Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 677: Business between two women

Seeing Wang Weiwei's inconvenience, Chen Nannan hurriedly greeted Wang Weiwei, helped Wang Weiwei, and said at the same time: "Sister! Be careful!"

Wang Weiwei smiled slightly, seeming to be amused by the elder sister. She smiled and said: "Although I am pregnant with a child, I may not be older than you in terms of age!"

Supporting Wang Weiwei, facing the smiling face, Chen Nannan also said softly: "Then I don't know how old the older sister is?"


Wang Weiwei said softly.

With a smile, Chen Nannan said helplessly: "That can only be called the little sister, the eldest sister is 27 years old this year!"

The chat between two women seems to arouse the atmosphere, and the communication between women can sometimes make the relationship between the two parties faster.

Supported by Chen Nannan, Wang Weiwei sat down on a large seat.

Under Wang Weiwei's gaze, the few people in the hall could only find a place to sit down at will.

When everyone sat down and looked at the few people in the hall, Wang Weiwei said: "I did buy the shipyard, but because the First Army needs the land of the shipyard, the old factory is being relocated, and the new factory is being selected. Before it is built, even if there is an order, we can only wait for the new factory to be built. I am afraid it will take a long time!

Before the arrival of the First Army, there was only one shipyard in Qingcheng, belonging to the public, that is, the city lord Sun Haiwang.

When Qingcheng was occupied by the First Army, the public property was taken away by the First Army.

However, the First Corps was not very concerned about the shipyards, and just kept the shipyards in basic operations. After that, the greatest significance of existence was to maintain and repair the wooden ships in Qingcheng.

Four days ago, with the return of the first batch of merchants, many merchants made very good profits in this trade movement.

As the amount of commercial loans increased, the First Army began to sell public property.

Farms, logging yards, iron ore mills, and even quarries outside the city are all within the scope of the sale. Many public properties have been sold in the past. According to the First Army, the sale of public assets is for privatization and Nanlin The commercial atmosphere on the island is more free and full of vitality.

Wang Weiwei's husband also returned. The only difference is that he returned with a corpse.

The business trip this time was very successful. The only unfortunate thing was that on the return journey, the merchant ship where Wang Weiwei's husband was staying encountered pirates.

Her husband is very honest, but the honest person is also very impulsive. When facing the gunpoint of the pirates, he did not choose to be silent, but wanted to escape with the money earned by the trader. Of course, he was undoubtedly a failure in the end.

The pirate killed her husband, but the crew members were let go by the pirates. The surviving crew members took her husband back to Qingcheng and gave her the body, along with a relic.

Of course, this is just the statement of the crew returning to Qingcheng. Whether the truth is true or not, the security team is investigating. All Wang Weiwei knows is that the sailors recruited by her husband have been controlled by the security team. What is the fact, it is still impossible to get off. in conclusion.

The death of her husband was a big blow to Wang Weiwei. No matter how disappointed she was with her husband, her husband was the pillar of the family after all. She suggested that she went into business because of her. Now she is dead. The family also lost the source of money, and Wang Weiwei fell into despair for the future life.

But the sky is endless, and that relic brings life to Wang Weiwei.

Shortly after Wang Weiwei cremated her husband's body, Wang Weiwei, who was desperate at home, was approached by the First Army.

The arrival of the First Army was not to give her humanitarian help, but to ask to buy the relic left by her husband.

When the First Army put forward the price of buying the relic, Wang Weiwei did not hesitate. The relic was just a thought. For her now, money is the greatest help to her.

Moreover, the sale of money was quite a lot, not only allowed her to buy the shipyard, she also bought the logging yard outside the city.

Perhaps it was God’s favor. When the shipyard was bought, a demolition agreement was delivered to Wang Weiwei.

When relocating the shipyard, Wang Weiwei not only received a demolition compensation, but also a free piece of land to build a new shipyard.

Don't look at Wang Weiwei now living alone in this dilapidated apartment, she now has a worker with a Bailai number.

And among those workers, the most important shipbuilding technician, although Wang Weiwei is raising them for nothing, all this is for the future.

Wang Weiwei has a big heart. She is unwilling to be ordinary, and she is only a good wife and mother. She needs money, enough money. Only in this way can she protect her daughter who is about to be born. For this, she needs enough ambition.

And she is doing it too.

The shipyard's profits are huge. As the only shipyard on Nanlin Island, the profits are even greater. Whether it is repairing ships or building new ships, Wang Weiwei can get a huge profit from it.

Not to mention the lumber yard. Without the lumber yard to provide timber, the shipyard would be useless and could do nothing. Wang Weiwei could not give such an important place to others.

Nodding lightly, looking at Wang Weiwei, Chen Nannan said: "I don’t need a new ship, but there are a number of sea-going ships that need to be refurbished. There are 37 ships with tonnage around 2,000 tons. I wonder if your shipyard has any. This ability? I’m not in a hurry for time, because it’s useless to hurry. After all, you are the only one in Nanlin Island, I have no choice!"

37 ships?

With a slightly stunned expression, Wang Weiwei looked at the "sister" in front of him quite unexpectedly.

37 ships are not a small number, where did she come from so many big ships.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Weiwei ignored the identity of the sister in front of him, but instead thought about the business of the sister in front of him.

Although the shipyard in Qingcheng has no experience in building large ships, it does not mean that they can’t build them. It is important to know that the structure of large fishing vessels is more complicated than that of sea-going ships. There should be no problem in building sea-going ships. As for renovation, it is not a problem Up.

After being upright, Wang Weiwei replied: "No problem, if you can wait, after the new factory is built, the first business will take your order!"

Nodded, Chen Nannan said softly: "Then it's settled. When my sister's new factory is built, I will find you!"

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