Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 686: Surrendered defender

A few successfully hit the hammer tank, and in the violent explosion, the hammer tank was enveloped in flames.

When the flames dissipated, the advancing hammer tank was damaged and stopped.

Because the distance is close enough, the armor-piercing ability of the enemy guards has been fully utilized. Under the impact of multiple shells, the composite armor of the hammer tank has been torn, the interior of the cockpit was shaken by the aftermath, and the circuit was damaged. There has been a breakdown.

Seeing that the hammer tank in the front was damaged, the space under the city gate was limited. The hammer tank at the rear banged directly on the tail of the damaged hammer tank. Under strong power, the hammer tank at the rear pushed Advance with the damaged hammer tank.

"Bang! Bang!"

Seeing that the enemy's armored forces were still pouring in, the guards hurriedly launched a fierce shelling of the enemy forces under the city gate.

A "rumbling" explosion sounded under the city gate, and countless fireballs rose up, bringing a wave of air to everything around the table.

Being pushed forward by the hammer tank at the rear, the damaged hammer tank is now acting as a mid-shield, bearing the violent blow of enemy fire.

As they progressed bit by bit, amid the enemy’s artillery fire, the armored units of the First Army were approaching the city.

Unstoppable, just relying on the firepower of the guards could not stop the advance of the armored units of the First Army.

After leaving the narrow gate passage, after being attacked by a wave of enemy armored units, more than twenty hammer tanks rushed into the square behind the city wall.

Facing the heavily armored hammer tank, the guards of the square are like a weak little girl.

"Bang! Bang!"

During the course of the action, the hammer tank fired on it.

The guards on the square, under the impact of the hammer tank, burst into flames one after another, which were destroyed in a short time.

It took less than half an hour from the battle to the present, and the armored units of the First Army had already advanced into the city.

When occupying the square, the hammer tank began to attack the defenders on the wall.

At this time, the sickle mechas behind the hammer tank also poured into the city one after another.

Compared with the hammer tank, the sickle mech has better flexibility. Once entering the city, the sickle mech rushes towards the wall along the stairs.

The Sickle Mech is an armored unit for infantry and has unparalleled lethality to infantry.

When the Sickle Mech rushed into the wall unstoppably, a feast of killing began.

Three large-caliber wheeled heavy machine guns spewing bullet rain frantically. The "buzzing" hoarse sound is like the roar of death. Once hit by a bullet, only one will end up, that is, the body is torn and nothing Any possibility of surviving.

In the rain of bullets that looked like a fire dragon, and in the hoarse roar of "buzzing", the numerous defenders on the city wall fell one piece by piece like wheat.

As the sickle mecha climbed onto the wall, the mobilized soldiers in the forest also rushed out of the forest, rushing towards the city gate, advancing and attacking the wall.

Under the blow from both sides, the garrison on the wall finally collapsed under the situation that the Sickle Mecha was like a "death" to slaughter the defenders on the wall.

"Surrender! We surrender!"

I don't know who roared this sound, which completely shattered the defense in the hearts of the defenders.

In panic, facing the war machine on the wall that looked like a "god of death", the defenders on the wall finally could not bear the pressure and surrendered.

They squatted on the wall, holding guns above their heads in a gesture of surrender.

The enemy surrendered. Seeing this, the sickle mechas looting on the city wall stopped the "buzzing" sound like the roar of death, and the black hole of the multi-barreled muzzle subsided, and bursts of blue smoke came out.

With the surrender of the defenders on the city wall, the gunfire at the west gate of the city of Pali gradually subsided, and soon, the city of Pali in the night was quiet again.

But this tranquility did not last long. When the mobilized soldiers swarmed into the city, while receiving the prisoners, they divided the team into two. Under the cover of the sickle mecha, they swept along the city wall in two directions.

The defenders of the city of Bali were not completely annihilated, the defenders of Simon were only the majority of them, and a small part of the enemy troops were distributed throughout the city of Bali, especially the small town in the city.

Tonight, the First Army must control the walls of Bali. As long as they control the walls on all sides, the enemy in the city will catch turtles in the urn. By then, the outcome of this battle will be clear.

The fierce battle sounded briefly, and then disappeared briefly. When the sound of the battle sounded again, the sound of the battle was not only from Simon.

For the civilians in the small town, the gunfire from all over made them understand.

In this war, they still failed. The First Army had already invaded the city of Bali from the West Gate and was grabbing control of the four walls.

In the middle of the night, the gunfire in Bali city lasted for a long, long time, until dawn was approaching, the gunfire completely disappeared.

When attacking the four walls, the First Army received strong resistance, and the progress of advancement was greatly slowed down, so that the battle on the walls was ended when the dawn was approaching.

During the resistance, there were heavy casualties on both sides. When the last gunshot before dawn disappeared, the First Army lost nearly two hundred mobilized soldiers and four hammer tanks in the battle that night. Seven of the Sickles were lost, most of which were lost in the battle on the wall behind. After all, the space on the walls was relatively small, which greatly affected the flexibility of the Sickles, and could only be hard to attack against enemy artillery. Resistance is inevitable.

The loss of the defenders of the city of Bali was even greater. After the post-war count, there were probably more than 8,000 defenders on the four walls. The west gate had the most defenders, with more than 5,000 people. The defenders surrendered too quickly, and the number of casualties was not large, with only more than 1,500 dead, more than 600 seriously injured, and more than 2,000 lightly injured.

In the subsequent battle on the city wall, although there were few defenders on the other three walls, the resistance was quite strong. There were almost no soldiers who surrendered. They either died in battle or were captured by the First Army because of serious injuries.

The battle on the wall was over, and the First Army did not continue to attack, but cleaned the battlefield.

The corpse on the wall cannot be just like this corpse and wilderness, it must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise, its strong **** smell will attract polluting beasts in the forest.

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