Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 701: Deification?

Is this something humans can do?

The perspective she had never touched before made her feel quite shocked. At the same time, the human ability in front of her completely violated her previous cognition.

When did human beings become so powerful?

The wind is whistling, but the strong wind is blocked by invisible things, and you can only hear the sound, but cannot feel its existence.

Their speed is very fast, and the clouds on both sides are backing quickly.

In just a few breaths, the huge "Emperor" was clearly visible on the distant sea.

Although night fell, the "Emperor" did not stop advancing.

In the past, without the First Army’s knowledge, there was indeed some fear of sea beasts hidden in the deep sea in the dark. After some experiments, it was discovered that worry was unnecessary.

In the dark night, sea beasts do have the habit of attacking passing ships on the sea, but the sea beasts that attack human ships are all sea beasts that live in shallow waters. When sailing into the sea where the water depth is only a few hundred meters, if the night falls, it is true. Need to stop, in order to avoid the edge of the sea beast.

However, when sailing in the deep sea at a depth of several kilometers or even more than 10,000 meters, in the dark night, human ships do not need to stop and remain silent, because the deep sea area is the range of the "king" beast, and the king beast They would only stay on the dark seabed and would not be interested in anything on the sea surface.

Although it is not that the "king beast" in the deep sea has never landed on land, this situation is very special and a very rare event.

Although the king beasts in the deep sea are powerful, they rarely cause trouble for humans. The sea beasts that humans fear in coastal cities are usually the sea beasts that live in shallow waters. These non-king beasts are small in strength, but they have ferocious temperaments. Coastal cities that attack humans for food and perhaps other reasons, due to their large scale, once the landing of sea animals occurs, a **** battle will often occur.

The South China Sea is a large basin, and deep-sea areas are not uncommon. If you have a landform map of the South China Sea, you can purposely choose your navigation route and always keep navigating in the deep-sea area, which can effectively avoid sea beasts.

Of course, the First Army does not have this topography map. However, with the help of related equipment, the South China Sea landscape is being verified by the First Army bit by bit. Soon, the First Army will have a perfect copy. Map of the South China Sea.

In the night, the huge "Emperor" exudes a faint light, which guides Li Meng flying in the sky.

Soon, Li Meng, who was flying in the sky, caught up with the sailing "Emperor".

On the stern deck of the "Emperor", Li Meng slowly landed with the mermaid in his arms.

When he stepped on the steel ground, Li Meng held her in his arms and walked to the top deck.

Back on the top deck and next to the swimming pool, Li Meng threw her into the swimming pool without any pity.


With a splash of water, the blue fish tail swayed in the stirred water column, and the surface of the swimming pool was rippling fiercely.

After entering the water, she swam a few times in the swimming pool, then quietly shrank in the corner of the swimming pool.

Her expression was a little pale, not at all as arrogant as before.

"I still need training!"

Seeing her hiding far away, Li Meng said inwardly.

Taking a step forward, Li Meng left the swimming pool and walked to the pavilion.

Time has things, ten years are not short, let her go tonight.

Of course the guards had noticed Li Meng's appearance. They just saw that the owner seemed to be busy by the swimming pool, so they didn't bother.

When Li Meng's figure walked into the pavilion, Wendy, who had been waiting for a long time, greeted him.

Sitting on the recliner, Li Meng stretched out comfortably.

Today, Li Meng has been busy for a long time for that mermaid.

It's a bit tired.

"Wendy! Come on, rub me!"

In response to the master's call, Wendy moved slightly, came to Li Meng's side and squatted on the ground, gently kneading Li Meng's legs with a pair of small hands.

Under the kneading of those little hands, Li Meng felt comfortable and closed his eyes comfortably.

After a long time, Li Meng opened his eyes and patted Wendy's little hand.

At the master's gesture, Wendy stopped her movements, stood up from the ground, and returned to her original position.

It's late at night!

"You guys have a rest and go!"

Standing up from the seat, Li Meng said to the girls in the pavilion.

Immediately he left the pavilion and walked to the suite at the bow.

Since the soul exchange with Natasha, the sleep seems to have returned.

A certain amount of sleep will make Li Meng feel refreshed, which is good for the soul.

Back to the bedroom, after some bathing, Li Meng in a bathrobe came to the balcony outside the bedroom.

On that soft sofa, Li Meng sat comfortably, looking up at the sky unconsciously.

Every time at this time, something messed up in my mind.

There are memories of the past, illusions about the future, and thoughts about their own existence.

What are the elements?

What is the power of death?

If you use scientific explanations, how to understand them?

An energy? Available energy?

Li Meng didn't know, but there was one thing, Li Meng knew.

With the growth of one's own power and the more and more understanding of the "power of death," he has gradually detached himself in consciousness and soul.

Li Meng felt deeply about this, but Li Meng could not stop this change.

Regardless of whether it is to people or things, they are numb little by little. Even if it is a trivial matter, Li Meng will instinctively think about the cause and effect and the origin, and nothing will cause Li Meng to fluctuate a little. .

He knew his own changes, but Li Meng didn't want to stop them.

It's not that I don't want to, but this change has affected Li Meng's consciousness, making Li Meng instinctively obey the change.

Is this deification?

seems like it.

But what is God?

Li Meng smiled helplessly. There are some things that you can't think about. If you want to know the bottom, you will fall into an endless loop.

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