Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 658: Guard

The flames raged again, and the shelling echoed in the forest.

Over the gloomy stone path, there was a whistling sound again.

On the far wall, a ball of fire once again lifted up, accompanied by a deafening explosion.

The extremely fast rate of fire made up for the lack of firepower of the hammer tank, and also showed the fierceness of the hammer tank.

As the battle started, the troops in the forest accelerated their speed.

When the troops in the forest were close enough to the city wall, the dense gunfire on the wall suddenly rang.

The bullets roared, the bullet marks danced wildly, the branches and leaves were splashed in all directions, countless bullets struck into the forest, and the forest suddenly rang out with the sound of "dongdong".

That is the sound of the howling bullet, hitting the tree trunk.

The hammer tank on the stone path, as it approached, the firepower it withstood became more fierce, sparks splashed on the armor from time to time, and even more violent explosions.

The caliber and armor-piercing ability of the enemy's shells are limited. Although it has endured fierce firepower, the first hammer tank in front of the team is still intact.

As the figure shook in the forest, troops rushed out of the forest on a buffer zone between the forest and the city wall.

"Da da!"

The gunfire became more intense. In the empty buffer zone, under the cover of the sickle mecha, the mobilized soldiers ran and shot at the city wall, braving the rain of bullets to approach the city wall.

In the continuous mile of forest, there are surging figures everywhere.

For a time, the situation of the war became tense.

"Da da!"

The huge sickle mecha is like a heavy machine gun fortress, erected on the buffer zone, frantically spitting flames on the wall.

The strong metal storm suppressed the defenders on the wall.

"Chih! Chih!"

Dense bullets hit the city wall, and suddenly rubble flew around, creating craters one after another.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

In the weird roar, the mobilizers carrying rocket launchers fired rockets towards the wall.

With the jet of flames, a scream passed by, a light smoke filled the air, and the strong head exploded suddenly.

Under the powerful firepower, although the defenders at the top of the wall occupies the advantage of the terrain, they have no chance to rise.

As soon as the head came up, it would be hit by a bullet coming from below. For a while, a large number of soldiers on the wall fell to the ground and suffered heavy losses.

"Aim at the armored unit below and fire!"

In the rain of bullets, a cannon on the wall turned its muzzle and aimed at a sickle mech under the wall.

The soldiers in control of the cannon operated for a while, filling the cannonballs, watching and aiming, as they were about to fire.

A strange scream suddenly sounded in the air under the city wall.

A white trace flashed in the air, and the wall outside the muzzle exploded.


The flames were surging, and a ball of fire slowly rose from the top of the wall, and the shock wave generated at the moment of the explosion directly blew the cannon.

The soldiers who controlled the cannon on the wall were too close to the explosion point. Although they were protected by battlements, the sweeping shock wave also made them fall to the ground with a trace of blood flowing from the corners of their mouths.

The shock of the explosion hurt their internal organs.

Another hapless man was hit by a flying cannon and died on the spot before he even screamed.

"Om! Om!"

In the roar, following the stone path, the hammer tank rushed out of the forest.


Flame jet, the first hammer tank opened fire.

The sturdy barrel shook suddenly, flames surged, and shells shot out.

The cannonballs roaring in the air struck forward bravely, and hit the huge metal gate one day.


A ball of fire suddenly rose from the dark metal gate.

The flame burst, and billowing air waves swept all around.

The instantaneous impact made the heavy city gate tremble, and countless dust and gravel fell on the place where it was connected to the city wall.


The shelling sounded again, and amidst the howling sound, a ball of fire rose again from the city gate.

The shock wave generated by the powerful explosion made the city gate tremble more intensely.

The bombing of the city gate was no longer the second shell. When it was close enough to the city gate, the first hammer tank aimed at the city gate. When it drove out of the forest, the city gate was already unknown. How many shells were fired.

However, the shelling was very effective, and the huge gate was already crumbling.

Unable to resist, completely unstoppable.

Although there are many brothers on the wall, they can't stop the enemy from approaching the wall.

The enemy's firepower is too strong, and they have to pour firepower down at the cost of their lives. After a short battle, the walls have been covered with corpses one after another.

The only heavy weapon, the cannon, was almost destroyed. Their low role in this battle is uncomfortable. A probe will be focused on. Once it is fixed by the enemy under the city, the cannon can only be destroyed.

"They want to destroy the city gate! Send out the guards, hurry up, send out the guards!"

The strange state of the city gate was discovered by the defenders on the city, and they quickly made a plan to deal with it.

Under the order, on the playground behind the city, the guards who had been waiting began to move.

The power furnace started, and 24 guards mounted on the wall amid the sound of machinery.

As soon as they appeared, they launched their own firepower superiority and launched an attack on the first army under the city.

"Bang! Bang!"

Flame jets and shells roared.

Countless fireballs suddenly appeared on the buffer zone under the city.

The flame burst, the shock wave hit everything around, and the powerful vibration caused multiple figures around the explosion point to fly out.

In just one wave of attacks, the First Army lost a lot of soldiers.

To the war machinery that suddenly appeared on the city wall, the First Army under the city quickly responded.

Concentrated firepower.

A dense metal storm attacked the war machinery on the city wall, which was also mixed with rockets.

"Boom! Boom!"

Under the intensive firepower, the war machinery on the city wall suddenly shot up fireballs after another.

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