Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 726: denial

A sergeant said: "We have a night vision device, and a surprise attack at night is also possible. However, the darkness is when the polluting beast is active. At this time, a surprise attack on Amway City is carried out. If the battle cannot be ended in a short time, it will It may attract the attention of polluted beasts in the forest. Once it attracts the attention of a certain group of polluted beasts in the forest, the trouble will be big!"

Darkness is dangerous. This is not just the obstruction of sight. The biggest factor is the polluting beast that loves to be active at night.

Although not all polluting beasts like to be active at night, the polluting beasts that like to be active at night are undoubtedly much bigger than those of pollutants.

At this time, another sergeant held a different opinion and said: "After all, Bentley is just a slightly larger island country. If there is really a powerful group of polluting orcs in the forest, they would have been early in the previous battle. Since we landed in Bentley, although some polluting beasts have been found in the forest, most of them are individuals and some timid vegetarian polluting beasts. The threat is not worth mentioning. We have not come close , They have already slipped away. I think night battles are feasible, but the polluting beasts can be ignored."

"The threat of the polluting beast cannot be ignored. We should think of any possibility. In a week, the following troops will arrive. By then, we will have 50,000 troops on the land of Bentley. Once the troops are sufficient, we will be able to Disperse the battle, when the time comes, the progress of the war will speed up. Before the follow-up troops arrive, we don’t need to fight night battles for a little time. You have to understand that once a group of polluting orcs in the forest stares at us because of gunfire , The war against Amway City will be affected, and time will be delayed even more."

A master sergeant spoke out objections.

Opinions are somewhat inconsistent. Some master chiefs believe that it is necessary to conduct night battles to speed up the battle against Amway City, while others believe that fighting at night is too risky and will attract polluting beasts. After all, Amway City is not better than Pali City. There are a large number of enemy troops in Amway City, and it is impossible to end the battle in a short period of time even if the night battle raid.

At night, the longer the fighting time, the more likely it is to attract the attention of the ferocious polluting orcs.

At this time, Love spoke up and said: "All the sergeants have made sense. The threat of polluting beasts in this world cannot be underestimated. I think it is too simple. Although Bentley is an island country, its territory is still vast. In this vast forest, there may be some kind of powerful polluting animal group. It is indeed a bit risky to engage in night battles for a little time."

At the beginning, Love felt that it was a good suggestion to raid Amway City at night, but after hearing the opposition, Love also realized a little.

That is the polluting beast in this world, he is not vigilant enough, and he still doesn't know enough about polluting beasts.

Because he has not participated in large-scale battles against polluting beasts, he has no strong knowledge of polluting beasts.

Although in the data terminal of the First Army Corps, there are records of previous battles against polluting beasts, the information is just information, and no matter how real the video is, it can’t compare to personal experience.

Turning her gaze slightly, Natasha looked at Love and asked, "Regardless of the night battle, how long will it take to capture Amway City?"

When asked by Natasha, Love thought for a moment, and then replied: "It should be possible to attack before the follow-up troops arrive."

After the words were paused, Love explained: "The biggest problem in this battle is the enemy's position outside the city wall. The enemy not only deploys a large number of troops in this position, but can also timely supplement it even if it suffers heavy losses in the battle. Coupled with the condescending firepower on the city wall, our soldiers want to defeat the enemy's defense line with one blow. This is very difficult. If they charge hard, they will become a **** "meat grinder" under the city of Amway. Both sides will suffer heavy losses. Of course, this is not the battle we want. In the battle against Amway City, we can only launch wave after wave of offensive to eliminate the enemy’s vital power and energy. When the enemy loses more than he can The limit of endurance is when we capture Amway City in one fell swoop."

Speaking of this, Love sighed slightly, and said: "If we have an air force, we shouldn't worry about such ancient "wall" defense methods."

Who can say no? In front of air combat units, no matter how tall the city wall is, it is useless, but because of the concentration of personnel, it will be brutally massacred.

Everyone was silent.

Although they all hope that the First Army can obtain space as soon as possible, they also know that air force units are squeamish and expensive. With the current conditions of the First Army, they cannot withstand the economic pressure brought by the Air Force.

A mobilized soldier echoed: “Indeed, for our army, the too big and thick wall is an insurmountable obstacle. We can only proceed step by step and consume the enemy’s strength bit by bit. However, this kind of battle It will cause a lot of pressure on logistics. In the past few days, the battle against the city has consumed a lot of ammunition. Although at sea, there are transport ships continuously transporting materials to the front of Bentley, but once the consumption exceeds the transportation volume, I am afraid we will have to slow down the progress of the war."

"There is no need to worry about ammunition. I checked the consumption of materials not long ago. The materials in the Bally City Supply Station alone are enough to maintain the battle against Amway City. After a few days, the materials in the supply station only consume only 100%. Twenty."

Another sergeant said aloud.

Dispelled everyone's worries about ammunition reserves.

Looking around everyone, Natasha made a decision as everyone watched, saying: "Night combat is not considered for the time being. The combat plan is as usual. The artillery position strengthens the bombing of the enemy's front, shortens the time between bombing waves, and increases The waves of bombing, and the vigilance around the camp must be vigilant. If there is any abnormal movement of polluting beasts in the forest, officers at all levels will immediately mobilize troops to resist.


The sergeants responded in unison.

When the sergeants left the camp, the battle against Amway City fought again soon after.

This time, the "rumbling" explosion sounded more intensely. The shelling position on the camp side strengthened the wave of fire coverage against the enemy position. Even if the frontline soldiers were launching an offensive against the enemy position, they never stopped. They were just the coordinates of the fire coverage. Moved back a little bit to reduce the chance of accidentally hurting a friend.

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