Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 656: Advance in the morning

The mobilizer who was questioned by Love replied: "The arrangements are in order. The corpses have been transported back to the ships. Once there are returning ships, they will be transported back to Nanlin Island!"

Love nodded lightly and said: "Very good! They were selected to come to a remote place far away, at least to be able to return to their hometown after their deaths, which can be regarded as giving an explanation to the family over there!"

Everyone was silent, although as soldiers, when their comrades died in battle, they were not as calm as they were on the surface.

It's just that as soldiers, they must control their emotions and not be affected by foreign objects.

"By the way! What did those nuns do? Among the sacrificed soldiers should be lucky ones who were blessed by "Reaper"?"

Love thought of the nuns and the warriors who had been resurrected in the previous ceremony.

The mobilizer who was questioned by Love replied: "Yes! The original death toll was 107, of which 20 were resurrected by the nuns and became black knights."

The Black Knight is a name given to the resurrected soldiers by the soldiers of the First Legion.

Because it is too vivid, this title fits the image of a soldier after the resurrection very much.

A black armor, holding a big sword, like a knight in the ancient cold weapon era, this name is too appropriate for the resurrected warrior.

As soon as the title came out, it resonated with many soldiers.

Ever since, the warrior who was transformed into a "ghoul" became the black knight in the mouth of the soldiers of the First Legion.

"In this way, there are a lot of black knights in the team, and they should be able to come in handy in the next battle."

In his heart, Love couldn't help but think so.

In previous battles, due to the fact that the number of black knights was too small and the fighting time was too short, Love did not allow the black knights to participate in the attack. After all, the black knights are melee fighters, and they are easy to be attacked by the enemy on the charge. Long-range fire resistance, for various reasons, Love had forgotten the Black Knight in the previous battle.

Moreover, he didn't know much about the black knight Love, and his cognition still existed in his previous form as a human, and he subconsciously believed that the black knight was not suitable to participate in the attack in the enemy's bullet rain.

Finally, looking around the three of them, Love said in a deep voice: "After going down, take a good rest, tomorrow's battle will be more intense, this will be the last battle on Turner Island!"


The three raised their heads upright and responded in unison.


As soon as Love's words fell, the three turned around and walked outside the tent.

Outside, in the huge camp, with the passage of time, the "crackling" bonfire gradually went out. When the last flame disappeared, the bonfire disappeared, leaving only a pile of black ashes.

As the bonfire went out, the camp was completely silent. Only the steel walls outside the camp were shining with huge beams of light, which moved back and forth, constantly scanning the forest outside.

In the silence of all things, the darkness left little by little.

Early in the morning, when everything recovers.

As soon as the day broke, the camp was boiling.

Countless dark green figures left the tent and began to put away their own tent.

Breakfast has already been eaten in the tent, and next, for the frontline troops, it will be time for battle.

The order from the superior has been issued, and the huge camp is quickly disappearing.

Before long, the blossoming tents had disappeared, and the scorched earth was once again exposed between heaven and earth.

On the scorched ground, countless dark green figures swayed, and at a glance, they were densely packed.

On the edge of the scorched earth, armored machines have started their engines, and the roar of "rumbling" reverberated over the forest.

"set off!"

With an order, on the scorched ground, the sergeants of all levels led the soldiers to start operations.

Numerous figures began to continue, and drove into the forest in droves. Beside the dark green metal figures, there were scythe mechas accompanying them on the left and right, along with the soldiers and sickle mechas. In the forest.

On the stone path on the side of the scorched earth, the hammer tank was driving close to the scorched earth and onto the stone path.

On the scorched ground, huge craters could not stop the advance of the hammer tank. Amid the roar of the engine, one after another hammer tanks drove away from the scorched ground and walked along the stone road.

Not long afterwards, there was no longer any existence on the scorched earth in the forest. It was empty, and under the breeze, only black ashes were blowing in the wind.

In the forest, a huge army is advancing.

The destination was not far away, and the fortress was sitting on the hill a few kilometers away.

On the other side of the mountain are cliffs, facing the sea, and on the other side are slightly gentle hills.

There is only one road up the mountain, and that is a stone path across the forest.

In the last part of the journey, the stone path was straight, climbing the hill straight up to the fortress on the hill.

At a long distance, the hammer tank on the stone path was discovered by the defenders in the enemy fortress.

The fortress is condescending and occupies a vast area. It almost occupies the entire hill. The wall from west to east is no more than one kilometer long.

The city wall is tall, more than 30 meters long, so that the defenders on the wall have a good line of sight.

Looking out, you can have a panoramic view of the entire forest, and you can know the movement of the stone roads in the forest at any time.

"The enemy! The enemy is coming!"

With a loud roar, there was a commotion on the city wall, and the alarm bell rang "Boom! Boom".

In the alarm bell, a large number of figures appeared from all over the city wall to the south. After a while, the wall was occupied by soldiers wearing gray coats.

"Ready to fight!"

On the one-kilometer-long city wall, officers at all levels are commanding their subordinates.

Under the urging of the officer, a number of cannons were pushed up the city wall and erected between the battlements. The black hole muzzle pointed directly at the forest outside the city wall, especially at the end of the stone road, the enemy armored unit that was approaching.

Under the city wall, at the end of the stone road is a huge metal city gate. The gate is 15 meters high and 10 meters wide. It looks very heavy.

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