Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 740: Massegg's anger


The voice was a little questionable, but it was full of magnetism. From the voice, one could tell that the age on the other side was not much different from Lockes.

With a slight expression, Lockes said: "Yes, it's me!"

"I haven't contacted for a long time, this time you contacted me, there should be good news!"

good news?

Lockes dared not confirm this, he didn't know whether his choice would satisfy him.

After hesitating for a moment, Lockes, who was hesitant, said truthfully: "Maybe it is! The opportunity to change the Bentley country has arrived, and the Rebels and the First Army have reached an agreement."

Because of this, the other side of the phone remained silent for a while.

After a long time, after Lockes was waiting, his voice rang again: "Really, maybe your approach is right, but Lockes, what I want is to change the Bentley country, not make this country disappear."

He denied it. To this, Lockes looked indifferent and slowly said: "I know, but I have no choice, and this country has no chance to choose. You are for the "country" and I am for the "people". If Bentley had a little possibility, I would not choose this path now, but from Bentley, I don’t see any hope, I can only let it fall and wait for its rebirth, Masco! As you For many years of friends, whether for private or public, I hope you can learn to compromise and take a step back. With your talents, you may be able to make great achievements in the future."

The other side of the phone fell silent again.

After a long time, the voice rang: "Maybe you are right, I will consider what you said, and let time prove everything. If it is the point where things cannot be done, I will give up and compromise."

After speaking, the voice on the phone fell silent.

The "beep" sound sounded again.

Hearing this, Lockes sighed in relief.

He immediately put down the phone in his hand and returned it to its original position.

Sitting in the seat, Lockes was in a daze, he thought of Masco.

Although he is one of the three rulers of Bentley, Masco is not satisfied with the status quo of the three-part system of Bentley. Masco's ideal is to unify the entire Bentley country and occupy a place among the world's major powers.

But reality destroyed his ideals, he could not, and did not have the ability to change the status quo of Bentley.

Therefore, Masco thought of the Rebels and wanted to change Bentley through his thoughts. It is precisely because of Masco that the Rebels appeared in Bentley.

If Masco is not one of the three commanders of Bentley, Lockes understands that the position of instructor belongs to Masco, and no one can change this.

"Let time prove everything?"

Lockes muttered to himself, and shook his head helplessly.

After all, he still has a "hope" for Bentley, and this hope makes him intend to persist until the end.

As he said, let time prove everything.

The fall of Amway City surprised many people and affected the life trajectory of many people.

But for Marani City’s army commander Masegh, the only thing left for him today is anger.

Two days have passed since Amway City fell.

A meeting to vent the anger was just enough.

Early in the morning, all the captains and senior officials in Marani City gathered together to participate in a meeting temporarily called by Captain Messeg in the military government.

Under the soft lighting, the huge office was crowded with people, both in the main seat and the deputy seat.

At a glance, there were no fewer than a hundred people in the huge conference room.

The crowded figure made the meeting room look like steaming.

Although there are many people, the huge conference room is silent, and there is no even a whisper.

The biggest source of this phenomenon is Messegh sitting on the main seat.

He was dressed in a gorgeous gray military uniform, and his face that had suffered from vicissitudes of life was gloomy, and at the first glance, he could feel the suppressed anger in his heart.

At this time, no one dared to offend the angry Messeg.

In the gaze of many eyes, Messeg raised his head, looked around at all the people in the conference room, speaking slightly, and said with excitement: "At the crisis of Bentley, the rebel army betrayed his country. This Waiting for the traitors to talk about freedom and fairness is ridiculous!"

"and also!"

Speaking of this, Messeg became angry and said angrily: "Some soldiers are greedy for life and fear of death, and their behavior is angry. For many years, they have been trained by the military government to hold high positions and enjoy the glory and wealth. In the end, they still have nothing. The hesitant betrayal is simply a white-eyed wolf. I don’t know what benefits the rebels have given them so that they can betray the country without hesitation. I am here to tell you clearly that I will not let them live well for the mutineers. They Must be severely punished."

Angry voices echoed in the conference room, which left many people silent and solemn.

The fall of Amway City has had too great an impact. People's support is one aspect, and more importantly, the loss of troops.

There were more than 80,000 people, and they were so simply out of the control of the military government.

This is undoubtedly an absolute blow to Marani City.

Today, Marani City has not many troops available.

Even if the troops were recalled from those small cities, the entire Marani city's defenders would only be 60,000.

Although the force of 60,000 troops is quite a lot, for the huge city of Marani, neither can stand on two walls.

At this time, a senior official mustered up the courage and said: "My Lord Commander! Now that the rebels treason, under the instigation of the rebels, the people in the small towns outside the capital are panicked, fearing that they will be instigated by the rebels. The rebels are very active in the small city and they act frequently. This is very likely."

As soon as the words fell, an official retorted: "Now the troops stationed in the small cities have been withdrawn to Marani, even if we know that the Resistance will take action, what can we do? Can we still send troops to suppress it? The army sent to suppress it might be instigated by the rebel army halfway through."

Perhaps the officials who spoke were not malicious, but this sentence undoubtedly caused a lot of people's discomfort.

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