Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 199: swamp

After not taking a few steps, when crossing a huge and thick dead tree entangled by vines, what appeared in front of Luo Luomanfu was a gloomy swamp.

It is under the woods, with sparse giant trees standing in the water, scattered roots protruding from the water surface, intertwined, huge and dense canopy covering the sky above the swamp, making the swamp dark.

The water is a bit turbid, and the water should not be very deep. You can see intertwined tree roots and rotting leaves in the water.

Countless figures stayed by the water, and the swamp in front of them blocked the way of mobilization.

When he came to the water, Luo Ruomanfu looked into the distance, his gaze toward the end of the swamp, the depths of the forest.

The gloomy environment blocked his vision, and he couldn't see too far.

The area of ​​the swamp does not seem to be small.

Bypass it?

Who knows where the ends of the swamp are on the left and right?

If the distance is too far, too much time will undoubtedly be wasted.

Although the ten-day time is ample, Luo Rumanfu is very clear that his team must keep pace with the other two teams, and the time to reach the target location cannot be too different.

Otherwise, it will affect the success of this war.

That kind of result is something Luo Luomanfu doesn't want to see.

Luo Luomanfu said in a deep voice: "Go ahead! Cross this swamp!"

After speaking, Luo Luomanfu took the lead and stepped into the water.

At first the water was very shallow, only to the calf, not a few steps, the water was already deep to the root of Luo Ruomanfu's thigh.

The feet are full of sluggishness, and the feet are deep in the mud. Each step consumes a lot of energy from the auxiliary power.

Seeing Luo Luomanfu's action, the mobilized soldiers at the water's edge followed into the water.

The turbid water surface was swaying, and for a time, the water splashed in all directions, and the sound of the water "rushed.

Just like on land, the terrain in the swamp is rugged and uneven, and there are deep pits under the water. The mobilized soldiers will fall into the pit if they are not careful, and their entire body will sink.

Fortunately, the power combat uniform is closed enough to rely on air circulation to stay in the water for more than ten minutes.

Ten minutes is enough time for the mobilizers to leave the pit and leave the dangerous place.

In the dim swamp, the surface of the water was swaying, and dense figures moved in the water. At first glance, a few hundred meters in radius were the figures of mobilized soldiers.

"Da da!"

Suddenly, when the team was on the move, there was a burst of intensive gunfire on the left side of the team.

The sound of the gun sounded, causing the team in the act to stop. All the mobilized soldiers raised their guns almost at the same time, alerting their surroundings.

"What happened!"

When the gunfire sounded, Luo Rumanfu's face changed, and he hurriedly speeded up his steps, raising waves of water, and heading in the direction where the gunfire appeared.

Mobilized troops from other positions also quickly gathered in the direction of gunfire.

The water was "crashing", which was the splash raised by the mobilized soldiers walking quickly in the water.

When he came to the place where the gunfire sounded on the left, Luo Luomanfu saw a slightly chaotic scene.

The mobilizers in the water moved nervously, and they kept patrolling the water with their guns, as if there was something in the water.

Is there something in the water?

At a glance, Luo Luomanfu did not notice any changes in the water.

"what happened?"

Luo Luomanfu asked.

At this time, the mobilized soldiers from other places were gathering here one after another. Not long after, the waters were filled with the sound of mobilized soldiers.

"There is something in the water! It is in the water, I see it!"

The words from the communicator made Luo Rumanfu's expression tense.

He waved his hand quickly and said, "Quiet! Don't talk, don't cause any movement!"

As soon as the order was delivered, both the nearby mobilizers and the mobilizers gathering here stopped and remained stationary.

The turbulent water surface gradually subsided, and when the sound of the water disappeared, the swamp was calm again.

Quietly silent, deathly quiet.

When patrolling the surrounding water, Luo Rumanfu said in a low voice: "Watch out, watch out, watch out for the muddy water flow under the water!"

The surface environment is gloomy and the underwater is muddy. The swamp is a good hiding place for some polluting beasts.

Luo Luomanfu knew that it must be nearby, peeping at them somewhere underwater.

"The bullet is loaded, and the rocket launcher is ready!"

Luo Luomanfu said in a low and gentle voice.

In Luo Rumanfu's words, the mobilizers gently opened the safety of the rifle in their hands and loaded the bullets.

The mobilizer with a bazooka behind also put the gun in his back, replaced it with a bazooka, and carried it on his shoulders.


Where are you?

The sensor is constantly updating the picture, Luo Rumanfu muttered to himself, carefully patrolling the water surface.

It is impossible for the slightest change in the water to escape Luo Luomanfu's eyes.


A huge wave of water suddenly stirred up from the water.

A behemoth sprang out from the stirring water waves. It had a hideous head, sharp teeth, and a thick, long and smooth body like a sharp sword.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and it opened its big sharp mouth and bit the mobilizer in front of it.


The white waves on the water rolled, it bit the mobilizers and dived into the water again.

The speed was too fast. When the mobilizers reacted, they could only see its long tail disappearing into the white waves.

"Damn it!"

When the monster appeared, Luo Luomanfu reacted. With a roar, he dropped the gun in his hand and took a big step forward. The auxiliary power engine of the legs roared like a tiger. Luo Luomanfu in the water jumped. As a sharp arrow followed the monster into the tumbling white waves.

"Lieutenant Colonel Luo Luomanfu!"

Seeing this scene, the mobilizers were shocked.

Several figures followed closely, and dived into the water with a "pouch".

It is deep water, and the area on the left is deep water.

When the water is calm, the underwater situation is unknown.

Looking at the calm water, the mobilized soldiers face to covet.

What should I do now?

"Underwater signal interference, I can't reach Lieutenant Colonel Luo Luomanfu!"

"How many people are going down to check the situation?"

In the communicator, someone suggested.

"It's too dangerous! It's inconvenient to move in the water. A few comrades have gone down just now. We don't need to go down again!"

"Look! There is movement over there!"

On the surface of the water not far away, bubbles in the water rolled and continuously emerged from the water.

It is as if something will emerge from the water.

In this scene, the mobilization soldiers raised their guns and watched the water nervously.

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