Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 702: Silver wings

Knowing and conscious of changes in oneself means that he has not lost his "heart."

As long as the "heart" is not lost and all changes, Li Meng will not deliberately resist.

Everything is just "ideal"!

A slight movement suddenly sounded behind him. From the bedroom, Wendy walked gently to the balcony.

Perceiving the movement behind him, Li Meng looked sideways.

"Wendy! Why are you here?"

Wendy didn't answer immediately, but came to the master's body and squatted down.

Looking parallel to her master, Wendy said softly: "It used to be General Sakiya to accompany you. Now General Sakiya is no longer there, let Wendy accompany the master from now on!"

Looking at that white face, Li Meng smiled slightly.

Speaking of it, Wendy is still the first woman he really owns. She is not only the captain of the guard, but also Li Meng's woman.

Reaching out his hand, Li Meng gently stroked that face, feeling the tenderness in his hand.

The other hand grabbed Wendy's scented shoulders, and gently moved her slender body into Li Meng's arms.

In Li Meng's arms, Wendy in a black dress rested quietly on the large chest, letting her master bully her.

Li Meng's hands were not honest with his tender body.

It must be bullied for a while.

After groping for a while, Li Meng was satisfied, and quietly hugged Wendy on the sofa.

For a long time, Li Meng released the shackles of the two in Wendy's soft eyes. When the body and soul of the two were blended together, everything came naturally.

It was late at night, and a blushing scene was happening in the huge balcony at this moment.

I don't know how long it took, and with a "boring" hum, the balcony restored calm.

With a lot of passion, in the embrace, the two quietly felt each other's remaining warmth and felt each other's existence.

I don't know how long it took, but before they knew it, both of them fell asleep.

Time is passing, and the long night will eventually go away.

The journey on the sea is boring and boring. The vast ocean is boundless, and once you see more of the spectacular scenery, you will no longer have the shocking feeling that it seems at first glance.

Time is gone bit by bit in the bald and boring journey.

Just two days after the departure of the "Emperor", in Bentley, a new battle was about to begin, and the First Army was about to launch an offensive again, and a battle was brewing around Amway City.

As early as yesterday, the army of the First Legion left the city of Bali and began to march towards the city of Amway.

The movement of the army also made the city of Pali boil.

In order to ensure the logistics stability of the frontline warfare, shortly after the army left, military transport vehicles roared past one after another on the streets of Bally, forming a long queue to the east gate.

Soldiers of the First Corps were patrolling everywhere in the streets where military transport vehicles passed.

The movement of the First Army was personally felt by the civilians in Bally City.

Is the battle about to start again?

In the eyes of various colors, the hearts of the civilians in Bali City were not calm, and their hearts were full of sorrow.

The First Army is coming on fiercely. In the past few days, I don’t know how many troops from the First Army have passed through the city. The roaring armored machinery and suffocating military power have made the civilians of Barrie have to doubt that Bentley’s country is true. Can you win this defense battle?

Who knows the future?

But what they have seen in reality makes people have to doubt that Bentley can win this war.

"Today's Bentley Country is really eventful! The association has also suspended the opening of the Bentley Country's missions. If this continues, our guild may have to leave here!"

In front of a very unique mansion, an old man over half a hundred years old looked sadly at the street outside the iron gate.

The mansion is very large, not like the small houses in the city of Bali. It has three floors and looks like a miniature castle. In terms of scale, it is only a little smaller than the city hall.

This mansion is the headquarters of the "Silver Wings" Martial Artists Guild, and the residence of the Martial Artists Association.

The old man is Torras, the president of the "Silver Wings" guild, and a member of the Martial Arts Association.

"Leave? President! It's not to that level. The First Army's invasion of Bentley is an invasion of foreign enemies. It is not an internal matter of Bentley. The nosy heroes' association will not stand idly by, maybe at this time. Negotiations with a legion, maybe this war will be over soon!"

Sure enough, he was still too young, and his views on the problem were relatively simple.

To the young martial artist beside him, Torras shook his head, and said solemnly: "How can things be so simple. Although the potential power of the Heroes Association is extremely amazing, not everyone will give the Heroes Association face. The First Legion dare to be here. At this time, if you invade Bentley, you must have a complete strategy. I think it is difficult to stop this war!"

"But! If the First Army does not compromise, with the temperament of the Heroes Association, they will definitely join the war. When faced with the offensive of public opinion and the crusades by the heroes, no matter how strong the First Army is, it will definitely be. Get out of trouble!"

Retire in trouble?

If things were so simple, contradictions and conflicts between humans would not happen frequently.

Torras knows that sometimes it is not that you have "power", others will be afraid of you, and the power of the Heroes Association has not reached the level of "fear".

With a deep sigh, the old man said softly: "Look! The matter will not end so easily. It is the compromise of the First Legion or the compromise between the Heroes Association and the Order Empire. This is still unknown!"

As Torras said, the war of Bentley was not just a war between Bentley and the First Army. When the battle started at sea, the First Army had already entered the eyes of some countries.

Everything is due to the wrong timing. If there is a war against Bentley, the First Army can last a few months at night, and no country will care too much about the survival of Bentley.

But not now. The First Army invaded Bentley and chose a wrong time.

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