Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 669: Gentle offensive

During this period of time, the first legion in the city of Bali, which suffered heavy losses, will face the siege of tens of thousands of enemy troops. At that time, in the war, the first legion may have its first battle defeat.

To avoid defeat, the only way to deal with Bentley’s military power is to invest more troops.

Instead of using the current thousands of troops to fight a surprise attack.

Slightly getting up, Natasha changed positions under Li Meng’s slightly unexpected gaze, and sat down on the stone bench beside him, slender posture, her hands on the guards, her head resting on her hands. , A look like nestling beside Li Meng.

Is this a gentle offensive?

For Natasha's sudden move, Li Meng was quite surprised.

Because in Li Meng’s cognition, since Natasha came to him, Natasha has not been too cold towards him. Even if she became a "corpse girl", she only respected him as the master, even if Li Meng. If you intend to get close to her, she will hide far away.

But now, she is like a puppy who is begging to be petted by the owner, who is resting on her guard, completely changing her previous image.

Although I don't know why, Li Meng did not reject Natasha.

In Li Meng's eyes, "Zie Ji" is like his own child, with a connection comparable to blood.

With a helpless smile, Li Meng stretched out his hand and gently stroked the brown hair. The hair was smooth and rubbed, and it felt very comfortable to the touch.

As for Natasha, she quietly enjoyed her master's touch, her face was very calm.

In the pavilion, Natasha quietly nestled beside Li Meng, forming a warm picture.

Looking around, the garden is dark outside, and the soft light in the pavilion is enveloped by the dark night, which adds an indescribable atmosphere to the pavilion.

A long time, maybe a long time, and maybe a short time.

Natasha's whispers sounded in the pavilion.

"Master! I need rights, absolute rights, and no one can interfere. When the war is over, Natasha will not let the master down!"

Li Meng's expression was rather helpless to Natasha's whisper, stroking the soft hair lightly.

This little Nizi is really courageous, I'm afraid she is the only one who dares to say this.

This is not a simple sentence, this sentence can be said to completely negate everything Li Meng did before.

Both the recruitment of arms and the formulation of combat plans were rejected by Natasha.

Natasha asked for the right from him to fight the war as she wanted.

It seems that this war has caused a lot of pressure on Natasha, otherwise she would not say this.

Li Meng was not angry about Natasha's boldness.

Because Li Meng knew very well that he was not good at politics or military. From the development of the First Army to the present, although the direction he controlled was correct, there were still many flaws in the details.

Li Meng fell into contemplation by gently stroking the soft hair.

Give or not?

As soon as he pondered this question, Li Meng figured it out.

Looking at Natasha who was nestling beside him, Li Meng smiled helplessly, and said: "Natasha! You are a gentle offensive, but it's really powerful, people can't refuse!"

With a slight movement, Natasha stood up on the armrest with both hands, and she turned around in her black tight-waisted dress, and her slim figure was already sitting in the owner's arms.

With a gentle and delicate body in his arms, while Li Meng was stunned, a pair of white hands reached his neck and surrounded him.

The white face was close at hand, a bit cold, and a bit soft, and her mouth was slightly open. She whispered, "Will the master refuse?"

can you?

Will he refuse?

Seeing the face close at hand, the soft and firm gaze made Li Meng feel a little moved.

In terms of beauty, Natasha may not be as good as Tanya and Sakiya, but the temperament of her body, the temperament of a soldier, adds a charm to her as a woman, and this charm is the same for any man. An instinct that cannot be resisted.

Li Meng is no exception.

Without much words, Li Meng probed over to the ruddy lips.

This time Natasha did not refuse, but bowed her head to meet her.

When her lips touched, Natasha's eyes moved slightly, and she fell into the master's offensive.

Assaulting the city all the way, exploring the softest place, Li Meng frantically asked for it in the entanglement.

And Natasha, facing her master's request, could only obediently lay down on her master's body, and the large and full twin peaks pressed tightly against the chest of the person below her.

For Li Meng, the softness on his chest, the kind of silent rubbing, made people extremely comfortable, and impacted the **** deep in his heart.

Looking at the two people entangled in the seats, the guards in the pavilion did not look sideways. Only Wendy, who was on one side, looked at Natasha who was on the owner with a slight surprise. After all, Natasha's behavior today It seemed something abnormal to Wendy, completely contrary to her previous impression of Natasha.

However, no matter how weird Natasha's actions are, her intimacy with her master is just her master's private life. As the guards, they only need to do their part.

After a lot of raids, Li Meng was finally satisfied and left the soft lips.

When the lips were separated, a silver silk thread connected the lips. It took a long time to break and disappear, which made a warm atmosphere in the pavilion.

Looking at Natasha, who was still calm, Li Meng stroked that face and said softly, "Just stay tonight!"

This is an invitation, the master's invitation, what will happen after staying, how can Natasha not understand.

A trace of hesitation flashed through the beautiful eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

Under Li Meng's gaze, Natasha nodded slightly.

With a slight smile, Li Meng was already impatient with the **** in his heart.

Putting one hand behind Natasha, one hand leaning into the bends of the legs, got up, and walked out of the pavilion with a princess hugging Natasha Li Meng.

Leaving the garden, Li Meng hugged Natasha straight to the suite, and came to the room on the third floor.

Opening the door, the huge hall came into view.

With the beauty in his arms, Li Meng would stay in the hall, strode out of the hall, and entered the bedroom.

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