Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 738: Martial law in the capital

Seeing the arrival of General Natasha, Love, who had been waiting under the stairs, quickly greeted him.

Offering a military salute, Love said: "General! Amway City has been fully controlled, and a patrol team has been dispatched to maintain order. No armed personnel have been found yet."


In response, Natasha stepped forward, leading the sergeants on the stairs, and walked to the end of the stairs, the gate of the city hall.

Love followed closely behind.

As she walked, Natasha asked Love, "How is the capital flow in this city? In terms of business, there is also the treasury of the military government."

Following Natasha, Love replied: "The vault has been found, and it is in the city hall. Because Amway City paid taxes to Marani just a month ago, the coins in the vault are left. Not much. As for the commercial capital flow, after a simple understanding, it is not bad, because Amway City is an industrial city that produces seasonings, and the commercial side is very developed. However, because most of Amway City’s factories are private Yes, the funds for this are in the hands of the merchants in Amway City."


After thinking about it a little, Natasha said: "Don't move the interests of the people for the time being. As long as you control Amway City, the commercial capital flow will enter the pockets of our First Army sooner or later, and you can proceed step by step."

Love nodded and said: "I think so too. If our First Army wants to rule the Bentley country for a long time, it must maintain the stability of human society, and it cannot be too brutal."

The last stairway had already been stepped, and everyone followed Natasha into the city hall with the door open.

Entering the gate, everyone's eyes are greeted by a hall.

The layout of the hall is a bit simple, it looks very empty, it looks like a slightly simple reception hall.

In the lobby, there are many positions, in those positions, you can see some civilian staff.

To the soldiers of the First Legion standing guard in the hall, they seemed very scared, and they didn't know what to do in their posts.

Walking in the hall, Natasha said to Love beside her: "Can the mayor of Amway City be there?"

Love shook his head and said: "I have already run away, and left Amway City with the evacuated defenders."

Ran away?

It seems that the mayor of Amway City is still a bit sturdy and unwilling to serve the enemy.

But what is the point of leaving with the evacuated defenders?

Once the First Legion and the Resistance have reached an agreement, the defenders he followed will be transformed into friendly troops of the First Legion. Then, where can he go?

"Just find someone to take his place! We will stay here for a long time, this industrial city, we can't let it go into ruin and resume operation as soon as possible."


Under the guidance of Love, Natasha and the sergeants entered a conference room on the second floor.

The originally empty conference room, with the arrival of Natasha, once again demonstrated its role.

When the sergeants took their seats one by one, Natasha, who was sitting in the main seat, said to everyone: "The control of a city is not a simple matter. The civil affairs are temporarily handed over to the civilian officials in the city hall. The previous system of the military government temporarily Don’t break it, wait for the war to end, and then deal with the political system. Now your task is to maintain law and order in Amway City. After you go down, you will divide your own areas of responsibility."


Everyone responded in unison.

"General Natasha!"

At this moment, Love suddenly shouted, and he seemed to have something to say.

Natasha looked at Love in her hood, and said, "What's the matter? Say!"

Love said: "Although Amway City is an industrial city, its raw materials for the production of goods come from all cities in Bentley. It is now in a war period. Once the spare raw materials are used up, the factories in the city will stop operating. Moreover, the transportation of goods requires a smooth route. Whether it is foreign trade or domestic sales, it will pass through the city of Marani. Now the city of Marani is still under the control of the military government. Before the end of the Bentley war, this city of industry is probably It can only be stopped."

Natasha was silent, but she ignored this easy thing.

That's right, before the First Army did not control the entire territory of Bentley, Amway City could not function at all.

Now, it can only let the city remain silent.

Looking up slightly, Natasha looked at Love and said: "The conditions are not allowed, let's talk about this later!"

"Yes! I understand!"

Love nodded and responded.

Withdrawing her gaze from Love, Natasha looked around at everyone, and said, "Go! Before the battle comes again, the sergeants at all levels must do their job!"


Everyone responded in unison.

Get up!

A military salute was raised to Natasha who was sitting on the main seat, and the sergeants walked outside the meeting room.

With the departure of the sergeants, only Natasha remained in the huge meeting room.

Sitting on the main seat, Natasha looked thoughtful, and she thought a lot at the moment.

Thinking of Amway City, thinking of the Resistance Army, thinking of the entire Bentley Country, and the owner.

The owner should be returning to Nanlin Island soon.

In her heart, Natasha muttered to herself.

Counting the days, there have been many days since the master left.


Amway City has fallen, and the cause of the fall is unknown.

The rebels are very clever. When they countered the defenders in Amway, Marani lost contact with the frontline battlefield.

In the intention of the rebels, major cities across the country have received news of the fall of Amway City.

Under the intentional guidance of the rebels, the military government of Bentley is losing public opinion.

The sword of Dalmos hanging over civilians is falling towards the military government.

The fall of Amway City shocked countless people, and a storm is slowly sweeping the entire Bentley Country.

In the three major cities, the people were panicked by the news of the fall of Anli City, and the military governments of the three places were also tightening martial law on their respective capitals.

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