Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 676: Demolition Assistant

However, hunting in the forest is a very dangerous thing. A little carelessness can lead to loss of life. In some respects, it is much more dangerous than when they were pirates.

Having been a pirate for most of my life, how many brothers are willing to become extremely dangerous hunters?

There are many things that cannot be thought of wishful thinking. In a short moment, Chen Nannan thought of a lot.

After a slight pause, Chen Nannan stopped on the side of the road.

When she stopped, the people who followed could only stop.

Turning around, Chen Nannan looked at Chen Hui and said, "Becoming a hunter is indeed a good choice, my second brother, recently you have paid more attention to the security team and established a hunter’s union. The security team will definitely send out messages in advance. When the news about the establishment of the Hunter’s Union is released, we must know it as soon as possible. Also, arrange for manpower to talk to the previous brothers and see how many people are willing to go on with us!"

Facing the elder sister's gaze, Chen Hui nodded and said, "I will do it when I go back!"

Withdrawing his eyes from the second brother, turning around, Chen Nannan continued to walk on the street.

Everyone followed closely behind.

The destination is almost here.

When they came to a dilapidated apartment, everyone stopped.

Looking at the old and dilapidated building in front of them, everyone looked at each other with weird expressions on their faces.

There are doubts and some can't believe it.

Even Chen Nannan was the same, looking at the apartment in front of him curiously.

"Second brother! Are you right, dignified that the owner of a shipyard lives in such a place?"

Looking at the dilapidated building in front of him, Chen Jing couldn't help asking the second brother next to him in confusion.

The boss was found by the second brother. Chen Jing believes that the second brother should know the reason.

Chen Qi looked indifferent. When he found this boss, his expression was also unexpected. After all, as the owner of the only shipyard in Qingcheng, it is difficult to believe that he would live in such a place, but the accident is still to come. .

"Let's go! You'll know when you get in!"

Without saying much, Chen Hui just said quite mysteriously.

Chen Qi's words made everyone more puzzled.

Taking a step forward, Chen Nannan took the first step towards the dilapidated apartment.

Seeing this, everyone can only follow.

When entering the apartment, darkness suddenly shrouded, and in front is a gloomy walkway. The gloomy environment makes everything appear blurred and makes people feel a little depressed.

Bad environment.

All that can be seen in front of them is the only thing that everyone thinks of.

Without lights, the ground is bumpy, walking in the aisle, and occasionally stepping into puddles.

The standing water in the pit made the walkway very wet.

When I walked up the stairs all the way up, things looked better.

Under the leadership of Chen Hui, everyone came to the third floor.

As soon as he walked out of the stairs, someone's voice rang from the gloomy walkway.

"Move out as soon as possible! This place will soon be demolished, take the relocation certificate I gave you to the public security team hall to receive a house, you are a pregnant woman, and there are pregnancy allowances, in the future you and your husband will live better than now much better!"

In the gloomy walkway, in front of a room, there was a humanoid silhouette, that was someone's figure.

Walking out of the corridor, everyone saw him. He seemed to be leaving, talking to someone in the house.

Although they had just arrived in Qingcheng, everyone was very clear about the figure in front of the door.

That is a job unique to Qingcheng, the demolition assistant, who is used to deal with matters related to demolition and relocation.

"Got it! I will start packing tomorrow and leave here as soon as possible!"

A female voice came from the room and echoed in the aisle.

The figure shook, and the figure in front of the door left and came to meet everyone.

The shaking of many figures in the walkway seems to have attracted the attention of the demolition assistant.

Fortunately, the aisle is very wide, and in the eyes of each other, the two sides pass by.

In the darkness, Chen Qi, who was moving forward steadily, suddenly quickened his pace.

I came to the door of the destination before the door closed.

"Mrs. Wang! Please wait!"

The voice outside the door made Wang Weiwei stop her movements.

The voice outside the door is somewhat familiar...

Unable to think about it, Wang Weiwei opened the door again and looked outside.

It turned out to be him!

Looking at the visitor, Wang Weiwei suddenly came to look for her yesterday. He said there was a big business, and said that he would come to her to discuss matters today. Wang Weiwei didn’t care too much about this. Although the shipyard was bought by her I'm down, but the location of the relocation has not yet been selected. Even if there is a big business, I can't do anything now.

"The next few people are..."

When she saw Chen Hui, Wang Weiwei also saw the others behind.

There is another woman, a beautiful woman, just that face is enough to make people praise.

In response to Wang Weiwei's inquiry, Chen Hui quickly said: "Behind this are my brothers and the eldest sister in charge. I wonder if Mrs. Wang has considered what I said yesterday?"

Wang Weiwei opened the door completely, stepped aside, and said to Chen Hui: "Come in! My house is very small and can't accommodate your brothers, so I can only wrong them to stay outside!"

"Yes, it should!"

Chen Hui responded with a smile and stepped in first.


Looking at the woman in the room, the round and raised belly is too conspicuous.

Is this the accident that the second brother said?

It's really surprising.

It's hard for her to live alone in such a bad environment. Life is really not easy.

"You just wait outside!"

Before entering the house, Chen Nannan said to the people behind him.

In addition to the two brothers, Chen Nannan also brought five former subordinates.


Nodding lightly to the five subordinates, Chen Nannan turned and walked into the house.

Entering the room, what appeared in Chen Nannan's eyes was a dilapidated and decayed hall. The hall was very simple, with only a few benches and a wooden table.

After closing the door, Wang Weiwei walked into the hall with her pregnant belly, looked at the three of them, and said, "I am inconvenient, please feel free to do it!"

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