Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 670: Blushing atmosphere

On that big bed, Li Meng gently put Natasha down.

On the big bed, Natasha lay quietly, a black tight-waisted dress perfectly showing her figure, which looked extremely moving.

Sitting gently on the edge of the bed, looking at Natasha below him, Li Meng was not too anxious, but admired Natasha's wonderful posture.

Seeing Natasha who was calm, Li Meng smiled secretly in his heart. He was very scared and apprehensive in his heart, but showed a natural look on his face. Natasha in front of him was really cute.

Stretching out his hands, reaching into Natasha's legs and bending down, Li Meng hugged Natasha again.

The master's unexpected behavior made Natasha a little confused, and she looked at the master in front of her with questioning eyes.

Without saying more, Li Meng hugged Natasha to the balcony on the side of the bedroom. There was a wide space on the balcony, with soft seats and transparent glass round tables.

On a soft seat, Li Meng hugged Natasha and sat down.

Holding Natasha quietly, Li Meng looked at the sky.

This place is located at the bow of the ship, which is also the highest place. When you look out, you can only see pitch black and the endless stars.

In the dark, the scenery here is the most beautiful.

"It's beautiful!"

Li Meng whispered softly in Natasha's ear.

Because of the master's words, Natasha in Li Meng's arms slightly raised her head and looked towards the sky.

In the dark night sky, the stars flickered, and the endless starry sky was reflected in Natasha's eyes.

Speaking slightly, Natasha said softly: "It's really beautiful!"

Withdrawing his gaze from the sky, gently holding Natasha's waist in his arms, and looking at Natasha in his arms, Li Meng said softly: "Go ahead! You want that star, when the time comes, it belongs to your!"


The words of the master in the ear made Natasha quite speechless. She is not a little girl, can she be fooled by these words?

He seemed to know what Natasha was thinking, Li Meng touched Natasha's forehead with his head, and he looked very affectionate, and said softly: "This is not a lie. You and I can wait until that day comes, when we Let's go and have a look!"

Looking at the master in front of her dazedly, Natasha understood, and finally understood the meaning of the master's words.

How long will that day be?

A hundred years, a thousand years, or ten thousand years?

But no matter how long, she will always be with her master, and that day will come sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Natasha suddenly felt indescribable.

It feels bulging, as if something is about to break through the line of defense in my heart.


In the end, the line of defense was broken.

Looking at the owner with clear eyes, Natasha revealed an undisguised fiery in her eyes.

That is a desire, a desire to possess.

Lowering his head, in Li Meng's slight stunned, Natasha kissed Li Meng's lips domineeringly, and the action was very rough. Natasha's wanton plunder on the mouth made Li Meng stunned.

What kind of medicine did this girl take to become so active.

Without much thought, as a big man, how could Li Meng shrink back and immediately fought back.

The movements are not intense, the movements of the two are very gentle, enjoying each other's warmth.

As a soldier, Natasha is special. When necessary, she has the gentleness of a woman, but the perseverance of being a soldier is more popular.

Of course Li Meng was willing to accept Natasha's initiative, he was rude in his hands, enjoying the comfortable touch.

At this time Natasha was young, the feeling of rapid heartbeat made her eyes bewildered, and she looked at the owner in front of her.

But what to do next, Natasha seemed a little at a loss, she didn't know how to take the next step.

She has no experience with this kind of thing, and the hearsay in the past does not help him at all.

She plucked up courage and was timid at the same time.

As if perceiving this, Li Meng just smiled faintly, leaving Natasha's ruddyness, and said: "Leave it to me."

Natasha blushed at the master's words, her eyes shy.

But she was very obedient, sitting quietly, waiting for her master's next move.

Compared to Natasha's youthfulness, Li Meng is an "veteran" in this regard.

Li Meng knew what to do to relax Natasha, and he also knew what to do to let Natasha spend the night beautifully.

Women are all made of water, they like the sweet words of men and the gentleness of men.

However, Li Meng knew well that Natasha was different from ordinary women. She was a soldier. Her favorite was to conquer and be conquered by her master.

But what exactly should be done, Li Meng was also a little worried.

For a long time, in his heart, Natasha has been relatively cold and arrogant, even if he treats him as a commander coldly. There is no closeness between the two parties, just the relationship between the superior and the superior.

Although Natasha is beautiful, Li Meng has not caught her attention in her heart. For Li Meng, maintaining a subordinate relationship with Natasha is enough.

The relationship went from indifference to familiarity, and then the relationship has completely changed now, which Li Meng never expected.

Natasha was not an ordinary woman, Li Meng knew very well in her heart. At this moment, even Li Meng was nervous and hesitated.

Natasha is not an ordinary woman, she is a soldier, and the soldier pays attention to efficiency, and Natasha is also an impatient.

Seeing that the master was suddenly in a daze, he looked dazed, hesitated, hesitated, and seemed to be at a loss.

This made Natasha a little curious, what happened to the commander?

In Natasha's eyes, her commander is a big carrot. As far as she knows, Tanya and Sakiya should have been put in bed by him.

Although Natasha took these things indifferently, in her eyes, the commander was the commander and also a soldier. She dismissed the messy relationship between the superior officers and the lower officers.

But after so long, Natasha knew that this world was not the world she knew well, and some things had been taken lightly.

Once bearish, perhaps because of the comparison psychology in her heart, Natasha's mentality changed.

But is it true?

No, not so...

Although the commander was ill and looked ill, Natasha also saw a unique charm in him.

This kind of charm makes people can't help being close to him, to care for him, to protect him, for women, it is easier to inspire inner motherhood.

Natasha is a soldier, but she is also a woman. To him, she has never been able to raise her disgust, and over time, her mentality has also changed.

Natasha pursed her lips as if she realized something.

"the host……"

With a soft cry, Natasha smiled shyly in Li Meng's surprised gaze, and cast a blank glance at her master.

Gritting his teeth slightly, the tender body moved back slightly...

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