Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 727: Cookie Beast

Facing wave after wave of offensive by the First Army, the defenders of Amway City could only resist tenaciously and resist the attack of the First Army.

The war in Amway City fell into a disadvantage, and in the face of huge losses, the request for assistance had already been sent to Marani City.

But the response was disappointing.

"There is turmoil in the cities, and it takes time to deploy troops. You must be prepared to fight the enemy and defend the enemy and the outside of Amway City."

In a word, in a short period of time, Amway City is unlikely to have reinforcements.

Faced with this answer, the ten thousand captains guarding Anli City were quite disappointed.

The offensive of the First Army is so fierce, without backing up, how can they resist it?

In the western city of Amway, in the outpost behind the city wall.

This was originally the place where the soldiers stationed at the gate of the city lived. Since the battle in Amway City started, it has become a front-line command room.

Amway City is not like Bali City, involving various industries, Amway City only involves one industry, that is, condiments.

Looking behind the outpost, what you can see is not a stretch of grass like the city of Bali, but a large and small factory. In the factory, huge chimneys rise straight from the ground, one after another. One, at a glance, Amway City is like a hedgehog, covered with thorns.

The fighting stopped Amway City’s operations and civilians were ordered to stay at home until the ban was lifted.

This makes the streets in the residential areas of the city empty, like a dead city.

But looking carefully, behind the glass windows on both sides of the street, you can see a few worried faces.

In a room in the outpost, it was used as a temporary command room.

At this moment, in the command room, the six ten thousand chiefs of Amway City gathered together, sitting around a table, worried.

In the command room, neither big nor small, there was silence at some point, and the expressions on the faces of every ten thousand chieftain were lost in thought, thinking about something.

For a long time, one of the ten thousand chiefs looked up at the crowd and said helplessly: "Today's Bentley country is really a mess. There are not only foreign enemies, but also internal strife. The domestic rebels just took their heads at this time. It's hard to see."

Nodding slightly, the other chief general said calmly: "The Resistance Army are all speculators. If they don’t come up at this time, they will have no chance to do it. Okay, let’s not talk about the Resistance. This has nothing to do with us. , Now I still think about how to overcome the current difficulties, right?"

"miss you?"

Another general manager sneered: "What do you think? In just a few days, Amway City has lost one-fifth of its 80,000 troops. That's nearly 20,000 people. That's it. If this continues, we How long can it last? The difference between the strengths of the two sides is too large. If there is no tall city wall, our 80,000 troops is a joke. If you fight head-on, you will probably be defeated in one blow!"

The people fell silent for the slightly ridiculous words of Chief Wan.

This is a fact and they cannot refute it.

Although they have many troops, their weapons are lagging behind. Whether it is the rifle in their hands or the seemingly tall and mighty guards, they are inferior to the enemy's weapons and armored units.

In terms of protection, the enemy's soldiers are fully armed, and their armor is extremely defensive. The rifles in the soldiers' hands are unable to cause effective damage to them. This leads to a large gap between the losses of the two sides.

How big is the ratio?

Although it is impossible to know, on the battlefield outside the city, when the enemy evacuated, not even one corpse was left behind.

What does this show?

It shows that the enemy's loss is extremely low, as low as unimaginable.

A ten thousand captain said solemnly: "We can't go on like this anymore. If we don't have support, we won't be able to defend Amway City even if we don't have support. We must find another way."

Everyone is silent, how? What can they do now?

If there was a way, they would have thought of it a long time ago, how could they hide in the city and let their hands go down and die in vain.

"What method? Evacuate? Where can we evacuate? Violating the order, no matter what the commander will not let me wait, maybe he will be shot to shock the military."

Everyone looked at each other as soon as he said this.

Yes, once evacuated, they will be labelled as a mistake for the country and the people. As officers on the frontline battlefield, their every move is related to the safety of the entire Bentley country.

The end of the private evacuation is frightening to think about.

"No, there is still a way to go..."

Brevo smiled faintly and said confidently.

"any solution?"

Seeing Brevo's self-confident appearance, a captain asked quickly.

Facing the curious eyes of everyone, Brevo said calmly: "Until the above military order is not down, the withdrawal cannot be withdrawn. At this time, if our frontline officers are afraid of death, what hope does Bentley have for victory? It’s not righteous, you should also think about your own life. Withdrawal is death, and you will also carry infamy that cannot be erased in your life. And the strong code has the hope of "life", so everyone still think about how to resist the first The attack of the Legion, other thoughts, it is best not to think about it."

Facing Brevo's words, everyone fell into contemplation again, their expressions changing.

At this time, a ten thousand chief asked: "Then what is your opinion? Can you think of a good way?"

"of course!"

Brevo nodded, knowing it clearly, and said in the eyes of everyone: "As you know, there is a group of polluted beasts named "Cookie" in the forest nearby."

"You mean?"


Brevo said affirmatively.

Brevo pointed to the ceiling and said, "My boss is Captain Messeger. I am very familiar with this land. I know a little bit about the cookie's lair."

With a light smile, Brevo continued: "If cookies can be attracted to the city of Amway, the first legion in the forest outside the city will not feel good. We have high walls that can block cookies outside the city. , And the First Legion doesn’t have it. Although I don’t know where their frontline camp was established, they must not be too far away from Amway City. Once the First Legion fights with Cookie to pollute the brutal nature of the beast, I’m afraid it will die. Although it’s just an extravagant hope to completely annihilate the First Legion, it can at least bring some trouble to the First Legion. If in the battle, the strong smell of blood caused the riots of the polluting beasts in the forest, it would be even more fun. In this case, no matter how strong the First Legion is, it will temporarily avoid the edge of the polluting beast. At that time, the crisis in Amway City will naturally be lifted. Of course, this is only temporary. When the riot of polluting beasts in the forest subsides, first The Legion will still attack Amway City, but by then, Marani City should have already taken action."

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