get the answer she wanted, Sakiya understood that he didn't say anything, there was always a reason for him, maybe it was not the time for her to know.

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