Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 739: The last residual temperature

Marani city.

In a villa on a small hill in the outskirts.

"Instructor! Evacuate quickly. The military government is crazy. They are arresting people everywhere in the city. If we don't leave, we will not be able to leave. Now our forces are scattered in all cities across the country. In Marani, we don’t have any. Ability to protect the safety of the instructor."

In the study on the second floor of the villa, Pelos in a gray robe was persuading the figure behind the table.

Now the sky in Marani City has changed. In order to catch the rebels in the city, Captain Messegh has issued another order to kill the mistakes and never let go. Once suspected, it is very likely that he will be in a different place. .

In this situation, staying in Marani is too dangerous.

It is precisely because of this that Pelos, who was busy in his busy schedule, rushed back to the villa to persuade the instructor to leave.

Lockes smiled indifferently to Pelos' nervous expression, as if he didn't care about the dangerous situation now.

Looking at Pelos, Locks shook his head and said: "Pelos! You know, I can't leave. Once I leave, I will take the identity of the rebels. Once the identity of the rebels is confirmed, what will happen next? You should know."

With a dismissive smile, Lockes said tauntingly: "The military government will slaughter, in order to rest assured that they will not let go of any official members of the Huixing Chamber of Commerce. In the three capitals, the family members of the Huixing Chamber of Commerce Being completely uncovered, tens of thousands of people will die because of me, you say, can I leave?"


Pelos hesitated.

The city of Marani today is too dangerous. Once someone suspects the instructor, everything is going to play.

At that time, Huixing Chamber of Commerce will be eradicated, and even the instructor will be in danger.

"No but!"

Lockes looked solemnly and continued: "I must stay. My identity is in the Resistance Army. No one knows except for the three of you. Do you think Lylos and Orino will betray the Resistance Army?"

Pelos shook his head and said without a doubt: "Of course not!"

His expression was slightly relaxed, Locks smiled and said: "Since I won't, then my identity will never be exposed. If there is no danger of exposure, I can't leave. Even if I leave, I will have to know the situation of Chief Masseg. Leave, otherwise, Huixing Chamber of Commerce will be in danger."

Seeing the instructor's determined look, Pelos sighed helplessly.

He knew that the instructor would not leave, and the Huixing Chamber of Commerce had a big business and couldn't just be buried in the hands of the military government.

Pelos said: "Since the instructor has made a decision, I won't persuade me anymore. After this time, I will leave Marani City. The next time I meet, I am afraid it will be time for Bentley to fall."

Nodding lightly, Lockes said: "The strategic plan after the Resistance Army can only rely on the three of you. Since you have decided to give it a go, do it boldly, and let the Resistance Army use the last remaining warmth."

Looking at the instructor unexpectedly, Pelos asked: "Instructor! Could it be that Lilos has sent good news?"

Lockes nodded and said: "Yes, Lilos contacted me soon. The First Army accepted our compromise, and I agreed to their additional conditions. At this time, the First Army should have already contacted me. We reached an agreement."

The contact with Lylos was yesterday, one day has passed, and the agreement should have been completed.

"Specific matters, let's talk in detail when the three of you meet. By then, you will know the content of the agreement."

Pelos nodded and said: "Understood!"

Looking slightly, Lelos looked at the courtyard outside the window.

The forests near and the cities far away are all in sight.

It is very peaceful here, away from the noise of the city, allowing people to feel the freshness of nature up close.

It is unknown whether the danger will come, at this point Lockes has no confidence in his heart.

Who can know the unknown in advance, there is no impermeable wall in the world, no matter how thorough the identity is hidden, there is also the danger of exposure.

But Lockes does not regret his decision.

Withdrawing his gaze from the window, Lockes looked at Pelos in silence and said, "Don’t contact me anymore, and don’t send anyone to contact me. From then on, I am no longer an instructor, but the president of the Huixing Chamber of Commerce. And the Resistance..."

In his heart, Kloss sighed deeply and said: "After the war, it shouldn't exist anymore! My mission is over. What kind of destiny the Bentley Congress will usher in can only depend on those aspiring people. tried."

Nodded silently.

Clenching a fist with his right hand, placing his chest, and bending slightly, Pelos gave Lockes a chest-covering ceremony.

In the farewell with Locks nodding slightly, Pelos silently turned and left.

In the light step, Pelos' figure disappeared behind the door.

When Pelos' figure disappeared, Lockes, who was sitting behind the table, took a deep breath.

Loose stretched his body backwards and rubbed his forehead.

In the past few days, Bentley's national situation has changed so fast that he hadn't expected it. As the instructor of the Resistance, he didn't worry less.


The movement of rubbing his forehead stopped abruptly, Locks put down his hand and stared at the landline on the table in a daze.

Many, many years ago, there was no resistance in Bentley.

The so-called freedom, fairness, this belief, Lockes does not understand.

The only thing he knew was that the one who wanted to change Bentley, completely changed.

Under the sign of that person, he started from scratch and established a rebel army belonging to the Bentley nation, fighting for freedom and fairness, and fighting to subvert the military government.

Now, his task is completed. Although it is impossible to talk about success and retirement, at least because of him, Bentley has obtained an opportunity for change. Whether this opportunity is good or bad is not known, but at least Bentley has one Opportunity for change.

In a moment of hesitation, Locks picked up the phone on the desk and broadcasted a number that had been hidden in his heart.

The microphone was placed next to his ear, and after listening to the beeping sound in the microphone, Lockes suddenly became a little nervous.

At this moment, a strange sound appeared in the microphone, and then a sound appeared.

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