Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 743: The pet that surprised Sakiya

However, the anomaly suddenly discovered from Wendy made Sakiya pause.

The gaze in the hood scanned Wendy's whole body, and Sakiya was confused.

Then it seemed to think of something, Sakiya's expression moved slightly, and his eyes flickered.

Seeing General Sakiya refused to leave in front of her, Wendy asked suspiciously, "What else is there? General!"


Putting away the thoughts in his heart, taking a step forward, Sakiya walked past Wendy and quickly walked towards the pavilion.

Looking back at the departing Saya, Wendy entered the elevator with doubts on her face.

Although the expression on General Sakiya's face was not visible under the hood, Wendy felt a very clear mood swing in General Sakiya.

Why is this?

What caused General Sakiya's mood swings?

With doubts, Wendy's figure disappeared in the elevator.

"what is this?"

When passing by the swimming pool, an accident in the pool caught Saya's attention.

Sakiya also stopped.

Looking at the figure lying by the pool, Saya's expression was stunned in his hood.

Is this a mermaid?

The legendary mermaid?

The upper body is a human body, and the lower body is a fish tail. In Sakiya's cognition, this creature is a legendary existence, something that only appears in novels and movies.

However, today, she saw a mermaid with her own eyes.

From the outside, she is indeed beautiful, and she can be called a mermaid.

Sakuya was a little puzzled, how did His Royal Highness get her and actually got a mermaid?

Sakiya stopped, and Kleilia noticed such a passerby staring at her.

The two of them stared with small eyes, both curious about each other's identity.

"Hmph, it must be that human being again!"

Kleilia, who thought so, gave a fierce glance at her invisible figure not far away. With her slender fish tail swaying lightly, she dived into the water, leaving only the wavy splashes for Sakuya.

Looking at the figure swimming in the water again, Sakiya left with doubts.

Mermaid, no matter what, Sakiya couldn't figure out that this world would really have such creatures.

It seems that your Highness has encountered many things during this trip to Bentley.

"Oh! Sakuya is here!"

Seeing the figure entering the pavilion, Li Meng's eyes lit up.

Entering the pavilion, Sakuya took off the hood on his head, and the white and silver hair was exposed to the air, as well as the white face.

"Your Highness!"

In front of Li Meng, Sakuya knelt on the ground in the middle of the night and called softly.

"sit down!"

Li Meng waved to the stone bench by the round table.

Getting up, Sakiya sat down on the stone bench.

Facing Li Meng with a white face, Sakiya whispered softly: "His Royal Highness's trip to Bentley seems to have been very rewarding."

Li Meng couldn't comment on this, and said with a chuckle: "Forget it! The biggest gain should be the mermaid in the pool, well, a very precious pet."


Sakuya suddenly, a precious mermaid, is worthy of the identity of His Highness.

Looking at Sakuya who was sitting upright, Li Meng said softly: "You have been back for a long time! What is the situation in ASEAN?"

Sakuya shook his head, and said, "There is no action for the time being, everything is normal, and there is no military change."


Li Meng was a little surprised, and said: "It seems that ASEAN, a country full of slaves, has a low regard for family affection. That's good, so that they won't trouble us in the rear."

The slave merchant was the brother of a certain member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. His brother was killed by the First Army. That member did not act. What does this mean?

It shows that the congressman didn't care about his brother's death.

If you care, it is impossible for ASEAN to remain silent.

"What major event has happened in Qingcheng recently?"

Li Meng asked Sakuya.

After thinking about it, Sakuya opened her mouth slightly, looked at His Royal Highness, and said softly: "No, everything is as usual. What major events are going to be said. Not long ago, there was a public execution that killed several people who had made money and killed them."

"The murderer?"

Li Meng became interested in this matter.

In Qingcheng, the First Army implemented a legal system, and penalties for violations of the law were very strict.

The punishment for harming lives is even more important, and severe cases may even be sentenced to shooting.

Once sentenced to death, it shows that the crime is serious.

"Tell me, what is going on?"

Facing the gaze of His Highness's probing eyes, Sakuya replied: "The process of the matter is very simple. On the return journey, a businessman who was out for business was recruited by sailors to kill him. They thought they were foolproof, but they were caught by the security team. After discovering the tricks, after obtaining clear evidence, the security team sentenced the participants to the death penalty in accordance with the law."

It turned out to be like this, Li Meng knew it.

"People's selfish desires are really terrible. Faced with the temptation of money, they often embark on the path of crime."

In his heart, Li Meng could not help but sighed secretly.

"The security team did a good job!"

Li Meng praised the security team.

Being able to solve a murder case shows that there are still some talents in the security team.

Sakiya didn't think so at this point, and said coldly: "This is what they should do. If they can't even see such an obvious murder, there is no need for the security team."

Li Meng smiled and did not refute Sakiya's words.

Everyone’s views are different, and they have different requirements for certain things.

And Sakuya's request is undoubtedly extremely high.

Looking at Sakuya, Li Meng said, "Since everything is business as usual in ASEAN, come back to the temple with me later."

Sakiya did not refuse the request of His Highness, and nodded softly.

In fact, as generals, they don't need to do everything themselves, as long as a word, the following officers will execute it.

It's just the habit of being soldiers, let them stick to their posts instinctively.

This military habit is most obvious in Tan Ya and Natasha.

If it is Tan Ya or Natasha here, Li Meng knows very well that there is a half chance that the two will definitely refuse.

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