Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1846: Atlantis

In the city, the darkness is not there, and the soft lights disperse the darkness. The huge city is like a pearl in the darkness, it is bright and beautiful.

Atlantis, this is the name of the city and the capital of the water country.

There is a palace in the city. It is magnificent and a symbol of power.

At this time, in the government hall of the palace, there were so many strange creatures gathered together.

The huge hall is round, and there is a platform protruding outwards on the surrounding walls. There are five platforms, representing the five races of the water country. On each platform stands representatives of the various races, or "leaders ".

Crabs and shrimps, among the gills with a blue body and a fish head, the Eel Fuer with a soft body, and the Shark with a huge body and a shark head. Finally, there is a Wearing a crown on his head, with white skin, and a soft-looking appearance, the "Atlantis" is indifferent to humans, and is also the queen of the water kingdom.

She has pale white hair and a feminine face, but she is not lacking in majesty.

She was holding a golden scepter, and her every move gave people an elegant and solemn feeling.

She opened her mouth slightly, and her soft voice reverberated in the hall suddenly: "Crab, here, what you say is not a trifling matter, you have to be careful..."

Wielding a pair of red tongs, Crab Ba shouted: "Your Majesty, it happened in my domain. You don't know what I met. It is aliens. They seem to be very interested in the dark forbidden domain. They have strangeness. The ability to communicate with our souls can ignore language barriers. They promised that as long as we don’t disturb them, they won’t do unnecessary things. They also warn us if we are malicious , They don’t care about destroying all the lives on the blue star."

Speaking of this, Crab Lord’s words paused and said loudly: "If you don’t believe it, you can go to my realm. On the water, there is a huge spaceship parked. In the sky, in the sky, there is another one. A bigger spaceship, even on the water, you can clearly see what the ship looks like, you must believe me, we must warn the Chafman, warn them not to disturb the aliens, not to cause a no victory The war of hope."

Hearing this, the huge hall was caught in the discussion, and the voices of all races "buzzed".

At this time, the hunter of the fishgill tribe asked: "Crab, you said you have seen aliens in person, what do they look like? They must be ugly, right?"

As soon as these words were said, everyone showed curious eyes.

Faced with the eyes of everyone, Crab shouted: "She is wearing armor and cloak, and wearing a hood. She can't see what she looks like. However, her appearance and characteristics are very similar to those of Atlantis. Driving huge humanoid weapons, those humanoid weapons can easily fly into the sky beyond."

Very similar to Atlantis?

To Crab's words, the leaders of the clan looked at the queen one after another.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Ivan Bella said indifferently: "The evolution of life in all things is always traceable, even if the alien creatures are similar to the Atlanteans, this is not surprising."

This is also...

At this time, Crab King said: "Your Majesty, the sea area where the aliens are located happens to be between my domain and the Chaifu tribe's domain. The Chaifu tribe is not a water country. They advocate hegemony, and they will definitely attack the aliens. In order to obtain the technology of the aliens, they will not win, but will only anger the aliens. We must do something to avoid being dragged down by the Chafman."

Because of Xie Ba's words, everyone talked again.

In the end, it was Ivan Bella who stopped the discussion and said: "The Crab is right. In the face of unknown aliens, we can't make more radical behaviors when we know that the other party is not malicious. We must Protect yourself, Crab, and immediately warn the Chaifu tribe and warn them not to approach the aliens. If they don't listen to them, the water kingdom will not let them mess up."

Speaking of this, Ivan Bella looked around the leaders of the various races and said in a deep voice: "This time, everyone must be united. The armies of all races will immediately gather in the sea area where the aliens are located. Remember, you must not approach the aliens. Within a kilometer distance, if we can communicate, we may be able to talk to aliens."

This time, no one of the leaders of all races expressed opposition, and nodded all together.

At the end of the meeting, the leaders of all races left the platform and swam out.

At this time, a sturdy figure swam out of the underwater channel and came to Ivan Bella.

"Mother, let me go this time, let me control the army and guard against the Chaifu clan."

Timothy, this is his name and her son. She loves him and believes in him.

With a faint smile, Ivan Bella said, looking at this rather burly figure in front of him, "Go, my child."

Seeing his mother handing over the army to himself so easily, Timothy looked startled, then smiled slightly and said, "Mother, wait for me to return in triumph."

As he said, he turned around and swam fast in the water. He seemed to have the ability to control water, and the sea was pushing him.

The blue star's day is about 32 hours, and several days passed without knowing it.

It seems that the intelligent race on the blue star has listened to Tan Ya's warning, and the ship-based ship on the sea has not been disturbed.

Of course, whenever night comes, the water is always not calm, and a large number of water monsters float up from the deep sea, trying to destroy this big guy on the sea.

But they are powerless, facing this big metal guy, they have nowhere to start.

Today, the sky is shining brightly, the sun is scorching hot, and the armor surfaces of the ship-based ships have some temperature.

"Tan Ya, you should be bold, not hesitate. What are you afraid of? I won't eat you. At this point, you have to learn more from Ya. When it is critical, it will not hesitate. ."

On the side of the ship, Tan Ya, in a long black skirt, sits side by side with Li Meng, feeling the sea breeze, sunbathing and watching the endless sea view.

Secretly glanced at the owner, Tan Ya's mouth curled slightly.

She also said that she would not eat herself. Last night, she was completely eaten by the owner.

As if he knew what Tan Ya was thinking, Li Meng looked back at Tan Ya with a smile.

At this look, Tan Ya's face turned red, and her head slightly lowered.

Turning over to lie down, Li Meng lay on Tan Ya's lap, looking at Tan Ya's towering mountains and her face.

"This place is really good. It has warm sunshine and an endless sea. If it is closer to the empire, it should be a high-value planet for travel companies."

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