Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 706: Repeat

With the retreat of the First Army, the fierce fighting in the forest came to an abrupt end, and the gunfire soon subsided.

The evacuated First Corps erased all traces, took away the sacrificed comrades, and also blew up the damaged Sickle Mecha.

When the evacuation order was issued, the troops of the First Corps broke away from the entanglement with the enemy's army within a few minutes on the front line for several miles.

In the two-hour battle, the First Army only advanced less than one mile.

The enemy has a lot of people, a lot of armored units, and a very high morale. When fighting, it can be said that it is not afraid of death.

Even if the comrades beside him fell one by one, the people who were still alive did not have any thoughts of shrinking.

With the advantage of numbers and firm belief, the defenders of Amway City made it difficult for the troops of the First Army to move.

The First Army retreated...

There was no hesitation when he evacuated, and he retreated across the board and retreated to the camp behind.

When the army returned, the camp suddenly became lively.

It was noon, the logistics staff had already prepared lunch, and the returning soldiers began to take turns to eat in the cafeteria.

The idle soldiers were not idle either. They went to the frontline to replenish their ammunition, while the Sickle and Hammer tanks were parked on the open space on the side of the camp, receiving repairs from engineers, and replenishing fuel and ammunition.

The soldiers who died were concentrated on a clearing in the forest under Natasha's order.

"How much did you lose in this battle?"

In the forest on the side of the camp, in a clearing opened up, watching nuns walk out of the forest, Natasha asked Love beside her.

In the open space, there are rows of soldiers who have died, and there are no less than a hundred soldiers at a glance.

In the helmet, Love looked solemnly, and said solemnly: "In this battle, our 372 soldiers died, 13 sickle mechas were destroyed, and 6 hammer tanks were destroyed!"

The intensity of this battle was not low. 372 soldiers died. This was the biggest loss since the First Army started the war against Bentley.

The biggest one?

How long can this last?

This record may soon be broken, and the battle against Bentley has just begun.

In Love's report, the nuns who appeared in the forest began the "resurrection" ceremony.

With a whisper, the familiar breath of Natasha emerged from the sky, and a black vortex appeared, and a little bit of death force fell from the rotating black vortex, splashing onto the corpse on the ground.

Under the erosion of the power of death, many of the more than 300 corpses began to change.

The power combat uniform on his body gradually turned black, and the firearms in his hands seemed to be melted, changing the structure.

When the power of death enveloping the corpse disappeared, everything was calm again.

After a long time, the body of the black knight who was lying there suddenly moved slightly, and for a moment, the black knight in the corpse stood up one by one.

Being able to resurrect, this is enough to show that they have a desire for life, and this desire allows them to successfully obtain a second extraordinary new life.

"General! When will the offensive be launched again? Since the enemy has the courage to fight our army outside the city wall, don't give them a chance to breathe. If you can eliminate the enemy army outside the city, it will greatly weaken the defense force of Amway City. It can also lower the morale of the enemy!"

Withdrawing his gaze from the nuns, Love asked Natasha next to him.

Looking at the black knight standing upright in the clearing, Natasha didn't give much thought to Love's question, and a cold voice came out from the hood: "After noon, the troops will start their second offensive immediately after finishing up. !"


Natasha's answer was what Love had in mind.

If you don't want this battle to remain deadlocked, one must be absolutely radical, and this radical can only be the First Army.

When the army of the First Legion withdrew from the battlefield, the defenders of Amway City fell into a brief period of loss.

The fighting subsided too suddenly, and the withdrawal of the First Army made them even more at a loss.

Obviously the first army's offensive was so fierce that they would retreat and then retreat, and they would retreat to the first line of defense.

And at this critical moment, the First Army actually withdrew.

Did they win this battle?

No, no, the battle is not over, they know this very well.

They also understood that the evacuated First Army was just repeating the same pattern and preparing for the next more fierce attack.

The forest is dark and bushy.

Not long ago, this was a battlefield, where dense bullets were intertwined, tearing everything obstructing.

On the sturdy tree, there are craters left by Mi, and the bark has been torn, revealing the white inner trunk inside.

And under the gloomy woods, among the bushes, gray corpses were lying horizontally, densely covered, everywhere, and the number of them was innumerable.

The First Legion left, taking away the sacrificed comrades, and the defenders of Amway City, even if the First Legion evacuated, they never thought of bringing their dead comrades back from the battlefield and letting those corpses go to the wilderness.

Maybe it's not that they don't want to, but it's not time to collect the corpses.

In the forest, in addition to the corpses all over, there are piles of metal debris, which are war machines that were destroyed in battle, including the First Corps and the garrison of Amway City.

Occasionally a hint of blue smoke will slowly rise from the metal debris, filling the forest with a fire of gunpowder.

After the troops of the First Army evacuated, during this short respite, when they learned of the loss of the frontline troops, the six ten thousand chiefs of Amway City could not sit still. They came to the wall and fell into a dispute. .

"This won’t work. The loss is too great. In the forest battle just now, our army suffered more than 3,000 casualties and 27 guards. How long did the fighting take? If this continues, we can’t bear such a large amount of soldiers even if we have more soldiers. Consumption!"

On the city wall, six ten thousand chiefs gathered, and one ten thousand chief expressed his worries.

"Yes! Although I don't want to admit it, in terms of weapons and equipment, the army of the First Army greatly surpassed ours. When facing the enemy, our army will be at a disadvantage. It is really unwise. We should pay attention to the garrison of the four lines of defense. Not proactive!"

Another ten thousand chief agreed with the voice.

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