Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 704: Fighting in the forest

With a piercing sound of "brake", the huge hammer tank stopped, along with the mobilized soldiers accompanying it.

At the rear of the army, Natasha is commanding the entire army on a mouse assault vehicle, relying on a large communication device installed.

On the road on the side of the mouse assault vehicle, Natasha was not accompanied by mobilizers, nor any armored units, but a black knight wearing black armor and holding a large sword. There are hundreds of them.

They stood silently on the road, like statues.

The distance is almost...

According to the report of the reconnaissance team, the enemy's first line is a few kilometers ahead.

Holding a microphone in her hand, Natasha ordered to all officers and soldiers: "Once the battle begins, the sergeants at all levels will be responsible for detailed command, and the operations will be carried out in accordance with the combat plan of the senior sergeants. Our shelling positions have been launched and all sergeants have the right Call for artillery support! Now... the battle begins!"

With an order, the engine roared again, the large metal body shook suddenly, and the hammer tank moved again.

The mobilized soldiers on both sides of the hammer tank, under the leadership of sergeants at all levels, left the road and entered the forest.

As the mobilized troops spread into the forest, the sickle mecha behind the hammer also accelerated, passed by the hammer tank, and followed the mobilized troops into the forest on both sides.

The road is small and easy to be fired by the enemy. Only by spreading the attacking position can the enemy's position be suppressed with the greatest firepower.

However, neither the First Army nor Natasha expected that the enemy defenders did not want to just passively defend.

Their way of defending the enemy is more radical.

The fixed line of defense is just to prepare for the worst. In addition to the 40,000 soldiers guarding the position, there are 40,000 soldiers as mobile units.

In the forest, both sides have their own reconnaissance teams. The First Army knows the movement of Amway City, and the defenders of Amway City also know the actions of the First Army.

The first legion is here and is approaching Amway City.

When the regiment of the First Legion set out from the camp, the defenders of Amway City had already heard the news.

When the army of the First Army approached Amway City, the mobile units of the Amway City garrison responded promptly.

The mobile unit left Amway City and entered the forest, waiting for the arrival of the First Army.

On the outside of the first line of defense in the forest, 40,000 troops of mobile units are distributed in the forest within a few kilometers.

For a time, in the gloomy forest, there were densely surging figures everywhere, as well as the bloated "guard".

"Attention! The enemy has launched an attack, and the maneuver force immediately launched to meet the enemy!"

When ordered from a higher-level officer, the mobile unit that had been still in the forest began to move and marched toward the depths of the forest.

The defenders of Amway City took the initiative to counterattack, and Natasha in the rear also received a timely report from the investigation team.

When she heard the news, Natasha didn't care.

Instead, he thought of another point from this news, that is, the defensive force in the city is stronger than they thought. Otherwise, how could the enemy defending the city take the initiative to meet the First Army?

The new order was not issued. The encounter in the forest was originally planned in the combat plan. The active counterattack against the enemy would not surprise the troops of the First Army advancing in the forest.

The duty of soldiers is to fight, and they must have a strong ability to adapt to any changes in the battlefield.

In this regard, there is no shortage of soldiers from the First Army.

The forest is dark and rugged, with bushes and weeds.

In the dark shade of the trees, among the bushes, dense dark green figures are shaking, moving forward steadily.

With the sound of machinery running, multiple sickle mechas emerged from the forest, stepping on the bushes, and advancing in the space under the shade of the trees with the mobilized soldiers.

Looking around, there are shaking figures and huge armored machines everywhere in the gloomy forest.

The forest is no longer peaceful, it has been broken by the arrival of mankind.

At the forefront of the team, the advancing mobilizers were more vigilant, holding large-caliber rifles, and inspecting the dark forest in front of the patrol.

Not long ago, the mobilizers had been informed that the enemy had entered the forest, and an encounter might happen.

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there.

At this moment, under the gloomy tree in front of him, suddenly his figure shook.

A few gray figures were exposed in the eyes of the mobilizers. As a few figures appeared, the forest in front of them suddenly boiled, and countless figures were looming in the forest under the shade of the trees.

"Enemy! Attack!"

With the help of instruments, the mobilizers have a better line of sight, and they are the first to spot the enemy.

A loud roar, through the communicator, passed into the ears of all the mobilized soldiers in the nearby forest.

At that moment, the mobilized soldiers in the forest boiled.

In particular, the mobilizers in front of the team immediately raised their guns, pulled the trigger on the forest in front, and while firing, they approached a big tree as a cover.

"Da da da!"

The unique gunfire sounded intensively in the forest, and a series of fiery red bullet marks formed a scene of metal storm attacking the forest ahead.

"Chih! Chih!"

The bullet shattered the bushes and caused the shaking figure to fall.

The sudden attack seemed to surprise the enemy in the forest ahead, but the riot did not last long. Under the rebuke of the officers, the soldiers of Bentley quickly reacted. Amidst various roars, it began. Counterattack and move forward.

In the exchange of fire between the two sides, intensive gunshots reverberated in this forest. Soon, gunshots rang out in the forest within a few kilometers.

The battle in the forest started...

In the dense rain of bullets, the enemy is advancing, and the troops of the First Army are advancing.

As the two sides approached, the battle became more intense.

Although the space in the dense forest is small, it is very suitable for light armored units such as Sickles.

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