Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 198: Into the forest

Finally, Jevric said: "Go! Hurry up and act!"



"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

After the three voices responded one by one, Luo Ruo Manfu, Manfu Yeruo, and Jacob Rob turned around and entered the forest.

For a moment, riots broke out in the forest, the front line was divided into three, and a large number of soldiers flocked to the depths of the forest.

In less than a moment, the movement in the forest disappeared. Looking into the forest from the beach, there was no figure under the tree.

The only people who still exist on the beach are Tan Ya, and Tan Ya's allied soldiers, and of course, there are four huge metal monsters.

Yevrich did not leave either, and Chen Ping.

This battle, in Jevrich's view, is to test whether the three people have the ability to be alone. After all, as the team gets bigger in the future, their rights will be improved. With this battle, they can also exercise their abilities .

As a person of Qingcheng, he is most familiar with Chen Ping on Nanlin Island and can be said to be a very good guide.

However, his injury is not completely healed, the wound has not healed, and too violent movements will cause the wound to split and aggravate his injury.

The environment in the forest is harsh, the terrain is rugged, and it is difficult to move. Bringing him might slow down the marching speed of the mobilizers.

Nanlin Island is not big, as long as the direction is accurate, it is not difficult to find the three places, and there is no special need for a guide.

Taking into account various factors, Jevrich did not let Chen Ping follow the mobilized soldiers, but returned to the "Emperor" to continue to recover from his injuries.

Yvrich and Chen Ping returned to the "Emperor", while Tan Ya took the soldiers on a speedboat and headed south along the coastline to the reserved water village target.

The huge "Emperor" floats quietly in the deep sea far away from the coast, like a mountain standing above the water.

On the top deck, on the side of the ship, Li Meng kept watching the coast.

When Tanya's fleet moved away along the coastline, Li Meng withdrew his sight, turned and left the ship's side.

This battle against Qingcheng is destined to take a lot of time.

Fighting will happen, killing is also essential, and Li Meng just wants to minimize the killing.

This time the target is no better than the city of Slave, Li Meng must consider more.

10 days!

This is the bottom line that Li Meng can bear for this battle.

Once this time has passed, the "First Army" will attack with all its strength at all costs, even if Qingcheng will be bloodied by it.


With a light breath, Li Meng, who entered the garden, sat on the seat.

Li Muling on the side seat noticed the movement, the familiar sound of footsteps, of course she knew who came.

"Brother! Are you worried?"

That sigh made Li Muling feel that his brother seemed to have something on his mind.

Closed his eyes and slumbered, Li Meng responded softly to Li Muling's words: "Don't worry, brother is just thinking about something!"


Li Muling responded.

The sea of ​​forests is boundless. This is just to describe the vastness of the sea of ​​forests, and there are bounds to be found in the vast sea of ​​forests. Nanlin Island is just an island with a limited area.

However, to the naked eye, the forest sea that can't be seen at a glance is truly boundless.

The forest is dark and humid, the sunlight is blocked by the dense canopy, and the light shines through the gaps between the branches and leaves, so that the space under the trees will not be completely darkened.

The ground is densely covered with branches and leaves, vines are traversed, and the terrain is rugged and uneven. Walking in the forest is a bit difficult.

Even mobilization is no exception.

In the gloomy forest, the blue rays of light flickered, and the figures swayed. Each mobilized soldier was looking for the way under his feet, advancing in the forest with a radius of 100 meters.

The team was silent, everyone was paying attention to their feet. The ground was too messy. The smooth rocks and vines that crossed would fall down if they were not careful.

When I first entered the forest, the mobilization troops did not lose much in this respect.

The speed of the action was worrying, and the only thing that made Luo Luomanfu at ease was that they had enough time.

Like ordinary mobilizers, Luo Luomanfu, a battalion commander, also wore a dark green power combat uniform of the same model.

Watching his feet carefully, Luo Luomanfu moved forward cautiously.

Looking at him, there are mobilized soldiers everywhere in the space of 100 meters around.

Looking forward, the image captured by the sensor is a deep and gloomy forest.

There was silence in the forest, and there was the sound of soldiers walking. The forest did not make a certain sound.

Quietly a little abnormal.

It’s already some distance from the landing beach, ten kilometers? Or twenty kilometers?

Luo Luomanfu didn't know that the rugged terrain could not let people estimate the distance based on feeling, and the terrain of Linhai was not an endless plain. There were also a lot of raised highlands and mountains.

It's just that the mountain is not very steep, it should be a hill to be precise.

Along the way, I don't know how many gentle hills have been climbed.

Luo Rumanfu knew very well that their journey was less than half way down, and there was still a long way to go before the mission goal.

Can't relax.

"Be vigilant, pay attention to the top of your head, your feet, and the blind spots you can't see. This is a forest. There are various polluting beasts inside. Maybe they are staring at us in the dark! Waiting for us to reveal the flaws. !"

As he walked, Luo Rumanfu spoke to all the soldiers through the communicator.

This is a reminder and a warning.

"Once they encounter a contaminated beast, the teams will cover each other. If any team is counseled and embarrassing Suville, go and explain to Colonel Jevrich!

Mobilizers are human beings, living humans, living in different environments, and the polluting beasts of this world look like monsters in movies to Mobilizers.

Only here, the monsters in this world are real.

With a hideous body and a terrifying face, the mobilized soldiers are also afraid of ferocious polluting beasts.

It's just the courage in their hearts that gave them strength and made them fearless, picking up guns, putting on equipment, and fighting.

The words in the ear were reminders and exhortations. The mobilizers moved forward in silence, vigilant around, searching for hidden threats.

Luo Rumanfu thought of the other two teams. Since entering the forest, the three teams have separated and lost contact at the same time.

What happened to the other two teams, Luo Luomanfu did not know, but there was no gunshots in the forest, which shows that the situation is improving.

"Lieutenant Colonel Luo Luomanfu! The area ahead is a swamp, do I need to go around it?"

Suddenly there was a notification of mobilization in front from the communicator.

This made Luo Luomanfu quicken his pace.

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