Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 725: Night raid?

The addition of the enemy's armored machinery caused countless fireballs to rise on the front line of the First Army. The "rumbling" explosion sounded continuously, and the enemy's firepower instantly became much stronger.

The appearance of the enemy's armored units was not unresponsive to the First Army. The hammer tanks that had driven out on the highway in the jungle had already left the road, spread to the sides, and pressed against the enemy's position.

The guard on the wall is the most important target of the hammer tank.


While driving, the hammer tank opened fire.

In the burst of flames, the outburst shells attacked the city wall.

Amid the roar of shells, some directly crossed the city wall and flew into the city behind the city, some hit the wall facing the outside, and some directly hit the guard at the top of the wall.

In the bursting flames, multiple fireballs suddenly rose up everywhere on the wall.

In the battle of bullets, the battle is fierce.

The enemy was very tenacious, relying on the front line and relying on the fire support on the city wall, it abruptly blocked the First Legion, making it difficult for the troops of the First Legion to charge, and sacrificing soldiers every moment.

"The enemy's position is strong, and there is a condescending city wall behind. It is not wise to push hard, Sergeant Love! It is recommended to change the siege strategy. If this continues, although we can cause a lot of casualties to the enemy, our casualties are ours. The rate will also be very high, and the enemy’s strength is superior, and wars of attrition should be avoided as much as possible!"

On the edge of the forest, under the shade of the trees, a sergeant chief was suggesting to Love that the situation of the battle outside made the sergeant who made the proposal very worried.

Withdrawing his gaze from the battlefield outside Lin, Love asked the chief sergeant who had made suggestions: "What do you suggest?"

The chief sergeant who made the suggestion said: "We should make good use of our advanced equipment. Our First Corps can handle night battles, but the enemy cannot. Use sharp artillery to bombard enemy positions during the day, making the enemy soldiers mentally exhausted, and use surprise attacks at night. Tactics, at night, the Black Knight can effectively use it!"

In the previous battle, the black knight did not appear. According to the combat strategy, in the final attack on the city wall, it was the time when the black knight was dispatched.

In the helmet, Love looked hesitant.

As a frontline commander, he has the right to change combat strategy.

But he can't make a decision lightly, he must be considerate.

The enemy's stubbornness was indeed unexpected by Love. In the forest battle, the enemy soldiers on the two positions rarely surrendered or retreated, and the battle reached the last moment of their lives.

Even if the army of the First Corps rushed into the position, the enemy soldiers stationed in the position did not choose to surrender, but chose close combat. The outcome is self-evident. The mobilized soldiers have powered combat uniforms, both in terms of strength and protection. Far surpassing the enemy's army, the close bayonet battle was completely one-sided.

So tenacious, in fact, if you think about it carefully, you can guess the reason.

The enemy did not lose hope of winning, because they still had a strong wall, with which it was enough to resist the front of the First Army.

At this time, the sergeant who made the suggestion said again: "Sergeant Love! The battle against Amway City has been going on for too long. The enemy occupies a superior terrain and has a wealth of troops. It can cause a lot of casualties to the enemy and cannot end this battle quickly. If you want to quickly capture Amway City, you must find another way."

The words were paused, and the sergeant continued: "The enemy has gathered so many troops in Amway City. Once Amway City is captured, Bentley’s military strength will be greatly weakened, and there will be a gap in the deployment of troops. Going to Amway City, Bentley will have less time to prepare, and our future battles will be much easier!"

After thinking for a moment, Love no longer hesitated and made a decision.

The chief sergeant who made the proposal was right that the sooner the battle is ended, the more pressure will be relieved for future battles.

As long as Amway City is breached, the subsequent battles in small towns like Amway City will not be a cause for concern. By then, the First Army's pace of occupying Bentley will speed up, and it may be possible to occupy Bentley in a few months. territory.

In the helmet, Love looked slightly upright, and said, "We have to ask the general about this matter. Time is almost up. Let the order go on and withdraw!"


Whether it is a mobilized unit or an armored unit, the ammunition carried is limited. After a certain period of battle, the ammunition will be exhausted. Once the ammunition is exhausted, the battle will of course not continue. We have to evacuate, regroup, and regroup. attack.

With an order, the First Legion on the battlefield suddenly changed.

When ordered from the superior, the offensive on the battlefield of the First Army was suddenly stopped. Whether it was mobilized soldiers, sickle mechas, or hammer tanks, they all began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Not long after, the mobilizers and the sickle mech withdrew back into the forest and left the battlefield.

The hammer tank also drove on the road again amid the roar of "rumbling", followed the road and retreated into the forest.

Seeing that the army of the First Army retreated, both the soldiers on the ground below the city and the soldiers on the city were relieved.

The offensive of the First Army was too fierce. Even if they occupy the advantage of the terrain, they could not take advantage of any advantage, but suffered heavy losses.

The defense line in the forest has been continuously lost. Can relying on the city wall really resist the attack of the First Army?

Looking at the calmed forest, at this moment, many soldiers from the Bentley nation were suspicious of this.

When the army returned to the camp, Love reported to Natasha in the camp in the first time, and by the way proposed a night battle.

In the camp, Love said to the sergeants at all levels: "The battle just now fully demonstrated the advantage of the enemy's high wall. Our siege troops can only effectively kill the enemy's vital forces, but they cannot approach their positions. If it goes down, this battle will become a war of attrition, which is beneficial to the enemy but not to us. Therefore, General, I suggest conducting a surprise attack on the enemy’s position at night. In the night, the actions of the black knight can also be carried out. More concealed!"

Night raid?

In the camp, the sergeants at all levels pondered what Love said.

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