Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 657: Siege

But in this era, the era of powerful gunpowder weapons, the fortified city gates are also vulnerable to gunfire.

Unless it is an armored city, the entire wall is made of steel.

No matter how strong the metal gate is, it is only connected to a city wall made of stone. No matter how strong the stone is, it cannot stop the power of the artillery explosion. There is only one end, and that is to be ruthlessly destroyed by the First Legion.

At the end of the stone road, under the shade of the trees, several dark green figures stood upright, and the images in the helmets showed the situation on the fortress wall not far away.

With the help of the focusing function of the sensor, everything on the distant city wall is clearly displayed in the picture in the helmet.

The swaying head and the muzzle of the black hole all said that the enemy was ready to fight.

Beside him, the huge hammer tank "Rumble" one after another passed by. In the forest on both sides, there were also mobilized soldiers and sickle mechas constantly walking by.

Amidst all kinds of abnormal sounds in his ears, Love gave orders.

"Calculate the coordinates and request two rounds of fixed-point bombing from the fleet. After the bombing, the entire line will be attacked!"


Amidst the commands, an officer left.

It is more than ten nautical miles away from the fleet, which has exceeded the communication range. High-power communication equipment must be used to ensure smooth communication with the fleet.

The battle in the early morning had not yet started, but the fleet anchored on the sea took the lead.

After receiving the call from the frontline troops, the fleet responded within the first time.

The gunner and the sighter were on standby 24 hours a day. When the request for fire support arrived, the turrets on the warships turned slightly, and the muzzle of the black hole aimed at the coordinates.

"Coordinates 320, 148, two volleys, let go!"

"Boom! Boom!"

With a flash of fire on the sea, the tranquility of the morning was destroyed by the sound of shelling.

The barrel vibrated and the flame sprayed. In the surging flames, countless shells flew into the sky, whistling at dawn.

The abnormal movement in the far sea has long been discovered by many eyes who closely monitor the fleet.

Before the shelling sounded, the alarm bells echoed in the fort to avoid the bombing.

The "jingle bell" sound was rapid and harsh, echoing continuously in the fortress.

As soon as the alarm bell rang, the defenders on the southern wall suddenly dispersed. Even the cannons on the wall were rushed down the wall and into the dark cave below the wall.

When the last figure left the city wall, a "rumbling" shelling suddenly sounded in the distant sea.

After a short while, the howling of the sky suddenly appeared, moving from far to near, and quickly reached.

At that moment, the explosion sounded, and countless fireballs rose up on the southern city wall.

"Boom! Boom!"

The sound of violent explosions continued, the flames were surging, the powerful shock wave swept over everything around, and the "rumbling" of the explosion was deafening.

Countless mushroom clouds mixed with flames rose above the wall, and the scattered rubble swept around like bullets.

The southern city wall was immediately enveloped by artillery fire, and even the forest outside was affected. Numerous fireballs in the forest rose, and the shock wave shattered everything around. The high temperature caused the trees to burn for a short time. Countless thick branches were broken, and piles fell to the ground.

In the "rumbling" of the artillery fire, the southern city wall is shining brightly.


The violent explosion roared like a deafening thunder.

The earth was shaking, and in the surging flames, a section of the city wall collapsed, and countless broken stones flew into the sky.

After two rounds of shelling, the bombing was over.

When the last ball of fire blew up on the city wall and disappeared in the burst, the southern city wall gradually subsided.

The smoke of war engulfed the fortress, and when viewed from a distance, on the southern wall of the fortress, dust and dust filled the sky.

"Up to the city wall! Ready to fight!"

No one knows how many people were sacrificed in the bombing. As soon as the bombing was over, the soldiers hiding in the dark cave under the city left the "safe" place under the urging of the officers, and re-mounted the wall as if they were dying.

In the sound of dense footsteps, countless figures rushed up the city wall and rushed to their posts.

After the bombing, the city walls have become ragged, with gaps and craters everywhere.

A lot of cannons erected between the battlements have also been lost. Although there are some well-preserved cannons, the number is no longer large.

When the head of the wall was filled with figures again, the troops marching in the forest had already approached the wall.

The hammer tank on the stone path is less than two kilometers away from the city wall.


Seeing the war machinery on the stone path approaching aggressively, the defenders on the city wall launched an attack.

"Boom! Boom!"

Flames spurted, and shelling sounded from the wall.

The cannon on the wall fired.

There was a whistling sound over the forest.

"Boom! Boom!"

There was an explosion on the tree canopy in the forest on both sides of the stone road. In the surging flames, the branches that had been blown off fell "crash".


There was also an artillery shell that fell on the stone path and exploded on the stone path dozens of meters away from the first hammer tank.

In the explosion sound like "thunder", when the flying fireball dispersed, a small crater appeared on the stone path.

The enemy launched an attack, and the front line troops of the First Army also launched a counterattack.

The huge hammer tank, the black turret turned slightly, and the muzzle of the black hole aimed at the "city wall" at the end of the stone path.


The sturdy barrel shrank suddenly, the flame sprayed, and a harsh scream suddenly sounded over the dark stone path.

The distance is less than two kilometers, and it's just around the corner.


After just one breath, there was an explosion on the wall.

The waves of air billowed, the rubble danced wildly, and the scattered rubble caused the defenders on the city wall to turn on their backs.


As soon as the explosion on the distant city wall fell, the hammer tank opened fire again.

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