Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 705: withdraw

The forest is the main battlefield of the Sickle.

With the sound of gunshots, the sickle mechas walking in the forest accelerated their pace.

When a scythe mech rushed out of the dim forest amid the harsh mechanical operation, the black hole's multi-barreled muzzle turned and aimed at the enemy under the shade of the trees ahead.

"Om! Om!"

The unique tearing sound suddenly sounded continuously.

The huge sickle mecha spit out three tongues of fire, and the bullets that came out of the chamber formed three long flaming dragons to attack the forest ahead.

The large-caliber bullets and intensive firepower shredded everything blocking.

Even the slightly smaller tree trunk couldn't withstand the impact of bullets, and the sawdust that was hit flew horizontally and snapped.

As the Sickle Mech came to the front, the enemy troops in the forest fell down a large area under the sweep of fire dragons, and their advancing footsteps suddenly let go.

With a scream, the enemy army in the forest ahead showed signs of collapse under the firepower of the sickle mecha.


At this moment, in the shadow of the dark trees, a group of flames suddenly burst out.

In the flickering flames, a huge fiery red bullet cut through the dark space under the forest.

In the whistling sound, it struck a sickle mecha that was strafing.


One of the metal legs of the sickle was hit and an explosion occurred.

The sound of the huge explosion was deafening. In the burst of flames, the metal legs were instantly torn apart, and the explosion was splashed.


One of the fragments happened to hit a mobilizer, and a spark burst out of the solid armor.

The mobilizer that was hit was even more staggered, and was pushed to the ground by the kinetic energy of the fragments.

"Lucky guy! Get up!"

Seeing this, the companion on the side hurriedly pulled him from the ground.

On the mobilized soldiers, the area hit by the fragments was black, and the armor of the power combat uniform was not penetrated.

Very lucky indeed.

There was no hesitation in the battle, and the two immediately continued to move forward, taking advantage of the thick tree trunks to cover, while shooting into the forest ahead.

Not far away, the sickle mecha was paralyzed to the ground.

But it didn't seem to be a major problem. It was just that the mechanical foot was destroyed and lost its ability to move. The main structure was still intact. Even if it fell to the ground, the wheeled heavy machine gun still fired at the forest ahead.

At this time, from the forest in front, more than ten bloated, two-legged enemy armored units rushed out.

The artillery on the bloated body is spitting out flames frantically at the troops of the First Legion.

For a time, with the addition of the enemy's armored units, the enemy's firepower suddenly increased several times, and the formation that had been slightly collapsed was stabilized and continued to advance.

The addition of enemy armored units also greatly increased the pressure on the First Corps fighting in the forest.


Seeing the enemy's armored unit so arrogant, with a loud roar, a mobilizer carried a rocket launcher on his shoulder and aimed it at the enemy's armored unit in the forest ahead.

His roar also awakened the companions who were blocking the shooting angle in front. Several mobilizers in front hurriedly squatted in the bushes and moved away from the shooting angle.

Seeing that the shooting route was unimpeded, the mobilizer with the rocket launcher on his shoulder pressed the trigger.

"call out!"

The flame jet, with a weird whistling sound, the rocket popped out of the chamber, and howled under the gloomy forest, turning into a fiery red trace and attacking the target.

The distance of 100 meters will stop in a short time.


The rocket slammed into the enemy's armored unit.

A violent explosion suddenly sounded, and a fireball suddenly appeared on the body of the enemy armored unit that was hit.

In the bursting flames, the armor was torn apart, and countless metal debris was flying in all directions.

Propelled by the kinetic energy of the explosion, the flying metal debris hit the surrounding enemy like bullets.

Accompanied by a scream, the soldiers around the enemy armored unit suddenly fell down.

When the flame dissipated, the enemy armored unit that was hit was still standing. The bloated body was not completely destroyed, only the barrel was transformed, and the armor on the body was torn several layers.

Losing the ability to attack, the enemy armored unit fled in panic, turned and disappeared in the forest.

The sound of gunshots and cannons, as the two armoured units confronted each other, the gunshots in the forest suddenly became intense.

On the road in the forest, the hammer tank joined the battle as it advanced.

The enemy did not come from the road ahead, but from the forest on both sides of the road.

There are enemy armored units and enemy anti-armor artillery.


A flash of fire suddenly flashed in the gloomy forest beside the road ahead.

A fiery red bullet appeared, tearing through the dark space under the forest, and amidst the whistling sound, it slammed into the front armor of the hammer tank.


The huge explosion sounded deafening, the flame burst, and the surging flame directly enveloped the front half of the hammer tank.

As the flames rose, the smoke disappeared, and the hammer tank hit by the shell was safe, except that the front armor was completely black.

The track was spinning, the engine was still roaring, and the hammer tank continued to advance.

Although the enemy’s artillery fire is intensive, its caliber is limited and its armor penetration capability is insufficient, and it cannot effectively penetrate the frontal armor of the hammer tank.

Nevertheless, since the battle started, several hammer tanks have been damaged on the highway under the attack of enemy fire.

The battle on the road is just an important place for the entire battlefield.

In other places, the fighting is more intense.

On the front line that lasted several miles, in the gloomy forest, the defenders of Amway City were engaged in fierce exchange of fire with the First Army.

The battle had just begun, and the victorious Libra did not fall to any side.

But in the rain of bullets, life after life is fading fast.

In terms of equipment, Bentley’s army is inferior to the First Army. Both sides are not at the same level in terms of protection or firepower.

In the fierce battle, the mobile units of the defenders of Amway City are suffering huge losses.


Two hours later, at about noon, with an order, the army of the First Corps who was fighting with the enemy in Lin Zhong suddenly chose to retreat.

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