Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 741: debate

A captain wearing a gray military uniform immediately asked: "What do you mean? Do all our captains have the meaning of treason? If so, you think you still have the opportunity to participate in this event today. meeting?"

Facing the staring gazes of the ten thousand chiefs, the talking senior officials shrank their necks, smiled and stopped speaking.

He didn't have any bad intentions, just a quick talk.

Since you are wrong, the best thing to do is to keep your mouth shut, or else you will probably get angry.

Messeg waved his hand to prevent the conflict between civilian and military officials. He said solemnly: "Now the situation is not good for us, so I can only retreat to the capital and watch the changes. As for those small cities, aren't there some soldiers in those cities? I don't believe it, all mayors are greedy for life and fear of death."

Everyone was silent, the situation of Bentley was so bad that the military government could only be shrunk in the capital.

How long is this?

How long has it been since the invasion of the First Army?

In such a short period of time, their military government was completely at a passive disadvantage.

At this time, an official suggested: "Your Excellency Commander! This situation is not the way to continue. Now that the rebel forces are all over the territory, it is not the way to let them continue to wantonly. Should you consider seeking help from external forces?"

Help from external forces?

Everyone looked at each other?

Where are their external forces?

Although Bentley is prosperous in maritime trade, it has not lost contact with the outside world. The airport in Marani City is the biggest proof.

However, due to the chaotic political system of Bentley, there is no necessary exchanges with other countries. There is no foreign embassy in Bentley.

Even if they want to ask for help from external forces, they don't know who to turn to.

Moreover, who would offend the powerful First Army for the Bentley country?

Messeger was very interested in this suggestion. He said to the official who made the suggestion: "What is your opinion?"

In response to Messeg's unexpected inquiry, the official who made the suggestion was slightly taken aback.

He just said it casually, but he didn't expect Captain Message to be really interested in his suggestions.

This is how to do?

He never thought about which country he could seek help from.


While he was thinking, he brightened his eyes and quickly said: "My Lord Commander! We can send people to ASEAN for help. The first legion’s trip to Yelin Island is said to offend not only Commander Genov, but also a certain ASEAN member. Congressman, as long as you find that Congressman, maybe this will be the case. Even if ASEAN can’t cross the First Army’s maritime defenses, it can still cause some trouble for the First Army at the rear of the First Army. As far as I know, The base camp of the First Army is in Nanlin Island, and this place is very close to ASEAN. It is almost within reach. It is easy for ASEAN to find the First Army in trouble. When contacting ASEAN, we can do both preparations. At the same time, people were sent to seek help from the nearest island countries in the southwest."

"It's okay to ask ASEAN for help, but the island countries in the southwest are forgotten. If there is no strong maritime power, it will not be able to help our Bentley country. According to me, we should go to the Heroes Association. They don't always love it Nosy, our Bentley country was invaded by the First Legion. Is this a dispute between humans? If it is, they are obliged to help us through this difficulty."

A ten thousand chief retorted, and put forward his own opinion.

"Obligation? Do you really think that the Association of Heroes will participate in this war for no reason? If they don't have the benefits they want, they will just watch with cold eyes. Don't forget that behind those heroes are the powerful nations and their The interests are the interests of those countries. Unless we, Bentley, are willing to pay the interests that make the Heroes Association heart-wrenching, there is absolutely no possibility of this.

Faced with the topic of seeking help from external forces, the conference room was caught up in controversy.

The intensity of the debate made the huge conference room noisy.

"Okay! Quiet!"

Seeing the controversy intensified, Messeg stopped loudly and ended the noisy controversy.

When the meeting room was completely calm, he looked around and said in a deep voice: "ASEAN, a country full of slaves, dealing with them is undoubtedly working with wolves, and if we want to drive this wolf, we need to pay a high price. Because they are wolves, even if we pay the price, they will not necessarily help us. Therefore, when we ask for help from ASEAN, we will stop discussing this matter."

"As for the Association of Heroes..."

After thinking about it for a while, Messeg said: "What is the most valuable thing in our Bentley country? Of course it is the original crystal mine. If a few original crystal mines can solve this crisis in our Bentley country, the price is still acceptable. , This proposal is very good. After the event, I will discuss with the three army commanders. Once approved, we will send people to contact the Heroes Association and wait for our good news."

Heroes' Association?

Everyone looked at each other, is it really useful to ask for help from the Heroes Association?

Although they all know that all the heroes in the Heroes Association are inhuman, but Bentley is facing a war. Can only those heroes really quell this war?

Some people expressed hope that the Heroes Association could really solve the crisis in Bentley.

And some people disagree. If the Association of Heroes really has that ability, there would be no war between human beings.

But everyone also knows that in the current situation, they don't have much choice.

Human society operates under interests, and there are as many disputes as there are interests.

Whether it's the invasion of Bentley by the First Army or the reconciliation of the Heroes' Association, everything comes from profit.

But at some point, once you give up your own interests, you will eventually find that you have been spied by the pack of wolves.

Asking for help from external forces is the only hope of the military government of Bentley, but it may be the last despair of being broken.

Where is Bentley’s destiny? At this moment, it is blurred. No one knows what kind of future is waiting for Bentley.

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