Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 687: No more fighting

Now that the West Gate was blown up, if a certain polluted beast group were attracted, without the city gate blocking it, it would be no small trouble for the First Army.

As the First Army cleaned the battlefield, the darkness left and the light enveloped the earth.

When everything between the sun and the earth became extremely clear due to the advent of light, the huge city of Bali was completely exposed to the eyes of the first legion on the wall.

In terms of scenery, the city of Pali is pretty beautiful.

Looking towards the town from the city wall, you can see the undulating hills. There are no trees on the hills, only blue weeds. The undulating grassland is separated by a fence. In each isolation zone, You can also see the wooden houses, the atmosphere of the farm is extremely strong.

The road extending from the city gate to the distance is a bit winding, undulating with the hills, extending to the end of the line of sight, in the town.

The cleaning of the battlefield will take some time, and when the First Army is cleaning the battlefield, the city of Bali is already in chaos.

In the early morning, as usual, the residents left their homes, walked on the streets, and rushed to their destinations.

In the past, their expressions were relaxed. Although the military government implemented a high-pressure policy and their lives were not good, at least their lives were worry-free and their lives could barely be maintained. For the civilians, food and clothing would be enough. Enough is enough, they cannot and cannot beg for too much.

But now, the civilians walking on the street are sad and worried.

They were puzzled, and some did not understand. At this time, why the city council did not issue a general order for martial law and the implementation of the ban, but did nothing. Could it be that Pali City won the battle last night?

The civilians did not understand the actions of the city hall.

While the civilians were thinking about it, in the city hall of Bally City, it is now in chaos.

The so-called city hall is a management part established by the military government of Bentley to manage each city. It is mainly responsible for the civil affairs and public security of the city, and is directly under the leadership of the capital army chief.

With a population of over 100,000, Bally City is a small city, but because of the importance of the topaz mines, even though it is a small city, when planning the city at the beginning, it was foreseen what would happen a long time later, so Bally City was enclosed very well. Large, leaving a large area undeveloped, and the grassland farms in those blank areas are just waste use to raise some livestock to meet the civilian needs of Bally City for meat.

Simon was lost, and the city wall was lost. As early as last night, Dr. Marco, who was stationed in the chamber, had already received a report from the soldiers stationed on the city wall. When the soldiers on the front line reported, the gunshots in the communicator were clearly visible. When dawn fell , The gunfire disappeared, some things are not difficult to think of.

In the huge conference room, every figure sits around a square table. Most of the people sitting in the room are dressed in casual clothes. They are all important officials in the city hall. Only one person is wearing a gray military uniform. Everyone seemed a little out of place.

The meeting hadn't started yet, and everyone sitting bowed their heads and discussed the battle of last night.

"Okay! Be quiet, everyone!"

Seeing that the time was almost the same, a middle-aged man sitting on the main seat looked around the crowd and said in a deep voice.

Because of his words, the cluttered voice in the conference room quickly disappeared, and everyone looked at him in the main seat.

He was dressed in an off-white long coat, and his expression was quite vicissitudes. His name was Kirchin, and he was also the mayor of the city hall. He was the leader of the city of Bally. He only accepted the leadership of Marani, the commander of the city.

Seeing everyone calm down, Kirchin looked at Doctor Mark and said calmly: "Doctor Mark Ma! The responsibility of the city defense lies with you. If the city of Pali falls, you want to do what you control the army. What, that’s all your own business, but I can’t. I am the mayor of Bally City. I am responsible for the more than 100,000 civilians in Bally City. I will not let them fight against the First Army unarmed!"

Although Kirchin did not know the situation of the frontline city defense, the last night's battle and the disappearance of the gunshots before dawn were already reminiscent of a lot.

Under Kirchin’s aggressive gaze, Dr. Mark’s expression was quite ugly, and finally he had no choice but to say: “As of this day, I will not hide it from you. Last night, I had lost contact with the soldiers on the wall. , I am afraid that the First Army has already captured the city wall, and the next step in the first Army’s offensive should be here!"

At this point, the meeting room boiled, and everyone's expressions changed drastically and became panic.

Although this result has been thought of in my heart, it is still unacceptable when it is confirmed.

"Doctor Marko! You have an army of more than 10,000 people. Why did you lose it in just one night? Is our army so vulnerable?"

Someone questioned Dr. Mark.

Facing the questioning, Dr. Mark didn't change his face, and said with a heavy expression: "The First Army has a powerful army. Last night, the First Army carried out a sneak attack on the city gate and launched a blast. There is no line of defense of the city wall. It’s impossible for the army of China to stop the army of the First Legion. I am responsible for this, but I have tried my best!"

"What should I do now? The city wall is captured by the First Army, and it will be a matter of time before they attack here. No, you must immediately issue a ban to the entire city, otherwise the First Army will enter the city and I don’t know how many innocent people will be killed or injured in the battle. !"

After one person finished speaking, he stood up quickly and planned to leave the meeting room and issue a general order to the entire city.

However, Kilchin waved and stopped.

In the official's puzzled gaze, Kirchin glanced around at the people sitting there, then looked at Doctor Mark, and said calmly, "There will be no fighting! I said yes, Mr. Mark !"


Facing Kirchin's profound words, Dr. Mark hesitated.

He didn't understand the meaning of Kirchin's words, but he was a soldier. If he surrendered, how would he face Captain Messegh?

Can't fight?

As soon as Kilchin’s words fell, everyone understood, and their expressions remained silent.

As subordinates, they should not talk too much. If they listen to the mayor, they will do what the mayor does. Even if they are held accountable afterwards, they do not need to take responsibility.

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