Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 678: Have a good conversation

"Right! I wonder if the address of my sister's new factory has been chosen?"

Chen Nannan suddenly asked this question for some reason.

Shaking his head lightly, Chen Nannan replied: "I have sent someone to find the location, and there is no news yet!"

"That's good! I wonder if my sister can listen to me?"

Chen Nannan asked again.

"Sister, please speak!"

Wang Weiwei did not refuse.

Looking at Wang Weiwei, Chen Nannan said: "In the bay on the east coast, the First Army is building a port. Why doesn't my sister move the shipyard to the bay? The bay is well-placed and is a good shipbuilding site!"



Of course Wang Weiwei thought about this, but...

Looking back at Chen Nannan, Wang Weiwei said to him: "I haven't thought about the port, but can the First Army agree? As far as I know, the port under construction in the bay is a military port!"

Chen Nannan shook his head and said, "No! Nanlin Island needs a port. This port must be used for both military and civilian purposes. Seeing is believing, hearing is not. I have seen the port in the bay. It is not a completely military port. No need to worry about this little sister, just go to the security team to ask about it!"

"That's true, thanks for the reminder sister!"

Wang Weiwei sincerely thanked Chen Nannan.

Weiwei smiled, and Chen Nannan said softly: "You and I are both women, so you don't need to be so polite, but it's your sister. My sister admires you tightly. It's not easy to be alone!"

Reluctantly smiled, Wang Weiwei said quietly, "This is also nothing. If you want to survive, you have to fight hard. My husband is no longer there. I can only rely on myself, that is, now. If the First Army does not come, I Everything I have now is unimaginable!"

Nodding lightly, there is indeed no loophole in what the First Army Corps did in this regard. Even the security team itself is the subject of supervision. In this case, the security in Qingcheng is surprisingly stable, and the crime rate is very low.

Patting Wang Weiwei's slightly pale hand, Chen Nannan said with pity: "Although I was born as a pirate, I am not a murderer. If my sister doesn't dislike it, please ask me if I have any difficulties in the future. I can definitely help. Don't refuse!"

Was it a pirate?

After the first legion's trip to Yelin Island, many pirates all turned to the first legion and became good.

Unexpectedly, the beautiful sister in front of her was a pirate.

Thinking of the few people who followed outside, Wang Weiwei understood it, and it seemed that the identity of the elder sister in the pirates was not simple, otherwise, it would be impossible for someone to follow her after Liang.

Thinking of this, Wang Weiwei smiled and said gratefully: "Thank you so much, sister!"

Looking around the dilapidated hall, Chen Nannan said to Wang Weiwei: "I heard that my sister will be moving tomorrow, do you need help? After all, it is inconvenient for you to be alone!"

"I will go to the security team lobby to pick up the house and buy furniture in a while, and I will leave here tomorrow. There is nothing to bring here, so I don't need to worry about my sister!"

Chen Nannan nodded: "Since this is the case, let my sister and my sister walk around today!"

Regarding Chen Nannan's kindness, Wang Weiwei did not refuse.

She really needs help now, and she has a good impression of Wang Weiwei, her sister in front of her.


It suddenly occurred to Chen Nannan that she had not yet declared her name.

Looking at Wang Weiwei, Chen Nannan said: "My name is Chen Nannan, this is my second brother Chen Hui, this is my third brother Chen Jing!"

While speaking, Chen Nannan pointed to Chen Hui and Chen Jing's younger brothers.

Nodding to the three, Wang Weiwei whispered softly: "My name is Wang Weiwei, I will ask you to take care of me in the future!"

The three nodded in response.

A good atmosphere reverberated in the hall, and several people talked happily.

In terms of civil affairs, the First Army did not treat anyone wrongly, treating unarmed civilians, and the First Army gave the most generous preferential treatment so that the people under the rule could reach the food and clothing line.

For the disadvantaged, such as the old and weak women and children alone, the First Army provides corresponding subsidies, and the elderly and orphans who are not supported by the First Army are funded by the First Army to settle down, in order to make them safe. .

This is the kindness of the First Army, and it is also a moral consideration and responsibility.

Since the First Army has become the ruler of Nanlin Island, it must be responsible for the people on the island. This is the duty and obligation of the First Army. The only difference is that in terms of people’s livelihood, the First Army is better than any other country. What the forces do is more humane.

The efforts of the First Legion were not unrewarded. The changes in Qingcheng and the worry-free life made many people in Qingcheng realize that being ruled by the First Legion was not a bad thing.

Under the perfect law, they not only gained freedom, but also gained dignity. They are no longer the same as before. They must lower their heads when facing high positions.

Before the law, everyone is equal, and they no longer need to look at the faces of those high-ranking people. They only need to live according to their own ideas. Is there such a beautiful thing in this life? What else can they beg of?

Following the changes in Qingcheng's sentiment and the various preferential treatments given by the First Army in civil affairs, the people of Qingcheng have gradually favored the First Army. The old Qingcheng in the past is slowly being forgotten by people.

The war against Bentley did not affect the peace of Nanlin Island. The civilians in Qingcheng didn't even know that the First Army was attacking Bentley, and even the security team did not know it.

Although the First Army does not need to keep secrets when attacking Bentley, the First Army will not tell it specifically. Now is not the time. Only when Bentley is captured will the people of Qingcheng know everything. when.

Qingcheng, in the temple.

Since Li Meng left, the guards of the huge temple have been in charge of all matters. Although many nuns have left with the army, only a few of them have left. Most of the nuns still stay in the temple, day after day. Between the reincarnation tower and the training room every day, practice without change.

If you want to become stronger, you can only work harder.

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