Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1847: Continuation of the story

Putting her slender hand on her master's body, Tan Ya whispered: "Master, this planet is not safe. There are no less than a thousand kinds of creatures that can kill humans in the water. This planet seems to have been eroded by the power of chaos. Many, especially the water monsters, are countless. Just below us, they are the old nests of the water monsters."

With a light smile, Li Meng said lazily: "Explore this planet well. There seems to be something hidden under the sea. It can interfere with the scanning device, and it can also block my mental power. There seems to be some unknown position."

Unknown position?

Tan Ya was thoughtful. In this way, he would have to spend more time in the Blue Star.

As if thinking of something, Tan Ya asked: "Master, did the sisters find them?"

Li Meng naturally knew who they were referring to. This was also one of the biggest tasks of the Black Cavalry Guard.

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Li Meng said calmly: "No, they don't know where they are hidden. The Black Cavalry has searched for more than a hundred years and haven't found them. The Sentry of the Kraken clan two hundred years ago seemed to have opened for us. A joke, it appeared and made us nervous. Under the urging of this sense of crisis, I unified the earth. When we entered the starry sky, we could not find their traces. Tan Ya, do you think they would Someday suddenly emerge from the empire."

is it possible?

Tan Ya was silent...

After a long time, Tan Ya whispered: "This possibility is very small. Unless the Kraken family's fleet is hidden in the planet's mantle, otherwise, they will not escape our search. Although the Black Cavalry has searched for more than a hundred years, it is against the starry sky. In other words, even in the Lost Star Region, this time is short. The owner does not need to worry. The later they appear, the stronger the Black Flag Empire will become. When the Black Flag Empire completely controls the Lost Star Region, even Being the Kraken family, we may not have no chance of victory."

"This is also..."

Unexpectedly, he was comforted by Tan Ya.

Looking at the pair of towering mountains in front of Tan Ya's chest, Li Meng smiled secretly and reached out and grabbed a handful.

"the host……"

Suddenly attacked on her chest, Tan Ya exclaimed, her face turned reddish, and she cried non-compliant, giving her master a white look.

He smiled, Li Meng withdrew his hand, and said in amazement: "Tan Ya, it's been more than two hundred years, you are still so full here, you won't take care of it often."

Tan Ya said irritably to the master's words that were so indifferent: "Master, we are the corpses, our body will remain at the most mature moment, and will never change, unlike the ghouls that can control the hooves. The growth of the body, thinking of ways to make oneself look better, in an attempt to seduce the owner."


Li Meng felt a little embarrassed after touching his nose.

Although there are indeed many women among the ghouls, only a few, and all the five fingers of the ghouls touched by Li Meng can be counted. Because the status of ghouls is always on the periphery of Li Meng’s heart, generally In other words, the ghouls never had the chance to touch Li Meng.

Without contact, naturally you will not be seduced by those little hooves.

Xiaosao hoof?

This is wrong, do those little nizi still have this feeling?

No, it should be said that it is that kind of desire.

The deceased is the dead after all, even if there is human emotion, the body will not have that kind of impulse.

Tan Ya is so beautiful...

Looking at the sky and Tan Ya's face, Li Meng was in a daze.

For a long time, Li Meng raised his left hand, spread his five fingers, trying to grasp something, and muttered to himself: "I really don't want to end it..."

Listening to the master's whisper, Tan Ya smiled slightly, hugged the hand, placed it on her chest, and whispered in her mouth: "It will not end, the story of the master will last forever, forever... …"


Looking at Tan Ya's beautiful face, Li Meng smiled.

Tanya at this time is really cute and exciting.

With a turn of his hand, Li Meng unceremoniously grabbed the towering mountain peak, moved his fingers, and nodded solemnly: "Who said no, even if it's just for them, you have to continue, yes, so soft..."

"the host……"

With a blush on her face, Tan Ya looked at her master shyly, holding her chest tightly with her hands.

She also pressed Li Meng's hand in this hug, and the feeling became clearer.

On the side of the ship over a hundred meters high, Li Meng laughed loudly and Tan Ya's charming helpless voice suddenly sounded.

At this moment, it was beautiful, warm, enviable, and sentimental.

"Master, general, found a large number of unidentified mechanical objects approaching, the direction: southwest, 710 meters deep, floating up."

In Tan Ya's bracelet, the voice of "Ya" suddenly rang.

This made Tan Ya frowned and her face became cold.

Even disturb her and the master at this time...

"General, please instruct..."


Tan Ya looked down at the owner on his lap, but found that the owner was sleeping with his eyes closed.

After thinking about it, Tan Ya said: "Wait, see what they are going to do."

"Do you want to turn on the shield?"

Tan Ya said: "Can their weapons cause damage to the armor of the ship-based ship?"

"Ordinary weapons cannot. Nuclear fission weapons can effectively damage ship-based ships."


Tan Ya said calmly, "If they dare to use nuclear weapons, I will dare to blow up this planet."

"The number of unknown mechanical objects is increasing, 1102, 1410, 2120, warning, detection of fission reaction, warning..."


I don't know when, Li Meng has opened his eyes and said calmly, "Tan Ya, you can't talk nonsense about this in the future."

With a flushed face, Tan Ya had to say: "Open the shield..."

Soon, after a few breaths, a blue shield appeared above the two of them.

After flickering a few times, it disappeared again. It did not disappear, but because of a low consumption state, its energy was invisible.

At this time, in the distance, about several kilometers away in the water, a large gray and dark mechanical submarine was approaching the carrier-based ship.

The shape of the submarine is very weird, like an enlarged version of a metal lobster. There are large and small, small and several meters long, and the large one is more than 100 meters. They are in groups and spread over a large area of ​​the sea. , The light illuminates the dark sea.

"Master, general, found a large number of mechanical vehicles in the northwest, some of which are submarines of the crab and shrimp tribe. The scale is very large, the number exceeds two thousand, and it is continuously increasing. The depth of the water is 1,100 meters and the distance is 22 nautical miles."

Crab and shrimp tribe, that is to say, the army in the northwest is the army of the water country, which country is the army in the southwest?

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